
Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Emboldened

  Liu Yuyan glanced at Zhang Mingfeng, the little girl is staring at the TV right now! Basically, the TV is turned on in the morning and turned off in the evening!

  Power consumption?

   Who cares about this electricity.

  In the new store, Han Songlin also prepared a TV, and also turned on the CCTV.

  According to Han Songlin, the shop assistants would rather watch TV in the store than let them run out to play.

  Liu Yuyan thought about it carefully, Han Songlin was right!

  In the store, it is always impossible to say that no one is wrong.

  In the new store, there is also a rice cooker, so you can simply cook something to eat.

   "How did you talk to Brother Qing?"

  Han Songlin sat down on the reclining chair, and said, "With me in charge, can it still be worse? Don't worry, there is no problem."

   Liu Yuyan saw Han Songlin's casual appearance, and there was an enamel teacup next to it, which was quite similar to the old landlord and rich man on the TV.

   "Then when shall we go to Yanghe?"

   "Don't panic, I haven't finalized the store yet!"

   In two days, Han Songlin was going to visit the city.

  Jiangzhong City and Yanghe County are connected by a river.

  Han Songlin is not going to talk about taking a boat or something, it's better to ride a bicycle than to take a boat!

  Han Songlin has been to Jiangzhong City many times, but every time he passed by in a hurry.

   Now Jiangzhong City is called the third child in Shuchuan.

  Shuchuan prefecture-level cities will be divided too much in the future, and then the economy of each city will be a fraction compared to that of Rongcheng.

  The current third child will be dismantled in the future.

   "Didn't you say that you have seen several stores?"

   "I think it's useless, I have to sell the store to me!" Han Songlin scratched Liu Yuyan's nose, causing Liu Yuyan to snort softly.

  Han Songlin likes to touch him, Liu Yuyan is used to it; even, there is a little joy in his heart.

   Doesn't this justify his obsession with himself?

   Two days later, Han Songlin was busy stewing meat when he heard the phone ring. After three rings, Zhang Mingfeng quickly picked it up.

   "Hi, hello, this is Han's Lo Mei, how can I help you!"

   "Hello, I'm looking for Han Songlin!"

  Zhang Mingfeng: "Okay, please wait a moment!"

   Both Han Songlin and Liu Yuyan watched Zhang Mingfeng answer the phone; the opening remarks after answering the phone were stipulated by Han Songlin.

  Zhang Mingfeng covered the microphone and said to Han Songlin, "Boss, I'm looking for you!"

  Han Songlin answered the phone: "Hi, hello, I'm Han Songlin!"

   "Hello, I'm Zhang Shufang, we met the day before yesterday!"

  Han Songlin naturally remembered: "Oh, it's Ms. Zhang, how are you doing, how are you thinking?"

   "70,000 yuan, I will sell the shop to you!"

   "Ms. Zhang, you're joking! The price of the store in Yanghe is only over 400 square meters, and your store is only 120 square meters at most, which is a bit expensive!"

   "Zhang Shufang, do you want to ask for a price, and if people don't buy it, they won't pay you back?"

   "Yes, my store is worth 70,000."

  Han Songlin listened quietly without speaking; it seems that the creditors have come to him!

   "Hey, Ms. Zhang, let's be honest. For 60,000 yuan, I can go to Yanghe to sign a contract with you and transfer the ownership! You can think about it for a while, and then call me if you can, okay?"

   After finishing speaking, Han Songlin just hung up the phone.

  After hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of Han Songlin's mouth. If there is no accident, there should be no problem.

  The first store in Yanghe is ready to buy.

  After the battle, Han Songlin was thoughtful again; would it be too bad for him to do this?

  The last time Han Songlin deliberately called Yang Shufen when he left when he said loudly that he wanted to sell the store, so why not remind those creditors!

  Since you want to go out to avoid debts, it means you owe a lot of money.

  And the person who is owed money is not that kind of serious person.

  The current Jiangzhong City is one of the top ten worst cities in the country.

  Anyway, Han Songlin elementary school, junior high school, there are quite a lot of all kinds of gangsters in the school.

  Even Han Songlin, who was a student, knew this, so one can imagine what the whole social situation was like at that time!

   Shaking his head, Han Songlin didn't know whether he was such an evil person in the first place, or whether he was changed by the influence of Uncle Songlin after his rebirth.

   "It must be because of Uncle Matsubayashi's influence, I'm still that boy!"

  Han Songlin couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. He knew very well in his heart that the seemingly honest boy was only on the surface.

   In other words, it was just a disguise to face the surrounding environment.

  Because of the people around me, I like to make friends with people who seem honest.

  Liu Yuyan carefully paid attention to Han Songlin from time to time, seeing him suddenly laughing there, she was a little worried: Husband is not sick again, right?

  Han Songlin quickly let go of his other thoughts.

   Now, just wait!

   About an hour later, the call came again.

  Yang Shufen compromised!

   Sixty thousand yuan!

  This price, Han Songlin doesn't think it's a bargain, it's a relatively normal market price.

   After all, real estate is relatively low now.

   But Han Songlin was still a little excited, clenched his fist and waved it vigorously.

   "Wait to withdraw 60,000 yuan, I will go to Yanghe tomorrow!"

   Liu Yuyan worried: "Are you going alone?"

"if not?"

   "Why don't you ask Songcai to go with you?"

   Call Han Songjae together?

  Han Songlin knew what Liu Yuyan was worried about. In this day and age, it is quite dangerous to go out with 60,000 yuan.

   "Okay, I'll go and talk to him."

  Han Songcai rented a store in the county for decoration. Usually, he puts some materials and tools.

  When he passed by, Han Songcai was sorting out his things. When he saw Han Songlin coming over, he casually let him sit by himself.

  Han Songlin didn't care either. If he was polite to you, he would treat you like an outsider.

   "Are these tiles new to you?" Han Songlin picked up a tile and looked at it. The large tiles we often see in the future are still relatively rare.

  Or, it has not yet entered thousands of households because of the high cost of manufacturing.

  Many things that are commonplace in the future were still high-end products in the 1990s.

  So, the floor tiles that Han Songlin is holding now are not very large.

   "Well, just came in!"

   "Business is good now?"

  Han Songcai had a smile on his face: "It's okay, I have several decoration lists in my hand."

"are you free tomorrow?"

   "What's the matter with you?"

   "Tomorrow I will go to Yanghe to buy a house."

   Needless to say, Han Songcai just understood that this was telling him to embolden himself!

   "Seller, do you have a problem?" Han Songcai asked a little strangely. He knew about Han Songlin's force.

   Not long after Han Songlin came back from the army, he clashed with people in the county town. He confronted more than a dozen people by himself, and all of them fell to the ground.

  The police came, but nothing happened to Han Songlin.

  (end of this chapter)