
Chapter 195

  "Grandpa, I'm a little worried. I met Xiao Ze for the first time. I don't know if I can get along with a child." Huo Yanran warned him in advance.

  "What are you afraid of? The child will not be so difficult to get along with. They are all naive little elves. As long as you are good to them, they will be good to you. The child's mind is the purest. Don't worry." Old Master Gong comforted her.

  "Yes! I will definitely be good to Xiao Ze." Huo Yanran immediately answered. With the support of Mr. Gong and her performance tonight, she believed that the child would not reject her. Moreover, she also prepared a gift for him.

  Around six o'clock, Gong Yexiao's car stopped in the yard. As soon as the car stopped, he heard an excited dog barking. Before the little fellow in the car got out of the seat, he saw that Chai Chai outside the window had already smelled his breath, wagging his tail and barking at the window!