

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 26

Anara already tried on three clothes, but Neo even added four other clothes, making Anara even more annoyed as if she had been toyed with by Neo.

"It's okay to do Anara again and again! Let's just pretend that Anara is again modeling clothes in front of me, hehehe…" Neo said laughing mischievously.

"I think after this is enough! This is the last dress I tried on, and I only chose this one!" Anara said curtly making Neo immediately comment.

"Wrap all tried on clothes! Take all colors for her as long as not black! I don't like to see my woman wearing black clothes. Neo said firmly, while Anara only sighed because it was useless to protest or argue.

"If I denied he would definitely threaten me to report the case to the police station, and I also don't want to go to jail!" Anara grumbled softly, which could still be heard by Neo.

"It's good that you already know!" Neo whispered in Anara's ear which made Anara roll her eyes lazily.

"Huuuh! It's always like that! Are all rich people as arrogant as you, huh?" Anara pursed her lips as she stared intently at Neo.

"If your lips like that I really want to kiss them! Your face is also very cute makes me excited and want to kiss your cheek!" Neo's teasing made Anara flinch.

"Eh? Since when did he become so cute? Usually also stiff, cold, ignorant, talkative, and…" Anara's words were stopped because Neo put his index finger in front of Anara's lips.

"Sssttt…! Can you be quiet or not? Otherwise I will kiss your lips here! Want to?" Neo teases Anara again.

Anara's face was red with anger and embarrassment. Why not! Currently, the boutique waiters are counting all of Neo's orders, while Neo himself invites Anara to sit near the cashier's counter.

All eyes are almost on those who look harmonious as a couple of young parents, who have just married and have a tiny baby who is just over 9 months old.

"A lovely young couple. The woman is beautiful and the man is also handsome. What's more, her husband seems to care very much about his wife, and also loves his child very much." The rumors sounded clear to Anara and Neo's ears.

"Just make us jealous! They are very well matched." Another whisper made Anara uncomfortable, while Neo just smiled confidently.

After finishing paying for the clothes that Neo bought for Anara, Neo deliberately didn't immediately take Anara to the parking lot. Neo first took Anara into a café.

"Soon it will be sunset, we will break our fast here. The problem is that if you continue the journey the distance from here to home is still another two and a half hours. We can also spend the night, so pray here as well!" Neo said after sitting on the sofa in the private room that he had ordered, so that it would be comfortable for Anara, Neo as well as Young's baby who was still fast asleep in his sleep.

"Since when did you become such a nag?" said Anara curtly.

"Since I fell in love with a beautiful girl named Anara Laudya Elga. Since then, I want to always pay attention to my idol by not letting you be silent." Neo's reply made Anara swallow her own saliva many times.

Anara took a deep breath and let it out harshly. Anara repeatedly tries to shake off the same feelings so she doesn't fall in love with Neo, a man who has a different status from her.

"Why do you look angry, Anara? Don't you like it when I love you? Am I wrong if my heart is anchored only to the pier of love that I want to stop at only your heart?" asked Neo staring deep into Anara.

"You are not wrong! It's just that our statuses and differences are too far apart to make it impossible for anything to happen." Anara answered honestly.

"What do you mean by saying that, Anara?" Neo frowned.

"You clearly know that the difference between us is real! You and your family are respected, respected, well-known people, you rich people have everything. While me? Who am I? How's my family? You know that right? I'm just a poor person who lives with a grandmother as well as two twin sisters who are still dependent on me, I'm also an orphan without a father and mother. How could people look at me, even if I married a man like you? Marriage will not change everything, other people's views of me are still the same! And I don't want to bring down your family's honor just because of my status! Hope you understand!" The sentence that Anara said seemed to stab Neo's heart, it was so painful but the wound was not bleeding and invisible.

"Is that just because you rejected me, Anara?" asked Neo with tears in his eyes.

"No! I don't love you either!" answered Anara firmly.


Neo suddenly hugged Anara's body tightly, of course that made Anara shocked and struggled.

"Let me go!" Anara pushed Neo's body.


Anara's eyes widened as her lips felt It's something delicious touching the cavity of his mouth. Neo kissed Anara's lips gently and sank further, making Anara just silent in her shock.




The sound of someone knocking on the door from outside, Neo immediately released his hold on Anara's ripe lips.

A waiter came with Neo's order of food to break the fast this time. Food was served on the table, but Anara immediately left the private room without saying goodbye to Neo.

"Thank You!" said Neo.

The servant then came out of the private room after finishing his task. While Anara looked for toilets and prayer rooms around the cafe, to perform the evening prayer first after drinking water to break her fast.

"Where, Anara? What took you so long?" Neo was talking to himself.

"Mamamamama… dadadadadada…" baby Belia babbled when she opened her eyes and woke up from her sleep.

"You awake, honey? Are you thirsty?" asked Neo in response to the chatter of Belia's baby.

Shortly after, Anara appeared at the door. After entering, Anara sat across from Neo who was holding Belia's baby.

"You eat first, Anara!" said Neo.

"Let me carry Belia first, you pray. After that we eat, I won't eat before my master eats!" said Anara curtly.

Neo stood up from his seat and gave the baby Belia to Anara and placed it on Anara's lap. Instantly Neo grabbed Anara's chin roughly, he kissed Anara's lips briefly.

"I am offended by what you said just now, Anara! Then I will punish you even more than this if you say something like just now!" Neo walked away from Anara who was still frozen in silence.

"Why does it always have to be like this? It's just threatening! I could suffer at this rate! Oh God! May this cooperation agreement contract end soon! I don't want to be around him all the time!" grumbled Anara.

"Mamamamama…" babbled baby Belia.

"Sorry! You must be thirsty!" Anara immediately prepared Belia's drinking bottles and milk.

Anara asked the cafe maid to bring hot water, so she could make milk for her baby. After getting hot water, Anara immediately made milk for her baby.

"Drink a lot, honey! So that you can sleep well tonight. What's more, we still have a long way to go. Don't be fussy like your Big Daddy, honey! Aunty's head hurts, it's about to burst with your Big Daddy's behavior!" Anara's nagging made the baby laugh funny when she heard Anara's words.

"Why are you laughing like that? Is there something funny? You're making fun of Aunty, aren't you?" Anara gently pinched the baby's chubby cheeks with delight.

Five minutes passed Neo had returned from the prayer room to perform the evening prayer. Neo's handsome face looks even more handsome with the rest of the ablution water running down his face. That made Anara repeatedly swallow her saliva heavily when glancing out of the corner of her eye.

"We eat now!" asked Neo who knew that Anara was secretly glancing at him.

"Hmm." Anara nodded her head slowly.

"Is there any food that Belia can eat?" Neo asked in the middle of his mouthful.

"Just try the soft one first it's okay. Besides, Belia is almost 10 months old, it's time to eat porridge or steamed rice." Reply Anara.

"Hmm. Okay! Starting tomorrow, I will ask Mbok Ijah to make healthy porridge for Belia." Neo said.

After eating the iftar menu, Neo took Anara home. In the middle of the trip, Neo's car tire suddenly bursts, which irritates Neo.

The reason is that at this hour all tire patches must have been closed, what's more this is the month of Ramadan, the Tarawih prayer will soon be held.

"How about this? Aren't any workshops open?" Anara asked.

"Soon it will be evening time, everyone will definitely perform the tarawih prayer. I'd better get some help pushing the car to the inn ahead. We pray isya and tarawih prayers at the mosque in front of the inn." Neo's suggestion made Anara take a deep breath and throw it away roughly.

There is no choice but to do what Neo says. Anara took Belia's baby into the mosque and placed her beside him. Luckily, baby Belia fell asleep when Anara prayed Isha and Tarawih prayers in congregation at the mosque.

After the prayer, Anara chose to sit in the mosque. It can be seen that some of the congregation have left the mosque, but some are still holding out for recitations and reading the Qur'an.

"Anara, I've rented an inn for one night. Let's go there! It's a pity for Belia that she can catch a cold in the mosque, it's also uncomfortable if she has to sleep on the carpet." Invite Neo.

"Are we going to sleep in this one room?" asked Anara when she was already in the inn.

"What else can we do? This room is the only one left! If you have to find a hotel at night, where is it farther? I'm tired and want to sleep soon." Neo answered as he lay down on the couch.

"Fate…!" Anara rubbed her chest gently.

Anara sat on the edge of the bed where the baby Belia was asleep. See Anara daydreaming, Neo gets back up and looks at Anara.

"Why are you not sleeping?" asked Neo.

"Afraid!" replied Anara.

"Haaah? Afraid of what?" asked Neo.

"Afraid that suddenly a lion king will pounce on me while I'm sleeping! Then eat me without a trace!" Anara's chirping made Neo slap his forehead.

"I'm not that cruel, Anara! Go to bed already! I won't bother you. Unless you do something wrong, I will punish you with…" Neo's words were stopped because Anara covered Neo's mouth with her hand.

"Can be silent? No need to bring it up! Even if I'm wrong, isn't there another punishment that can keep me from repeating the same mistake? I'm tired of being punished like that!" Anara's eyes glared at Neo, now their eyes met and locked.

Neo lowered Anara's hand that covered her mouth slowly. Anara and Neo stare at each other lovingly, even though Anara refuses in her mouth, her heart and eyes say otherwise.

"Forgive me! I did that because I love you too much, Anara! I'm so afraid of losing you! I have lost two women who I care about, namely Mom and Sis Arsyila. I don't want to lose the woman I love for the third time, Anara. So don't reject me, because it will be very painful for me." Neo pulled Anara's body onto his lap.

Without resistance Anara sat on Neo's lap. The eyes of the two locked. Neo pulled the crook of Anara's neck and brought his forehead to Anara's.

"Don't leave me, Anara! I can't afford to lose again. Stay with me! Warm my frozen soul with your love, Anara. I really want you, Anara." Neo hugged Anara's body tightly.


Anara's tears ran down her face. Anara returned Neo's hug tightly. Is it time for Anara to open her heart to Neo?