
Colors of your Darkness

You can meet anyone anytime but the person I have met was different

AjAhada · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I never knew this girl was brave enough to kick the jack ass with that splash of beer why do I feel so proud of her next moment I saw him slapping her. she was about to fell on the ground when I catch her in my arms . After making sure she was save I went near him our friend pulling us back before we start a fight . Olexander taking me near the car 

Stop it bro "Jack stop it what's wrong with you. David said keeping a grip on my shoulder I look at my friends 

He can't hit a women what's wrong with you guys .I said being angry 

Dude we need to leave lets go we need to leave . "David pushed me in a jeep locking the door behind him he came at a driver seat and drove us away all I was thinking how can this girl is gonna be a huge mess.

"Jack you are paying way much attention for that girl we said we will save her but that doesn't mean we will be always around her whatever happens to her we need to stay away from her that would me great for are group before the Leaders know about her . "Martina said being worried about are group how can I forget the Leaders as I was lost in my thoughts we receive a massage from are Leader 

Leader ( Need to see all the guards at the Red cottage soon ) 

I wish everything was fine . Said "olexander looking at me worried 

As we reach red cottage we saw the Leaders giving a speech as all the other guards was present . as we entered all look at us 

Well well look who is late . said one of the Leader when Jessica went close to them to explain 

Leader forgive us for the disrespect . She said when the Leader touched her head said its okay 

As i was explaining we all had a job to do you people are guards of god you have to stop the bad you have to be always their for help . He looked at us and continue

Not like some of our guards ignoring the fact of responsibility . that was enough I can't take it anymore i stand up 

Leader as We clearly said before it was a mistake " Olivia was one of us all she did was fall in love we cant stop someone from falling in love it's their choice. I said disbelieving him

"Jack we can't stop someone to fall in love but you guards are responsible to stop Bad and harm but what you people did that night was unreasonable drunk leaving "Olivia get Raped and Killed . The second Leader said with disbelieve and disappointment and all I did was felt guilty 

no need of felling guilty "Jack you are the upcoming guards guardian you need to be on right path. Said the Leaders and left. I looked at my group and other guards sitting . I left without saying a word I heard "Olexander and "Jessica was calling me from behind I got out of the cottage took my bike and left with high speed I driver away like I have to win a battle when their was a deer in front of me and I feel on the road and my bike was far away before I relise I was at the same place where we find "Olivia's body I scream in anger when the jeep stop on the road "Olexander , "Jessica , Martin and David came out 

"Jack are you okay . Said Olexander coming close to me when everyone was angry 

Jack you don't have to do this with your self. Said Jessica with guilt I can see guilt in everyone's eyes 

Why you guys are guilty I was the who ask you all to come and have drink and smoke weed I was the who was a fuck head that day . I said almost screaming 

No Jack we all never knew that "Olivia will fell in love with a wrong guy . that we never knew she would have been killed and Raped . Said David trying to explain me 

It's been 3 years can't we move on for god sake. Said Martin with anger 

No one had a clue that fucking Jacob will do this the worst part is he and his dad had a huge gang up they left us without any kind of evidence. Said Olexander with anger . We all were lost in our thoughts. 

Next morning University)

We are ready for the camp week it's been 3 weeks after the party I have not seen Jack and his team much they were keeping a distance from us as Alex tried to talk to them they ignore her many times so we started keep a distance as well it's has been so much trouble 3 days starting of University but now I am trying to focus on my courier more . I left home from university took stuff pack my bags for the camp . I saw granny came to my room as I was packing. 

How many days you gonna be in camp honey. She said she was not that happy . I have never been away from them 

Granny it's just 10 days and I will be back again. I said hugging her 

Be save honey we love you . She said kissing my forehead 

I promise I will be save . I said kissing her cheek then I heard a horn it was Alex I took my bag pack and left when grand pa look at me with a huge smile but his eyes look sad I sign with a huhh .

I promise I will be save. I kissed him and left as I went out I saw Alex and her friends but their was someone new wait a second it was what Jacob. 

What are you doing here Jacob. I said with disbelieve when Alex interpret me I look for an answer. 

Chill "Ava he is my boyfriend now . She said What she said was a shock for me o my god is she serious 

Are you out of your mind "Alex how did that happened like what . I was not ready to except the fact .

Come on " Ava we will be late . Said "Jacob with a creepy smile I look at " Alex and sat in the car as I was sitting back I can see that "Jacob was looking at me from the mirror and giving me his stupid smile . But I ignore him i was not able to except the fact he is dating "Alex after 10 minutes we reach at school all are ready to be in their bus we came out of the car I saw " Jack and his friends they were shock looking at "Alex and "Jacob together he was holding her so close that everyone can see they are dating as they went inside the busy "olexander came up to me 

Ava what's going on with Alex what is she doing with that basted. He said shock and angry at the same time 

I have no idea "olexander when they came to pick me up she said they were dating . I said making them even more shock .

Why you people are so dumb to fell in love with anyone. Said "David getting unbelievable . the campus coach whistle as us.

Are you guys gonna be here. He said smiling as we went inside I got my seat next to "Jack "Jacob and "Alex were infront of us . the bus starts to move we started our journey. everyone starts to sing and crack jokes and some are dancing . All I was doing was sitting awkwardly near "Jack and he was not even looking at me.


She was by my side the whole time I was trying to ignore her as we soon realise it's been 2 hours she slept keeping her head on my shoulder it was 7 evening we reach at are destination we got out taking our stuff coming out of the bus when " Ava was coming down the bus when "Jacob gave her a hand . Which he ignore he was pissed at the fact.