

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 6

Food is already served on the table. When lunch arrived, Grandfather Badrun invited Neo and his two adopted grandchildren Alfi and Alif to go to the mosque first to perform the midday prayer in congregation.

After performing the congregational prayers, Grandfather Badrun and Neo were seen walking hand in hand followed by Alif and Alfi who followed behind.

"Let's eat first, sir!" invite Grandma Azizah.

"Grandma, call me Neo! I've already told Grandma!" Neo's protest made Grandma Azizah chuckle.

"Yes, sorry! Grandma forgot, son!" Grandma said with a chuckle.

The atmosphere of lunch at Anara's house this time was so warm. Because Neo and Grandpa Badrun joined in the warm conversation while enjoying Anara and Grandma Azizah's cooking.

"Are you two staying the night today?" asked Grandma Azizah after they had finished lunch, who was now sitting in front of the terrace of Grandma Azizah's house.

"I'm up to you sir, Grandma!" replied Anara doubtfully.

"We'll be staying three days here, Grandma!" said Neo without preamble.


Anara's heart was beating faster than usual hearing Neo's words. The disbelief of her hearing made Anara look at Neo who was still engrossed in talking with Grandpa Badrun.

"Sir…!" Anara said softly.

"I don't mind sleeping anywhere!" answered Neo flatly.

Once again, Anara doesn't believe Neo's words this time. But Grandma Azizah, who understood the situation, immediately asked Anara to prepare her room for Neo.

"Anara, go to your room! And quickly prepare a room for, Neo! Tonight he will sleep in your room, and you can sleep with Grandma! I miss Grandma…" Grandma Azizah caressed Anara's back lovingly, Neo could see how much Anara's family loved each other.

"Aliiif…! Alfiii…!" shouted several children outside calling Alif and Alfi.

"Who are they?" asked Neo.

"They are friends of Alif and Alfi." answered Grandfather Badrun.

Alif and Alfi immediately welcomed their friends. They then played in the yard of Grandma Azizah's house which was wide enough to play.

Seeing Alif and Alfi's excitement playing, Neo was moved to join in playing with the children who are still around 12 years old.

"Alif, Alfi! Can you come play with you guys?" asked Neo with a happy smile on his face.

This was the first time Anara saw that smile on Neo's face. The cold and indifferent man that Anara has known, never smiles at all. Even just to talk is very economical.

"Eh? Does he seriously want to play?" Anara thought in disbelief.

"Come here, Bang!" invite Alfi and Alif together.

Neo was happy to get down from the terrace of Grandma Azizah's stilt house to the courtyard which was already full of Alif and Alfi's playmates.

"Alif, Alfi! Who's he? So handsome!" said Meilani, a friend of Alif and Alfi.

"He's Brother Neo, introduce me!" Alif said pulling Neo's hand.

After getting acquainted with school friends as well as Alif and Alfi's playmates, Neo then joins and plays with them in Grandma Azizah's yard.

"Well, Brother is cheating!" said Alif who found Neo dribbling the ball by spreading his arms so that no one could take the ball away from him.

The laughter of Neo and Alif's friends as well as Alfi adorned the evening atmosphere in Grandma Azizah's yard. There was a feeling of emotion that seeped into Grandpa Badrun's heart. The tears rolled down Grandfather Badrun's wrinkled cheeks.

"Grandpa why?" asked Anara who was already sitting beside Grandpa Badrun.

"Grandpa remembers Raihan. His age must not be much different from Neo." said Grandpa Badrun.

"Grandpa, don't worry! When we arrive in town, Anara promises to find Bang Raihan's address and ask him to come home for a while to meet Grandpa." Anara said sincerely.

"Is it true?" asked Grandpa Badrun in disbelief.

"Yes, Cake! Anara promised Grandpa." Anara replied smiling happily seeing the happy binary in Grandpa Badrun's eyes.

"Thank you, Ana! You are Grandpa's most beautiful granddaughter." Grandpa Badrun gently ruffled the top of Anara's head, the 18 year old girl laughing happily with Grandpa Badrun.

"Anara is happy to be among people who love her. As long as he was near me, Anara never laughed out loud like that. Not even smiling! Am I too cruel to him?" Neo thought when he saw Anara and Grandpa Badrun and Grandma Azizah together.

"It's almost evening! Let's play tomorrow again! You'd better go home soon." Grandma Azizah shouted on the terrace of her stilt house.

Neo and friends of the twins Alif and Alfi immediately ended the game, after hearing Grandma Azizah's screams.

With profuse sweat, Neo and the twins Alif and Alfi immediately lay down on the terrace. Anara immediately brought towels for her twins as well as for Neo.

"Here are the towels, sir!" Anara handed Neo a towel without daring to look at Neo's face.

While Alif and Alfi rushed to take a shower when they received towels from their older brother. Neo and the twins took turns bathing before going to the mosque for the evening prayer together.

"Is it here every day like last time?" asked Neo suddenly when he was alone with Anara on the terrace.

"Yes! Every day Alif and Alfi play with their friends here. Sometimes Grandpa Badrun even plays with them. When it's rainy season, Grandpa usually takes them to the fields. They will come home with lots of fish, which are usually found around the ditches in the rice fields because they are carried away by the currents of rain…" Anara said, stopping when Neo interrupted her.

"Sounds interesting! I hope it will rain tonight until morning, so that tomorrow I can join Grandpa Badrun to the fields and look for fish in the ditches." Neo said with a smile that could not be interpreted.

"Are you sure sir?" asked Anara doubtfully.

"Why? You don't like it? Neo asked back.

"Mom… it's not like that! But later, you're afraid your clothes will get dirty and smelly! There too later the situation will be very dirty, dirty and smelly! Do you still want to go there?" asked Anara carefully, afraid that Neo would be angry and offended.

"There are you who wash my clothes! So why be afraid?" answered Neo lightly.

"Eh? Did I hear right?" Anara thought.

"Don't worry! I'm still sane!" replied Neo flatly.

Evening came. After finishing praying in congregation at the mosque, Neo, Alfi, and Alfi went home with jokes and happy laughter. Meanwhile Grandpa Badrun returned to his own house.

"Where's Grandfather Badrun?" she asked.

"Grandfather said he wanted to take a break right away!" replied Alfi.

"Why don't you invite Grandpa Badrun to have dinner together?" asked Grandma Azizah.

"Forgotten, Grandma!" Alfi smirks, while Alif just scratches his head which doesn't itch.

"Just let me call Grandpa Badrun, Grandma!" said Anara.

Anara immediately got up from her seat, while Neo just watched from where he was sitting.

"I am coming along!" suddenly came Neo's idea to go to Grandfather Badrun's house.

Anara only looked for a moment then stepped back followed by Neo, who followed behind Anara.

"Assalamu'alaikum, Grandpa…!" called Anara from outside.

Neo looked around the house of Grandma Azizah and Grandpa Badrun. Neo raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes sparkling seeing the beauty of the village atmosphere at night.

"Sis… Ma… I miss you two!" Neo thought screaming.

Soon the door of Grandfather Badrun's house opened. Anara was found standing facing the door, while Neo, who was behind Anara, was looking up at the sky.

"Anara? What is it?" asked Grandpa Badrun.

"Grandma asked Grandpa to have dinner with us." Anara said making Grandfather Badrun smile.

"Eh? Why is Grandpa smiling like that? Is there something wrong with what I said?" asked Anara surprised.

"No! Grandpa is just happy to see you two! You are very compatible if you become lovers and get married." said Grandpa Badrun.




Neo who was looking at the sky suddenly choked on his own saliva. Meanwhile, Anara blushed with fear and embarrassment.

"Come on, Grandpa!" invite Anara to neutralize fear mixed with shame into one.

"What about you guys? Is what Grandpa said true?" Grandpa Badrun teased, raising and lowering his eyebrows.

Neo then walked behind Grandfather Badrun and Anara. His hands were shoved into his trouser pockets. Every now and then Neo pays attention to Anara, who is 5 years younger than him.

"Anara hasn't thought about that way yet, Grandpa! Anara still wants to grant Grandma's wish. Anara also still has the full responsibility of educating Alif and Alfi. Anara does not want that after marriage, Anara's husband will forbid Anara from providing financial assistance to Anara's grandmother and younger siblings. Besides, Anara doesn't have a candidate yet, Grandpa." Anara chuckled at the thought of herself getting married at such a young age.

Currently, Anara is still 18 years old and just graduated from high school a few months ago. Anara received a scholarship from a well-known campus in the city. But Anara didn't tell anyone because Anara didn't want to burden her grandmother and her two younger siblings with that.

Anara chose to remain silent and keep her mouth shut about the scholarship she received. Anara does get all the facilities for food money, pocket money, a place to live, and also needs for college.

"Before you sleep, brush your teeth first, then wash your hands and feet, and don't forget to pray!" Anara's advice to her two younger siblings Alif and Alfi.

"Okay, my beautiful sister..." Alif and Alfi teased in unison, making Neo laugh in amusement at the attitude of Anara's twin sisters.

"Of course! Sister is beautiful…!" Anara replied with an innocent face while rolling her eyes mischievously at her twin sisters.

Again…! Neo laughed at Anara and her twin sisters. The warmth in Anara's family home made Neo feel at home at Grandma Azizah's house, even though it was only for a few hours.

"Anara, take Neo to rest in your room! Deliver Neo, then after that you sleep with Grandma, okay!" asked Grandma Azizah.

"Yes, Grandma!" said Anara smiling sweetly.

After clearing the dining table and packing plates and glasses into the cupboard, Anara invited Neo to take a break and entered Anara's room.

"Master please rest here! Sorry the room is cramped and stuffy." Anara said then closed the door from the outside and went to Grandma Azizah's room.

Neo stared at the bedroom door that Anara had closed. His eyes then scanned around the narrow but very neat and cool room.

Neo's eyes fixed on a large white envelope lying on the table. Neo immediately took the big envelope and opened it slowly.

"What's this?" Neo slowly opened the big white envelope.