
Chapter 533

  "Li Yue, don't be sad, I'll take you to visit him." Gong Ye Xiao comforted her. He did not mention the group of people from the Lu residence because those memories were things that he wanted her to forget the most.

  When the car arrived at the castle, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon. Looking at the three black cars coming in, the people waiting in the hall couldn't wait to go out of the yard. Xia Houlin held her little granddaughter, Gong Yuning, while the little fellow held her aunt's hand, looking forward to it.

  After the car stopped, Gong Yexiao pushed open the car door and immediately walked to Cheng Liyue's side. He opened the car door for her and held her hand.

  When Cheng Liyue walked towards them, everyone heaved a heavy sigh of relief once again.