
Chapter 19

Chapter 19 The Hardware Store on the Commercial Street

  Han Songlin took a sip of the wine in the bowl, because before, Han Songlin said that he didn't drink too much now, so he poured less, less than one or two. When it comes to wine, Han Songlin doesn't mean that he hasn't had good wine!

  Drinking in a winery, the wine they blended themselves is indeed better than the wine sold on the market, and it is very comfortable to drink.

  Whether the wine is good or not, to be honest, you can't just look at the price!

  Some wines that cost hundreds of dollars a bottle are really not worthy of the loose wine sold by others.

  There is no uniform standard for the quality of wine.

   Once I had dinner with the owner of a winery, and then we talked about this topic.

The boss said something very interesting, that is, he pledged two cans of raw wine to the bank for a loan; the quality of the two cans was assessed internally by them, and the quality was assessed by the bank after various tests , is just the opposite.

  Wine that the winery thinks is bad, but the bank thinks it is good wine!

   What the winery thinks is good wine, but the bank thinks it is bad wine!

  Naturally, whether wine is good or bad affects the price of wine.

  Through this incident, Han Songlin knew that there is no absolute difference between good wine and bad wine.

  As long as the wine is brewed according to the standard process, how bad can the quality of the wine be? . ,

  Personal preference is the most important.

   In addition, we often read the news and saw that Moutai's fake wine!

   If you drink it, you can't drink it at all. In the end, that is the real one.

   You can only look at the bottle.

  From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, the market did not particularly like to talk about collecting wine bottles. The more expensive the wine, the more expensive the wine bottle, and there were even dozens or even hundreds of wine bottles.

  Why did you take it back?

   You will know after a little taste.

  As long as the wine bottle is real, so what if the wine inside is fake?

   Drinking people can't drink it out.

  They thought that if they spent a lot of money to buy it, it must be real, but where did they know that it was too fake to be fake.

  Han Songlin's judgment of whether wine is good or bad is also very simple.

   That's the taste!

   Drinking comfortable wine must be a good wine; those spicy wines cannot be said to be bad wines, but they are certainly not very good.

   Tasting carefully, the taste of this wine is not bad!

  As for the fragrance, it smells like something, very comfortable.

  It's a pity that this winery is gone.

   It was a pity in his heart, but Han Songlin didn't have too many other thoughts.

   Now Han Songlin is quite satisfied with life.

  By the way, I'm just a little busy.

  Han Songlin was about to recruit someone.

  I can't let myself, spend all my time in the store.

   Still have to think about what better opportunities to make money!

   How about opening a store in the other two vegetable markets?

  There are currently three vegetable markets in the county seat. If all of them are occupied, the income for this day is still quite considerable.

   After occupying the orchestra market, continue to make persistent efforts to occupy neighboring counties, then go to the city, and finally to the provincial capital, open all over the Southwest, and enter the whole of China!

  Think about it, there is still a little excitement!

   It's too far away, let's decorate the house!

  In the afternoon, Han Songlin took the little book that he had spent the whole day last night, on which he drew how Han Songlin planned to decorate the house.

  Han Songlin can't do anything about the design of the house now.

   For example, there are no bay windows now.

  As for the balcony, there is one.

  The house has a north-south transparent pattern, which is not bad.

   "The kitchen, here is to make a table for me. The bottom is made of bricks, and the top of the table is made of cement boards. More steel bars are used in the cement boards. Then tiles are placed on the cement boards."

   No marble, so tile!

   "Here on the wall, tiles are also to be pasted, just stick it to this position."

   "This picture, can you understand it?"

   "I probably understand it!"

  Han Songlin painted it, it is quite vivid.

  What's the matter, I have studied art for several years. Although I haven't painted for many years, I still remember some basic things.

   Throughout the afternoon, Han Songlin was talking to them about how to decorate the house.

   It was almost five o'clock, so I just let them go back.

   If it is too late, it will take a long time to go back.

  They will come over tomorrow to officially start work.

  In addition, Han Songcai said that he hired someone with decoration experience to help.

  Han Songlin naturally agreed, and it's okay to raise the salary a little bit higher.

  In this way, the matter of decorating the house is finally done.

   On the second day, Han Songlin finished his busy work in the morning, went to deliver lunch, and then returned.

  At night, Han Songlin and Liu Yuyan played the flashlight together to check the house.

   As for the bowls and chopsticks, of course they didn't take them back.

  Compared to the future decoration, the current decoration, to be honest, is quite simple.

   At least various technological processes and so on, not as many as in the future.

   In the next period of time, Han Songlin will go to have a look at it at noon, and at other times, look for suitable stores in the county.

  By the way, Han Songlin hired a clerk.

  The woman is about 30 years old, and her appearance is relatively delicate.

  Han Songlin is definitely not interested in him, but thinks that this looks better, and it looks more friendly to the guests.

  For two generations, this is the first time I have employees. Thinking about it, I find it quite interesting.

  Of course, it also means that the responsibility of supporting the employees must be taken; not to mention how many benefits are given to the employees, but the most basic salary must be paid!

   At this time, what is the most intuitive feeling for Han Songlin?

   That is, it is a lot easier every day.

  After a few days, Han Songlin finally found a new shop.

  The store is on a main street in the county seat, which is mainly responsible for commerce; banks, bookstores, and various clothing stores are concentrated on the street.

   Yes, there are a lot of clothing stores.

  The two streets near   , in Han Songlin's memory, are all clothing stores.

  In the future, it seems that the clothing of various big brands will be here.

   As for the store that Han Songlin found?

   It is still the main entrance of the vegetable market.

  Entering the door is the vegetable market; outside the door is the commercial street.

   That's just right, Han Songlin saw a handwritten rental advertisement.

   "Boss, are you going to stop this business?"

   "Not doing it!"

  Han Songlin: "Did you rent this store, or what?"

   "The store is mine! Why, do you want to buy or rent?"

  Han Songlin didn't speak immediately, but looked at the boss, who opened a hardware store here. To be honest, it didn't match the atmosphere of the whole street.

   This is a commercial street!

  Currently, the most prosperous street in the entire county will not decline even if the county expands in the future.

  Countrysiders come to the city, and they will definitely come to the place.

  Han Songlin remembered that when he came to the city when he was a child, his mother would bring him here.

   Moreover, a few steps forward, there is Lechi No. 2 Middle School!

  There are only two high schools in the entire county, one provincial demonstration school and one municipal demonstration school.

   By the way, are you commenting on this now?

   Well, none of that matters.

   Importantly, students are also a large consumer group.

  The current children naturally do not have money in the future. The children have money in their hands, but they still have some.

   When it comes to food, parents are still willing to spend money.

   "I want to buy!"

  The middle-aged man glanced at Han Songlin, his face lost the impatience he had at the beginning, he changed his expression instantly, and said with a smile: "Hello, brother, come in, come in and sit!"

   "Let me tell you, my store is amazing. Look, this street is the most prosperous street in our county. You know it."

  Han Songlin rejected his offer and didn't sit down: "Brother, you'd better say a price, if it's right, we'll continue talking. If the price is too high, just pretend I didn't enter this door!"

  (end of this chapter)