

As wielders of colour, they are your identity, they make who you are, a defender, an offender or a creator. In a reality structured on colours, Ariel's little brother is identified as colourless, something that is never heard of. But she is not someone who steps back from protecting her family. Finding a cure all the while protecting the family secret seems to be too much for Ariel, especially when she keeps unearthing deep-buried secrets. 1 tablespoon of fantasy, 1 teaspoon of sci-fi, fistfuls of action and adventure with a pinch of cute romance. Be aware, this book is going to make you cry happy tears! Update schedule- 12 chapters per week! o(〃^▽^〃)o

loltales · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

I lean back in the recliner and stare out of the train window. We boarded the train some fifteen minutes ago.

Somehow Kayden had mom and dad convinced to let me and Skye go to Urydale for two days. I don't know how, I was not there. Kayden just woke me up to pack my things and informed me that he had booked the tickets to the speed train.

I had packed everything I would need in a small blue suitcase that rested in the stand above. Skye is sitting opposite to me in his seat with a table separating us. There are not many passengers in this compartment.

Not many who want to go to Urydale.

"Did you find a hotel Skye" It has been difficult to find a hotel, there are none registered on the maps, not even a grocery store is registered.

I frown at the thought, it is compulsory to register your business on the country's online map and I wonder why no hotels are registered.

Skye sighed," No I have been looking since yesterday and I can't find a hotel" Skye.

I rested my elbows on the table and leaned forward," Only relatives are allowed in or if you have official permission" I whispered as if the ghost in the near-empty compartment might hear us.

Skye simply nodded, he was clearly worried too. If we can't find a place to stay then-

" Maybe we can stay with grandma" Skye offered quietly as he leaned on the armrest.

I shook my head at that suggestion," let us keep that as the last option, I don't want to bother nana"

I leaned closer and looked intently at him with all the seriousness of the situation, " and besides she just shifted there two months ago, if we cause any trouble then that would mean trouble for her" I spoke in a hushed whisper.

" You are right"

" Can we tell her?" I asked not meeting his eyes.

" Ariel this is a family secret and we don't involve her in it, besides mom would have told her seven years ago if she wanted to" he replied with ferocity. Even discussing in the empty compartment is risking it.

Skye sighs and leans back. A few minutes pass in silence before I speak again.

" Ok we won't tell her but we need to find a place to stay,"

He nodded in agreement, " maybe we can ask the locals" I suggest.

No one says anything because we don't know what we might find there.

A door opens in the far corner and a man in his mid-fifties step out in a black pantsuit. The ticket collector looked around before deciding to approach us first.

" Your identity Miss" He asks, a scanner in hand as he looks at me expectantly.

I unzip my purse and pull out my ID handling it over to him. He uses the small scanner and scans the rectangular strip on my identification card, my color.

He taps something on it before handing it back to me and moving to Skye.

I run my finger over the strip of red wine color. This identification card is important, without it you can't make purchases, travel, or even vote. I frown internally, it is impossible that there are any colorless out there because then they can't have an ID and without an ID you can't stay in Azure. This small card means more than any family name.

I put the card away as the TC leaves. There is no chance for a colorless to stay hidden and but before the logical realization could set in I rid my mind of it.

There is something in Urydale, I tell myself, strange coincidences don't happen often and when they keep pilling up they are no coincidences.

" I will be back in a few" Sky says before walking away towards the compartment door. I follow him with my eyes till the door is closed, then I rest my head back and close my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and swipe it open.

3 messages and 1 missed call from Thane.

I swipe to the call log and click his name. My thumb hovers over the green call button and I bite my lips in indecision. It is not because I didn't want to hear his apology, quite opposite actually. It is because I am ashamed of how I have acted with him and Maven, my childhood friends. But I have to make amends, I can't lose my friends plus he has already apologized.

I tap the call button and press the phone to my ear.

It rings once.


I wait for him to pick up and he does on the third ring.

" Ariel" he breaths my name as if he wasn't expecting me to call and now he doesn't know where to start.

I fold my arm across my chest, twisting to face the window as I drew my legs closer on the recliner. And listened to each word he said.

" Ariel, I am sorry." The desperation clear in his voice.

A silence stretched between us as I prepared to speak.

" Thane-" I force the words out of my heart and into my mouth, " I am sorry too, it wasn't your fault, it's just-, " I took a breath before continuing "I was upset and I couldn't talk to you at the moment. It's not like I am holding a grudge against you, I am not mad" I tell him slowly, making each word travel to him.

" Ariel, I know you long enough to know that you had a grudge then, even if it was not intentional, I know you were angry at me" Thane replied and I just let the silence speak.

I had been mad, the night after everyone went to their beds I had been awake, thinking about the situation, I was so angry. Angry at him, angry at Maven and that board remember. Even though I knew that it wasn't their fault but deep down I just couldn't shake off my rage.

I had a grudge.

" I am sorry" I spoke in a small voice, laden with emotion.

" You don't need to be Ariel, it wasn't your fault and besides I should have stepped down, should have spoken then, at the stadium that you were the winner, the one worthy of being in the team"

" No Thane you are better for the team" I spoke and those were not empty words.

I had contemplated a lot then, if I hadn't been thrown out of the team I wouldn't be able to concentrate on Ash, not to mention I would not be here on the train to Urydale, instead I would be at the field, practicing for the next game.

My heart clenched at the reminder. But I need to step beyond that.

" We are going to the club tomorrow maybe you can come"

" Oh no, I am on the train to grandma's I won't be there" I spoke softly.

He didn't say anything to that so I continued.

" So I will see you when I get back"

" Ok see you then" he breathed into the phone as if he wanted to say something. I waited, phone pressed to my ear as I listened to his breathing.

The silence stretched, he knows that I haven't hung up yet, he knows I am waiting to hear what he wants to say. But that never happens and when I see Skye enter the compartment through the sliding door I cancel the phone, putting it away.

I stare at him in question, his grim expression.

" We are here"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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