
Combat Lui (Lord of Justice)

Lui has an amazing life. Everything seems perfect, except the fact that he is totally unable to become the great fighter his dad wants him to become. With the passing of time, he becomes more of a laughing stock, an object of mockery to his Masters and fellow Kung-Fu students. Tragedy strikes and he losses the people he loves. Filled with Anger, an overwhelming desire for revenge and blessed with great powers, he sets out to destroy and kill Lee Jie and his Goons, As retaliation for their hand in the death of his loved ones. In the pursuit of revenge, he realises that he can only be the man he's destined to be: The true hero and the true lord of Justice, only if he lets go of his rage and let true justice run its course. Will he be able to put away his desire for revenge and become the great hero or will he let that desire for revenge, become his doom?

Joel_Akwete · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Abraham Lincoln

Life wasn't so easy after my Uncle Grandmaster Wang Zi-ping died. I lost my Dad, my Mom and now my Uncle. Things became tough for me. If not for the help and support of my brothers at the temple, I wouldn't have survived through the pain. They made me feel like I wasn't alone. Master Wang Xui Ying was like a father to me. He didn't only teach me to become a great healer, but he also took good care of me and raised me as if I was his son. Master Wang Xui Ying is a very nice man. He has an oval-shaped face, pale skin, and white-long shoulder-length grey hair. He's always dressed in a white robe and walked like a man who has a hunched back, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, so to speak.

His voice always sounded hoarse whenever he spoke to someone. Everybody loved him. We had a few other Masters in the temple, aside from Master Wang Xui Ying. They all took great care of me. I focused more on studying and learning to be a great healer, but the truth is, what I really wanted was to honor my Mom's wishes by standing against evil by bringing Li Jie to justice.

Two months later, I had recovered from the pain of losing Grandmaster Wang Zi-ping, but I still wanted justice. It felt like I would never recover until justice is served. I know what you're thinking…You don't want justice, you want revenge. That's what it's all about. Seeking retribution for the man who killed your Grandmaster. You could care less about justice. The cops are freaking useless!

Maybe I had the two feelings mixed up or I might have wanted both, but I never wanted revenge because I didn't want to see Li Jie die. I never had the intention to kill him or anyone else for that matter. All I wanted to do was bring him to justice by dismantling his organization. That would have made him powerless beyond belief. Then maybe the right authorities will take hold of him and justice would finally be served.

Around midnight, I was sucked deep in my sleep. I had a dream that I was on a mountain, surrounded by many rocks and stones. I found a part way through the rocks, so I followed it and climbed towards a cave. What's in that cave? I wondered. So, I walked slowly and gradually into the cave. Inside the cave, there was something like an altar and a giant statue of a Monk seated on the altar. I looked around and saw more but smaller statues of Monks surrounding inside the cave. I turned my attention back at the altar and saw a silver cup filled with what looked like water. Suddenly, I heard loud whispers echo throughout the cave, saying: Drink the water! Drink it! Yes, drink it and embrace your destiny.

I couldn't understand what was happening, but it felt as if I was being drawn to drink the water. I didn't realize it when I reached out and grabbed the cup with my right hand. I supported it with my left hand, then drank the water from the cup. It felt like I was hypnotized or something. After I finished drinking my cup of water, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The pain was so much that it felt like someone was cutting my stomach from the inside, out. I fell to my knees, losing control over my body. I didn't understand what was happening as I groaned heavily in pain.

I tried to stand up but couldn't. My coordination was imbalanced, making it hard for me to plant my feet firmly on the ground. Suddenly, a bright light invaded the cave. It was so bright that I couldn't see. I couldn't move my hand or leg. I couldn't move my entire body, but I managed to close my eyes. After a few seconds, the light went off.

At last, I saw most of the great Kung-Fu Masters and Monks that I read about in the temples achieves, appear in front of me. It was a dream come true. I've always wanted to meet them and compliment them on the wonderful contributions to the art of Kung-Fu among many other things. I recognized some of the masters because I saw their photos in the archive, others not as much. Also, I saw Master Wong Fie-Hong and the others stand before me. Is this real? Am I really standing in front of these men? I pondered. Had I lost my head? Was this a dream or a reality? I was confused between the two. I wanted to run as far away as possible as they began walking towards me, but I couldn't move. I tried to move my legs, but they wouldn't budge. "What the hell am I going to do now? I can't remain stagnated forever." I mumbled to myself, to no one in particular. Soon, they all surrounded me. What are these men going to do to me? I wondered as my amygdala was preparing me to either fight or flight.

This time, it told me to run until I can't run any more.

I was too terrified to move for I was unsure of what would happen next.

This is a dream that I must wake up from, I said to myself. So, I closed my eyes firmly and tightly with hopes of waking up and to be free from this nightmare I was facing. Everything changed and all the terror and the fear vanished as I heard a comforting voice, a voice that I have missed so much. "Don't be afraid Lui, we are not here to harm you!!" the voice said. Shock gripped me tightly like a vise, holding onto my mind and body for dear life. I recognized that voice anywhere; it's my father's voice!

Immediately, I opened my eyes to see if it was my Dad or just a figment of my imagination. And lo and behold, it was my Dad, standing right in front of me. Standing next to him was Grand Master Wang Zi-ping. "My God!" I exclaimed. "Dad! Is it really you?" I inquired, unsure if the man whom I've adored and respected since birth was available in the flesh or if my hippocampus was so impaired that my brain was playing terrible tricks on me.

Nonetheless, I couldn't believe my eyes. I wanted to stand up and give them a massive hug, but I couldn't. I was still pinned down and immobile.

"Listen to me son." my Dad began, speaking as softly yet as firmly as he could. "We don't have much time. I'm sorry I left you so soon, but I have been watching over you from the temple of the Eternals. Do not be afraid for destiny has brought you here," Dad said. "Evil has invaded this world and has spread its roots across the universe. It is time for a force of change to emerge, a force that will stand against evil and vanquish it from the Earth."

"Only a person with a pure heart, one who seeks justice and not revenge," Grand Master Wang Zi-Pang added.

"One who desires to stand against evil, only that person can wield the power of Justice," Master Wong Fie-Hong intercepted.

"You have been found worthy to wield the power of Justice, that's why you're here. It is your destiny to stand against evil. It is your destiny to be the justice that the world needs," My Dad affirmed. Suddenly, one of the Monks stepped forward. He looked like the oldest amongst them but didn't look a day over eighty. He walked up to me and placed his right hand on my head and said, " Today, I will bless you with a new name!" he said, gently placing his hand over my forehead. "You are Zhèngyì zhī wáng, the Lord of Justice. Go and free the world from evil," the old Monk ordered after bestowing so much power that I could barely grasp nor utilize.

I felt oddly strange after that.

I felt a force moved into my body after his statement. I can't explain it, but I felt it strongly like something dropped inside of me like a piece of rock or something. Suddenly, they all began to step towards me, one after the other. They all placed their right hand on my head and repeated the same words that the eldest monk had said. "I name you Zhèngyì zhī wáng" they all said. I felt the same force moving into my body as each person blessed their power upon me. My Dad was the last to touch me, then Grandmaster Wang Zi-ping. "You are now the Lord of Justice. Go and make us all proud. Never fear at the site of evil." my Dad affirmed, smiling. I returned the gesture. "You must stand against evil wherever you find it. It is your destiny. But remember, do not use your powers for evil or you'll surely die," My Dad said. He took a few steps away from me, then disappeared into the light with the rest of the Monks.

I was alone again.

Instantaneously, I felt control over my body. I felt like I was in charge again as I stood up to my feet and rushed to give my Dad a massive and compassionate hug, but he left before I had a chance to thank him and the Monks for the power they've given me. I was sad because I did not receive a chance to hug my Dad, to tell him that I love and miss him. "Dad!" I cried at the top of my voice until I became hoarse. My voice left my thoracic cavity and I wasn't sure if it would ever return. "Dad! Where the hell are you? Don't leave me!"

I woke up in cold sweats in bed, not in a lit-filled cave with Monks surrounding me like a bunch of kids in a school yard, playing Ring Around the Rosy. Oh, goodness… What a weird dream I had, I mused. Then, out of nowhere, my body shook as if I was a second away from having an epileptic seizure. I was breathing fast and heavily. Unexpectedly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. As I turned to look, behold my Mom and Dad seated on the bed behind me. Immediately I saw them, tears dripped down from my eyes down my face, and then landed on the bed.

I was so full of emotion that I gave them the biggest hug I could muster. "I miss you! I miss you both so much." I affirmed passionately, with tears dripping from my eyes.

"We miss you too son," Mom and Dad replied in unison. I looked at Mom, amazed at how lovely she looked after death. Her skin and hair were still smooth, not one wrinkle in sight. Then again, healthy genes ran more so on her side of the family than Dad's unit, anyway. Dad didn't look bad, either. He looked the same when he passed, except he's smiling.

Dad barely smiled when he was alive.

"I love you Mom and Dad. Please don't ever leave me again." I said, with tears gushing out of my eyes like a stream. The tears were unstoppable. I couldn't control the flow of my tears if I wanted to. "We love you too Lui. Remember, we are always with you and we are so proud of you," they both replied. Abruptly, I felt the cold wind creep its way into my room. Hmm… I could have sworn I shut the windows the night before, or maybe I hadn't. I looked down to find myself embracing myself like a mad-house lunatic. I'm sure if someone were to have walked in on me, they would have thought I was insane.

I opened my eyes and realized that my Mom and Dad wasn't there anymore. My hands were wide open, suspended in the air. It was good to see them again, although deep down I wished they could've stayed, but I realized they couldn't. To tell you the truth, I finally had some level of closure for the first time since my Mom and Dad's demise.

I felt relieved, believing that everything was going to be alright from that moment on. So, I went back to sleep, ready to embrace a new day and a new life.