
Come From Other wold : Girl Like a Fairy

CHAPTER-1 – First Encounter

A good looking not too tall not too short . Chubby face with baby fat and big round eyes like star shining in her eyes. Standing in middle of the road. She is wearing a purple hair band with shining yellow diamond on it. Looking left and right with her innocent shiny round eyes. Her name is Sehere.

Secondly there is a sound of a car.



Car come at halt accompany with loud break screech .

Rehan ,The man who is Driving.

At double lane road street lamp shown on the driver seat where Rehan looked horrified with this situation.

After few seconds staying still he gradually come to his senses. He got out of from car and walked towards girl with caution steps.

He looked at the girl who looked like she is lost. She had her back against him.

When Sehere turned and face the man in front of her she gazed at man. He has defined features, tall, straight arrow like eyebrows, tall nose bridge, thin red lips, Brown narrow eyes .

He is very handsome man at least above the average people he will stood out of pool of ordinary people .

He is wearing a suit as like coming from private party( professional social event).

Sehere thought to herself "Where this handsome man come from. He's definitely come for me."

Sehere is in her own fantasy world when she heard melody like voice that sounded like a musical notes that give one assurance and feeling of Security.

Rehan said "Ma'am are you OK, sorry I'm looking for something and in moment of distraction I didn't saw you."

After hearing what Rehan said she come to her senses and replied hurriedly "No….No….it's my mistake. I'm standing in middle of the road.

Now that Rehan clarified what happened. He notice that the girl wearing purple jacket on the Golden glittering blouse with Golden salwar With more glitter on it that shining like stars.

she has waist length long black silky hair with purple hair band with yellow diamond on it .

She has chubby round face with baby fat on it. With her shining round dough like eyes . She looks innocent cute young lady that everyone want to protect her.

She is not stunning but has beauty that hard to avoid.