
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

Chapter 23 The Legend of the 13th Bus

"I wonder when the next horror game, will come to my door."


  Elon really wants to keep playing.


  1,000 experience points, that's not enough at all.


  If you want to earn experience, you still have to go to the high level of the game.


  "That's for afterward, now it's time to go home."


  Elon glanced around, it was already dark, and while time in the game didn't coincide with reality, the difference wasn't that big.


  In front of us is an Internet cafe.


  "I'm in front of the Internet cafe."


  At the end of the game, the horror game sends the person back to where they were before the teleportation, just slightly off.


  "With crap teleportation like that, it really doesn't get people stuck in walls?"


  He turned toward home.


  This would be some distance from home, and Elon estimated it would be more than half an hour's walk.


  Elon noticed that there were still quite a few people walking down the street and the occasional car driving by.


  "Good lord, it's twelve o'clock at night?"


  He moved forward and saw a bus parked surprisingly close to a stop in front of him.


  Thirteen buses.


  Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night and there's a bus?


  Elon suddenly thought of an advertisement: because you work overtime, the city works overtime with you.


  Quite magical.


  But since there is a bus, it saves the effort of walking slowly.


  When he stepped into the car, he realized that it was already full of people.


  They were all people who had just gotten off work, and several had already fallen asleep sitting up.


  Elon finds an empty seat and waits for the older driver to start.


  Just after sitting for a while, he realized that the car was a bit cold and dim inside.


  "Do you ever get the feeling that it's a little cold in here." Elon said to the passenger next to him.


  The passenger who was napping glanced at Elon.


  "It's an air-conditioned car, otherwise how dare you charge a two-dollar fare."


  When he finished, he turned on his side and went back to sleep.


  Elon looked up and saw the air conditioner.


  He looked out the window as the car slowly started, it was very quiet inside.


  But before long, there was the sound of snoring.


  Really slept through it.


  "This looks like bus number thirteen."


  Suddenly there was a whisper from behind, a girl's voice.


  "Yeah, what's up."


  Another female voice rang out, that seemed to be a friend of the other.


  "But I remembered earlier that there was a news story about the number thirteen bus that burned a bus full of people to death because of a fire."


  "So stop."


  The girl who had spoken first said so, her voice shaking softly.


  Seems a little nervous.


  "You think too much."


  "Just don't allow people to reopen it again?"


  Her friend said casually, "And with the media these days, how dare you believe it?"


  "Seems like it, I should be overthinking it." The girl said softly.


  Elon thought hard and didn't remember anything about the thirteen buses.


  Still, he took out his cell phone and typed in keywords: the city of Cangdong, bus number thirteen, fire, and other words.


  Soon the results were in.


  What the girls say is true.


  Bus 13, literally burned by a fire.


  None of the twenty-six men, including the driver, were spared.


  Occasionally afterward, people reported seeing a dark, charred car driving slowly down the street in the middle of the night.


  To eliminate the impact, the company simply blocked the 13 buses.


  Now there are twelve roads, there are fourteen and fifteen roads, but only not thirteen.


  And this one, what's going on?


  When he got on the bus, he saw clearly that it was the 13th bus!


  Elon felt the car, even quieter.


  Now that I think about it, there is no sound when the car is moving!


  Or ...


  There's no sound from outside.


  Elon immediately looked towards the outside, the bus was going fast and the street scene was receding at breakneck speed.


  This car, there's a big problem.


  He stood up slowly, then walked toward the driver.


  "Master driver, can you stop the car, we want to get off here."


  Elon said politely.


  But the driver ignored Elon and didn't even look at him.


  Instead, some of the passengers who were still awake looked at Elon with some curiosity.


  What's this about?


  Elon repeated, "We're getting off."


  The driver remained unresponsive, as if he couldn't hear Elon at all.


  Elon didn't make a move, out of concern for the passengers in the car.


  He went straight to the first seat at the front door and waited for the driver to arrive.


  The car is going faster and faster.


  Outside, on the other hand, it was getting darker and darker.


  It seems like it's getting farther and farther away from the city.


  Someone noticed something was wrong and said in surprise, "Where is this going?"


  "This is not our way home!"


  Hearing this sound, many people were awakened and looked towards the outside.


  Seeing the darkness outside scared the spirits out of them.


  "Stop the car!"


  A woman lurched to her feet and walked quickly toward the driver, shouting, "I want to get off here!"


  Say it.


  She then reached for the driver's steering wheel.


  Elon was sitting across the room and reacted quickly, kicking the woman out of the way and knocking her to all fours.


  "If you want to die, kill yourself later when you get home."


  "But don't drag others with you."


  Going for the steering wheel at this point will only cause the car to lose control and then crash head on into a building.


  By then, I'm afraid the 13 buses, another busload of people will have to die.


  "How dare you kick me?"


  The woman struggled to her feet, one eye glaring deathly at Elon.


  "You yell one more time and I'll have the nerve to whip you later, believe it or not?" Elon stood up and looked down at her.


  Elon was a full two heads taller than her.


  Being so intimidated, the woman just shut up.


  "Go back to your seat and sit down." Elon continued.


  A lot of people in the car were intimidated by watching Elon look so fierce.


  One girl nervously asked, "Big brother, where are we going?"


  "I don't know."


  Elon looked to the driver and asked, "When are you going to stop?"


  The driver remained silent.


  Elon returned to his seat next to the car door and sat down, sweeping a glance toward where he had just been sitting.


  It was just the glance that made his eyes narrow.


  For he saw that the position behind him was unoccupied.


  It's empty there.


  Who was it that just spoke behind himself?


  He distinctly heard the two girls conversing.


  Elon's eyes swept quickly over the car.


  In the car, surprisingly, there was only one girl, the one who had just been shivering and talking to herself.


  Who was conversing behind himself?


  Or maybe it wasn't a conversation at all, but ...


  In reminding myself!


  Elon thought about it carefully, had he gotten laid lately?


  Apparently not.


  After crossing over, one guarded his body and worked out desperately for the first three years for fear of being played to death by a horror game.


  Behind the scenes, you start plopping horror games on your doorstep every day.


  Until today.


  There was only one possibility that the person who had just reminded himself of this was a passenger who had once been burned to death in this car.


  "It's a mass grave!"


  Suddenly there was a shriek that rang out in the middle of the car.


  Elon craned his head toward the outside.


  A deserted place.


  The destination of the thirteen buses, it's here.