
Chapter 61 Tocolysis

I kept crying in despair, but I didn't dare to cry loudly. I just wiped my tears and didn't dare to make a sound, for fear that the child would leave me soon.

When the ambulance arrived, I only had a little hope. Maybe there was still a chance, and there was still a chance.

After a check-up in the hospital, I was waiting for the doctor's judgment. At least there was no emergency surgery for me at the moment, which meant that the child had a chance. As long as I could keep the child, I could do anything.

Only women who have lost their children can understand my persistence at this moment. For me, this child is currently my life!

"Don't be nervous. The temperature is a little low. Take the medicine first, then rest in bed, and stay in the hospital for three days to observe!" The doctor kindly comforted my mood, and his smile was like that of an angel.

For me, this was the greatest piece of good news.