

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 45



One hard punch hit Rudi's face and one kick hit his stomach, so that the widower with one child staggered with his body bent over in pain. Not satisfied until there, Neo grabbed Rudi's hair which was still wet.

"Aaaaa… it hurts, Neo!" shouted Rudy.

"Where does my heart hurt more to see the girl I love you want to abuse, Rudi ...!" shouted Neo in front of Rudi's face.




This time Neo slapped Rudi's face repeatedly, causing the white face with narrow eyes to instantly turn red from Neo's palms.

"Aaaaa… it hurts, dammit!" Rudi shouted again.

"Anara will be in more pain when she wakes up and finds her chastity stolen by you, bastard!" Neo keeps grabbing Rudi's hair.

"Let me go!" Rudi rebelled.

"God damn it! Dare you touch, Anara!" Neo again hit Rudi hard in the face until the man's lips bled.

When Neo was about to hit Rudi again, Nathan came and immediately intervened for Neo. Nathan didn't want Neo to judge Rudi with violence which could create new problems, which could have made Neo a suspect in the case of violence that Rudi had reported because of the abuse against him.

"Neo! Stop it!" Nathan blocked Neo's hand that was about to throw a fist.

While Rudi was lying on the carpet in the hotel room. It didn't take long for hotel security to come to secure Rudi, according to Nathan's report before coming to the hotel room.

Finally Rudi was taken by hotel security to be handed over to the police. Nathan and Florencia joined the security guards to secure Rudi to the police station, while Neo immediately lifted Anara's tiny body into the car to be taken to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hotel lobby, Neo ran into Sarah. His face red with anger, Neo threatens Sarah.

"If you don't want to admit the crimes you have committed against, Anara. Don't expect me to let you go, Sarah! I will still report the crimes you have committed to Anara, I don't care even if you are Mrs. Sonya's nephew. Remember that Sarah!" Neo's threat scares Sarah.

"Neo, this is just a misunderstanding! It wasn't me who did it!" Sarah blocks Neo's path, who is carrying Anara.

"Move! Don't get in my way, Sarah! I've got proof of your and Rudi's crimes." Neo brushed off Sarah's body that was blocking his way by swinging Anara's leg, hitting Sarah and she almost fell.

Neo immediately took Anara into his car, after that Neo drove the car fast enough to get to the hospital. Not yet at the hospital, Anara was already conscious and roaring in pain.

"Aaaaa… my head!" Anara groaned in pain.

"You hold on well! I'll take you to the hospital." Neo said occasionally glancing at Anara.

"Why is it so hot?" Anara slowly waved her arm to dispel the heat.

"Eh? Hot? How could it be? Just this air conditioner is quite big, why did Anara say it was hot?" muttered Neo keeping his focus on the steering wheel.

"Aaaaahhh..." Anara moaned.

Without Neo realizing it, Anara had started to take off the headscarf she was wearing, because she felt hot all over her body. When he turned around, Neo was surprised because now it wasn't just the headscarf that Anara was taking off.

Anara had unbuttoned the buttons on the front one by one, so that the girl's cleavage was exposed very clearly before Neo's eyes at this time.

"What are you doing, Anara?" Neo tried to hold Anara's hand who kept trying to open her clothes.


Neo had a hard time swallowing his saliva which was stuck in his throat, the atmosphere in the car was now starting to be thrilling for Neo. More thrilling than when he watched a horror movie, because Anara had given him a headache at this time by acting strangely.

Neo had to pull over and stop his car on the side of the road, because now Anara began to touch Neo's body with passion. Neo tried to hold on and forced Anara to put her clothes back on, but Anara tried to fight harder and harder.


Anara hugged Neo's body tightly and then slowly wrapped her arms around Neo's stocky neck, making the handsome young man hot and cold at Anara's attitude. Now Anara brought her face closer to Neo, only a few inches of their lips getting closer.

"Satisfy me, aaaaahhh…" whispered Anara with a tempting sigh.

"Anara, wake up! I'm sure you can't do this. Take your hands off my neck, let me put your clothes back on. Come on, let's go to the hospital, so you can get treatment from the doctor immediately!" said Neo who tried to hold back his desire, however, as a normal man, of course Neo wanted it when the girl he loved wanted it. However, Neo realized that Anara was currently under the influence of the stimulant drug that Rudi gave him.

"Aaaaahhh, why won't you touch me? I really want you, aaaaahhh…" Anara's sighs increasingly disturbed Neo's soul, which was starting to get aroused.

"Anara..." Neo said with a voice soft and passionate desire.

Anara suddenly kissed Neo's lips full of lust, making Neo widen his eyes in disbelief at what he was feeling right now. When Anara began to touch Neo's body, for some reason the man's tears flowed profusely and had already wet his handsome face.

"Anara, stop!" Neo's mind groaned painfully when he saw that Anara had been overpowered by stimulants.

"Please satisfy me..." whispered Anara shortly after releasing her kiss on Neo's lips.

"What a powerful stimulant that Rudi gave Anara! That insolent bastard must be rewarded!" said Neo furiously.

Now Anara was forced to unbutton Neo's shirt, making Anara's desire even higher when she saw the torn piece of bread that looked so beautiful in Anara's eyes.

Neo closed his eyes feeling every touch Anara gave him. By gathering strength, Neo tries to grab Anara's hand, who suddenly has super powers, even Neo himself cannot fight Anara's strength this time.

"Honey, let's find a good position!" Neo persuaded.

It's lucky that Neo's car glass has a filter installed, so that if people are outside they won't be able to see what's going on in the car at this time.

Neo pulled the lever next to his car seat, so that the car seat became a comfortable bed for Anara. Immediately Anara's smile appeared on the corner of her red lips, while Neo with a terrible grin on his lips locked Anara's hand.

"Aaaaa…" Anara screamed in pain when Neo pressed down on Anara's body and quickly tied Anara's hands, so that Anara could no longer rebel freely and forced Neo to serve his lust outside of Anara's awareness.

"Let me go!" shouted Anara.

"Sorry, Anara! I have to do this to you! I'm not a bastard like Rudi who wants to take advantage when you're under the influence of stimulants," said Neo.

With her hands tied, Anara continued to struggle and scream, asking Neo to satisfy his unbearable lust. However, Neo returned to repairing Anara's clothes, even trying to put Anara on her headscarf.

After finishing treating Anara, Neo immediately tidied up his clothes and continued his journey to the hospital. Neo doesn't want to see Anara tormented again in that condition.

"Rudi, bastard! Let's see what I will do to you! You have made Ana suffer. I won't let you go, bastard!" Neo slammed the steering wheel to vent his anger. Meanwhile, Anara continues to ramble asking Neo to satisfy her desires.

Neo's car has entered the hospital yard, without parking the car first in the parking lot. Neo immediately took his car to the emergency room, Neo asked security to call the doctor on duty to immediately treat Anara without getting her out of the car, because Neo was worried that Anara would rebel again.

The effect of the stimulant had not disappeared, and Anara was still raving about it. The doctor immediately came and examined Anara's condition, after Neo explained the problem that occurred.

"What a pity for this girl." said a male nurse, looking at Anara's face, which had calmed down because of the anesthetic given by the doctor.

"She's my future wife!" Neo said firmly making the male nurse silent with her face downcast, because Neo's face looked scary as if he was about to pounce on his enemy at this moment.

After Anara fell asleep due to the anesthetic, with the help of a nurse Anara was taken to the emergency room and allowed to rest until Anara regained consciousness. Neo faithfully waits for Anara at the patient's bedside.

"I'm sorry, Anara!" Neo held Anara's hand tightly and repeatedly kissed the tiny hand.

"It's all my fault! What happened to you was all because of my selfishness, forgive me!" said Neo sobbing.

Soon Nathan and Florencia arrived after receiving news from Neo about Anara's condition, and finished things at the police station and handed Rudi over to the authorities.

"How are things, Anara?" Florencia asked.

"Anara is much better now. Rudi is really impudent! He has already given Anara high doses of stimulants, to the point that I myself am overwhelmed by Anara." Sorry Neo.

"Bastard! If only he wasn't Belia's biological father, I would have broken his turtledove." Florencia said angrily, spontaneously making Neo and Nathan feel pain and hold their own.

"Sadistic really!" Nathan protested.

"Anara!" Rayhan suddenly arrives uninvited, making Neo annoyed himself with the presence of the man who has made him jealous.

"Ray! You yourself?" Nathan asked.

"I came with Wildan." Rayhan replied.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are Grandfather Badrun's grandson, right?" Neo asked sarcastically making Rayhan respond with a wry smile.

"You guys know each other?" Florencia asked.

"I don't know him, it's just that he seems to hate me a lot." Rayhan answered coldly.

"What do you mean by saying that?" Neo started getting emotional.

"Hey, this is a hospital! Why are you guys even noisy? What are you all fussing about?" asked Wildan.

"I don't know him at all!" Neo chirps.

"Obviously you don't know him, you never wanted to join us! You only wanted to be friends with Nathan and Florencia, all this time you have treated us as your enemies!" Wildan said making Neo silent.

"Already… already don't make a fuss! Poor Anara! He needs rest." Florencia broke up the commotion between her friends.

"If you want to make noise outside!" said Nathan.

Neo took a deep breath and threw it away roughly. Not wanting to disturb Anara's rest, Neo prefers to remain silent and continues to hold Anara's hand.

"You son of a bitch!" teased Nathan nudged Neo's arm.

When the atmosphere of the room was getting quiet, suddenly the door opened spontaneously, all eyes were fixed on the open door. With a pale face Sarah stepped into the room where Anara was lying.

"What did you come here for, Sarah? Isn't it enough that you created a dangerous situation for Anara, haaah?" asked Neo emotion.

"Ummm… I'm sorry, Neo! I did all this because Rudi told me to frame Anara. I really didn't mean to harm Anara." Sarah knelt at Neo's feet with her body trembling.

"Nathan, get this snake girl out of my sight!" Neo asked by pointing towards the door.

Sarah widened her eyes in disbelief when she heard Neo kick her out in front of her friends. Even though Sarah came to apologize to Neo, Neo instead humiliated Sarah in that way.