
Chapter 88

Chapter 88 This is a huge market

  Fuller Wine's office in Yangcheng is also the sales store of Fuller Wine.

   "Boss, this store belongs to Yangcheng Food Company. They don't need it, so we rent it out. We use the front as a storefront and the back as a warehouse."

   "There is still a lot of wine that has not been sold!" Han Songlin looked at the neatly stacked liquor in the warehouse behind. These wines were brought from Shuchuan, and the freight alone cost a lot of money!

  Now there is no high speed, and the train skin is quite tense.

   Therefore, trucks are generally used for transportation.

   Truck transportation has always been a very dangerous thing.

   Nowadays, stealing gasoline from trucks is rare.

  After all, the current gasoline price is not too high.

  But in some places, people really rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to drink water, and rely on roads next to roads.

  Road Hog is a legend in later generations, but it really exists now.

  So the freight cost is particularly high now.

  Han Songlin has nothing to do about this, because the whole country is like this.

  Why did Huaguo install cameras everywhere later?

   To put it bluntly, people who have experienced this era don't want to experience it again.

  Zhang Xin and Yuan Bin were afraid that Han Songlin would say this. To be honest, they didn't say anything during this period of time.

  They are also actively running sales.

   Otherwise, how did the sales of several million in October come out.

   Moreover, they couldn't help but not care, the sales commission is too high.

  Selling a bottle, 70 yuan belongs to Fuller Liquor, and the rest of the money is naturally not all sold, it doesn't make sense.

   A bottle of wine can earn a few dollars, and a dozen dollars is not a problem.

   As for how to sell, Fuller Wine doesn't care.

   "Now, all the people in Yangcheng are here?"

  Yuan Bin: "Two more have been sold, and they haven't come back yet!"

  Han Songlin looked at several people in the store, and some didn't know what to say.

   "Recruit people from the outside world. In addition, arrange for them to live first. They will also come to Yangcheng to help in the future!"

  Speaking, Han Songlin couldn't help looking at Liu Yi, it was very strange, other people came to Yangcheng with big bags and small bags, and I was afraid that they would have to buy things again after they arrived.

  But Liu Yi didn't bring anything other than a canvas bag.

   "Do you have a place to live?"

   "Oh, I live with my senior sister!"

Han Songlin nodded: "Okay, if you are interested in selling liquor, just come. Let me tell you about our principle. The selling price of our liquor is 126, and the ex-factory price is 70. That is to say, there is 56 in the middle. The bucks are the sales. The more you sell, the more sales you get."

   "Is it a bottle of wine?"

   "Yes, a bottle of wine!"

  Liu Yixin did some calculations in her heart. Ten bottles of wine cost 560, and 100 bottles cost 5600!

   What if it sells 10,000 bottles?

   Five hundred and sixty thousand!

  Accounts cannot be calculated like this, of course, unless you sell the wine directly to consumers. But, is this possible?

  Liu Yi finally stayed, and Han Songlin didn't care about it.

   Let's see what she is capable of first.

  Han Songlin went to find a hotel to live in, and the price was quite expensive, one hundred and sixty for one night.

  One hundred and sixteen, it sounds not expensive, but you have to consider that it is now 1993!

   On the second day, Han Songlin started his official work and took Zhang Xin to visit supermarkets, department stores, tobacco shops, etc. in Yangcheng City.

  Is there a supermarket in Yangcheng now?


   It's just not mainstream yet.

   These are all things that Zhang Xin and the others have discussed before, some of them have cooperated, and some have not.

  Han Songlin is mainly a courtesy call.

   For those who did not cooperate, Han Songlin also went to see if they could cooperate.

   Of course, it is very important to deal with these distributors, and it is also very important to let consumers know about Jinliufu wine.

   Advertising is naturally the most direct way.

   Now there are advertisements on the bus body.

  Han Songlin found a bus company, or even a taxi company, to put up an advertisement for Jinliufu wine.

   Not only posted on the outside of the car, Han Songlin also made a public welfare poster with a public welfare slogan written on it, but this picture is a picture of Jinliufu wine.

  Zhang Xin and the others also suggested posting the poster in the toilet so that people who go to the toilet can see it.

   Han Songlin directly rejected him and even scolded him.

   Just kidding, this is a high-end wine brand, you can clean it in the toilet.

  The toilets are not working, but the station is still available.

   Now as long as you give money, many things are not so difficult.

  Also, Han Songlin found a specialized advertising company that looked formal, professional, and relatively large.

  Han Songlin is looking for Xiangjiang stars to endorse Jin Liufu's advertisement.

  Of course the first choice is Andy Lau.

  Han Songlin contacted Andy Lau through personal contact, and faced the tens of millions of endorsement fees offered by Han Songlin; Liu Dehua naturally had no reason to refuse.

   To be honest, the price is really high.

  Actually, Han Songlin didn't think he was tall, because Andy Lau was not only well-known in mainland China, but also in Xiangjiang, Haojing, Baodao, Southeast Asia, island countries and other places.

  White wine can also be exported?

  Of course you can.

  Where there are Chinese people, how could there be no liquor.

  Of course, it is too far to think about these now.

  Anyway, now Han Songlin is thinking about how to increase the brand awareness of Jinliufu Liquor.

  As long as the popularity is high, it will naturally be able to promote sales very well.

  In this advertisement, Han Songlin changed the advertising words of Jinliufu Liquor: To those of us who are unwilling to be ordinary, Jinliufu Liquor!

  Of course, because the Spring Festival is coming, we also filmed a special edition advertisement for the Spring Festival.

   This is going to be broadcast on CCTV, and all David TVs, of course, have to broadcast it.

   In addition, I also shot a lot of print advertisements.

   To be honest, was Han Songlin excited when he saw Andy Lau?

   I didn't think so, because Han Songlin is not a star chaser at all; but in his heart, Han Songlin still admires Andy Lau.

   This person is still good.

  After shooting the commercial, Andy Lau hurried back to Xiangjiang.

   As one of the hottest male stars in Xiangjiang right now, it is a bit proud to say that he is the hottest person.

  In normal times, Andy Lau has a lot of film contracts, all of which require him to do things.

  So Han Songlin didn't keep him.

  The print advertisement of Andy Lau holding Jinliufu wine will soon be launched on the bus.

  Yangcheng can receive programs from Xiangjiang, so they are no strangers to Xiangjiang stars.

  The sales of Jinliufu Liquor in Yangcheng have increased rapidly and can be seen with the naked eye.

  Han Songlin was heading to the capital by plane at this time.

  Because, as the boss of Shuchuan Fule, Han Songlin had to go to the capital for a meeting.

  About next year's professional league.

  To be honest, Han Songlin didn't really want to come. Investing in football is just a leisure move for Han Songlin, and he doesn't want to waste too much energy on it.

  Go home and stay with Liu Yuyan, okay?

  (end of this chapter)