
Chapter 803

Gong Chengwei and Liu Gui glanced at each other and then looked at the delicate and beautiful boy sleeping on the sofa. How could they really dare to kill him? If they dared to kill this child, then even if Gong Yexiao wanted to kill them to any corner of the world, he would not let it go.

"Stupid pig, let's threaten him first. Now let's not touch this kid. We'll decide after seeing Gong Yexiao's attitude." Liu Gui was also suddenly frightened. He actually had the courage to kidnap Gong Yexiao's child.

But now that things had come to this, they had to make a bet again.

"Let Gong Yexiao transfer the money within 15 minutes. One hour is too long. With his ability, he can take out one billion yuan at once."

"How much do we need this time?" Liu Gui asked Gong Chengwei.

"Ten billion." Gong Chengwei said, his eyes unblinking.

Liu Gui was shocked. "Ten billion?"