
Chapter 17 Who Dares to Touch My Child

"I'm on my thirteenth week!" Although I was very unhappy with what the middle-aged woman said, I still had to be respectful to Kristian's mother and would not cause him any trouble.

Mrs. James looked at my belly and said, "It looks like it's more than thirteen weeks. Colette, contact the hospital now. Tell them we'll be there for an amniocentesis immediately. I won't allow anyone to muddle the James family bloodline!"

The middle-aged woman instantly agreed. Without asking for my opinion, she immediately made an appointment with the hospital.

Then they were coming to get me to the hospital for the test. I didn't dare to take any more risks, I learnt my lesson a few days ago from the incident with Adonis Gould.

What if they wanted me to abort the baby?

"I'm sorry but I think I'll only go when Kristian comes back!" I called Harlow for help. I couldn't care less if she was Kristian's mother, I wouldn't let her decide on the child's life.