
Combat Mage.

(this story is written in a screenplay format with each chapters representing scene's in a wider narrative) Jin and other Murim warriors gets transported to another realm, one of magic and Monsters but there arrival isn't without hurdles will Jin thrive or be crushed be the forces of this realm

Jack_in_a_box · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Three The Defiant Swordsman

Jack touches down by the coast observing the island trying to assess the situation

Jack (hmm I don't sense any mana signatures from the island)

During Jack's assessment the scout who sent the report the HQ hurrying in

Scout: CM-427 reporting in Sir

Jack: go ahead

Scout: at midnight we found an unknown land mass and immediately reported it in but LM-02-

Jack, looking directly at the scouts eyes with his eyebrows scrunched and a mean glare

Jack: But who again?

Scout: I-I-I mean Charlie was spotted walking towards the island, straying off from his normal route so we know that this island's authentic.

Jack: stand by for know and keep watch of the coast

Scout: yes sir

The scout salutes Jack and heads back to his outpost

Jack: Now then...

After slightly bending his knees Jack shoots off into the sky towards the island but it during Jack's flight he spots a ship heading towards Zod


Jack's feet slams on the front of the ship, tipping it forward until rocking back into its original position.

The door from the captains cabin swings open revealing Khan and his henchmen armed

Khan: I think your a little lost bitch

Jack: hah! Nobody hasn't talked like that to me in a long time

Jack says with his forehead scrunched and a wide grin.

Khan and his henchmen start charging at Jack while Jack conjures a mana javelin and throws it at henchmen #1, blocking it with his sword the but the mana javelin jets through his defence striking him down

astonishing khan and henchmen #2. During the confusion Jack blitzes in front of the second henchmen bashing his face with a mana shield sending him to the ground reeling in pain, Khan swiftly swings his sword at his neck only for it to shatter into pieces.

Taking a step back khan asks

Khan: What the hell are you!

Jack:*sigh* Do you chumps even know what magic is?

Khan: magic?

Jack: Yes magic! How do you not know something so basic!

Khan: well I-I

Jack: How about I ask your goons!

Jack exclaimed extending his arm and raising the henchmens off the ground

Fu: Ah! He got us Han!

Han: Why'd you say my name you idiot!

Jack: So Han…

Jack pulls Han closer tightening his grip

Jack: I've got 3 thugs causing a stir wasting my precious time, and I'm really pissed off. So, tell me why I shouldn't just kill you all and get this over with

Han: h-hey! We're no thugs, khan is the heir of the Vindi household

Jack: Oh yeah?

Jack throws Han down to the ground and tosses a map at him

Jack: point to me where it is so I can fuck them up too

Khan: You bastard how dare-

Han: Hey! you gave me the wrong map

Jack: there is no wrong map

Jack retorts tossing him a world map

Khan: hey aren't your playing along to well

Han: don't worry boss I'll point him towards our most heavily guarded base

Jack: hey less talking more pointing

As Han's scans the map his smirk shortly fades away as his eyes shift's around the paper in a hurried look

Han: Wha- What is this? Where's China? Hey this is the wrong-

Jack pulls Han into a chokehold yelling


Jack Engulfs himself with mana burning Han's neck and as the light blue flame burn through his body it slowly dies down turning an almost metallic blue aura Jack then throws an unconscious Han out to sea for Fu to immediately dive out

Jack now turns his attention to khan walking towards him ready to end him

Khan: wait!

Jack: I'm done waiting

Jack says to khan conjuring a mana javelin

With Jack having khan against the wall he pulls out a a short sword it's sheath a vibrant purple with the vindi banner engraved in its handle. Khan injects his ki in his sword glowing a bright white before charging at Jack

Khan swings his blade at Jack for him to only slip and weave through his swings with Jack hitting khan with reverse spin kick leaving khan knocked down in back

With khan groaning in pain Jack lowers his javelin and asked khan

Jack: What was that glow?

Khan: So now you want to know! Huh?

Jack takes a step forward raising his weapons once more

Khan: Wait wait wait we're from different realms!

Khan exclaimed in a hurry

Khan: and look I know that may sound a bit crazy but-

Jack: I know

Khan: You do?

Jack: a huge island appeared out of nowhere, you have no understanding on the most basic of magic, you have a glowing blade need I go on

Khan: then why did you still try to kill us wouldn't it be more better to-

Jack: let me stop you there


Jack: I have much more important matters then you going on right now

Khan: More important than this?

Jack: Much more important than this

As the conversation dies down Fu throws Han back to the deck of the ship with Fu and Jack meeting eyes Fu starts charging at Jack ready to attack

Khan: Stop!

Fu hits a screeching halt confused

Fu: Are we not fighting this guy?

Khan: Stop! Even with my Ki I couldn't touch him, it's over.

Khan says with his arm over his eyes and his first clenched directs his attention at Jack

Khan: we'll stop wasting your time

Khan said with regret and frustration seeping through his words

Jack: well was that so-


Jack whips his head forward to hearing the explosion at the Direction of HQ

The colour draining from Jack's face muttering

Jack: this shouldn't be happing yet

With Jack looking towards the explosion and back to khan and his crew thoughts racing through his mind with Jack grabbing khan and stating

Jack: it takes half a day to arrive at the Grand tower by foot and make sure you tell em Jack sent you

Jack: oh, and in case you get any funny ideas running away

Jack throws magic needles at Han and Fu, piercing their chest then forming a blue circle on their chest

Jack: you'll go boom,

Jack turns towards HQ and launches himself into the air speeding towards the explosion

Jack: (It's too soon for him to come back, I should still have time!)