

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 21

Anara woke up from her sleep because she felt something above her body that made her tight. Someone who touched his face, even kissed his cheeks passionately until he felt wet with saliva.

Anara's eyes widened when she saw the baby Belia passionately showering Anara's face with kisses on both cheeks.

"Honey, what are you doing? Why have not you fallen asleep?" Anara asked, excited to see the cute behavior of Belia's baby

"Mamamamama… hahahahaha…" chatter and laughter of the baby Belia.

"Smart kids! Are you brave enough, Aunty? Do you want Aunty to kiss your puffy cheeks too, honey?" Anara's teasing made the baby Belia giggle even more.

Hearing baby Belia's laughter in Anara's room, Neo woke up and sneaked out to see Anara and baby Belia. Neo slowly opened the door to Anara's room, Neo could see that Anara and Belia's baby were playing on the bed.

"Anara's hair is very long." Neo muttered behind the door.

Anara didn't realize that right now Neo was peeking at her playing with baby Belia, even Anara's chest which was opened by baby Belia was exposed so that Neo's eyes widened to see the beauty of Anara's twin mountains.


Neo swallowed hard when he saw Anara's large breasts. For some reason Neo suddenly opened Anara's bedroom door wide. Without asking Anara's permission first, Neo just walked into Anara's room to make Anara surprised.

"Bro… Brother? Why did you come into my room?" Anara immediately looked for a headscarf to cover her head.

"I hear your voices." Neo said reasoned.

"But you should have knocked on the door first! Don't go in haphazardly like that! I'm ashamed brother to see me like this." said Anara who was wearing a headscarf quickly.

Neo stood still hearing Anara's words, feeling guilty. Neo rushed to hug Anara. Anara was stunned in Neo's arms, while the baby Belia laughed at the sight of Neo and Anara.

"Look! She was very happy to see us both." Neo whispered suddenly.

Anara pushed Neo's body away from her. Neo realized and immediately separated his arms from Anara. Neo seems hypnotized by Anara's charm, who is naturally beautiful, unpolished, simple, and most importantly covered in hijab.

"Ah, sorry!" said Neo.

Anara did not answer, only looked at the baby Belia who was laughing happily. Anara's heart is currently beating very fast, as well as Neo's. Don't ask how their faces are now, both red and hot like burning arrows of love.

"It's still night, brother, go back to sleep with Belia here!" said Anara.

"Where are you going?" asked Neo.

"I want to take ablution water. This is enough time for the night prayer." Anara said as she left her room.

"Hmm. Okay!" replied Neo, who immediately asked the baby Belia to go back to sleep.

Anara is doing her night prayers in her room, while Belia's baby is sleeping in Neo's arms. That made Neo choose to get out of bed and join in the night prayers like Anara did.

Anara and Neo were both solemn in praying after they finished performing the night prayer. Anara waited for dawn by reading the Qur'an, while Neo listened carefully to Anara's melodious voice.

"What a melodious voice, Anara!" thought Neo.

Neo unconsciously looked deeper into Anara, there was a feeling that had never been present in Neo's heart and feelings for any girl. This feeling always makes Neo feel his heart beating faster.

"Why is my heart always like this when I'm close to Anara? Even though I just looked at his face! Before Anara, I also often looked at Florencia, Maya, Sarah and other female friends. But, why is it only Anara who always makes my heart beat fast like this?" thought Neo.

"Why look at me like that?" asked Anara when she closed and finished reading the Qur'an.

"You're beautiful!" said Neo spontaneously.

"Eh?" Anara shifted her gaze, her chest suddenly thumped hearing Neo's narrative.

"Eh? I mean… well I mean you are really beautiful!" Neo said making Anara freeze.

"Why?" asked Neo surprised to see Anara.

"Since when did Brother good at praising me? Usually also cold and flat! Am I the umpteenth girl that brother has flirted with?" said Anara.

"Ish, where is it? Of course you're the only one Brother gossips! I've never flirted with other girls." Neo said, but in the next second Neo immediately covered his mouth with both hands.

Anara who realized immediately came out of her room, letting Neo be embarrassed by her own attitude and words. While Anara smiled shyly with a blushing face.

"Aish… what did I say to Anara? This mouth can't be conditioned at all! Shame on you! Come on Neo… control yourself!" Neo cursed to himself.

"Owekkk… owekkk… mamamamama…" baby Belia woke up and looked for Anara's whereabouts.

"Ah, luckily you woke up soon, honey! That way your big daddy won't be too embarrassed to meet your mother Nara! Big Daddy has a reason to get closer i Mother Nara you!" said Neo happily.

Neo immediately picked up Belia's baby and took her to the kitchen to meet Anara, and asked her to make milk for the baby.

"Mamamamama… mamamamama…" Belia's baby chatter made Anara look up instantly,

"Assalamu'alaikum, Aunty's beautiful niece!" Anara greeted the baby Belia, making the 9 month old baby laugh happily.

"Wa'alaikumsalam, Aunty!" Neo answered in a voice he made like a child.

"Are you hungry, honey? Aunty made some milk for you, okay!" Anara received a milk box and a milk bottle from Neo's hand.

"Yes Auntie! Thank You!" replied Neo imitating a baby's voice.

Anara deftly made milk for the baby, while Neo looked in amazement at what Anara was doing. Neo can imagine himself as a husband and father of his children with Anara.

"Is this what it's like to be a husband and a father? I will carry my child, wait for my wife who is cooking while making milk for our children." Neo's dirty mind reigns supreme.

"Ah, Anara... I can't wait to marry you!" thought Neo.

"Eh? Why did I imagine marrying Anara, and having children from her? It's Neo's fault! You can't think about that! You can't fall in love with anyone including Anara… you can't, Neo! No!" Neo brushed aside his mind and heart which were not in line with his mouth.

When his heart and mind always remember Anara, his mouth always rejects the feeling that comes instantly when Anara's image appears in his mind.

"Here's the milk, honey!" Anara said interrupting Neo's reverie.

"Mamamamama… mamamamama…" chattered the baby Belia who couldn't wait to drink her milk.

Neo grabbed the milk bottle that Anara gave him, then the baby immediately drank the milk with the help of Neo who was holding the milk bottle.

"Sit down!" Anara opened a chair for Neo.

"Thank You." Reply Neo.

Anara then continued her task of making breakfast this morning. Neo sat giving milk to Belia, watching Anara who was preparing breakfast.

For some reason, every time he looks at, hears, or even mentions Anara's name, Neo always feels a strange vibration in his heart.

This time Neo again felt the vibration. And every time Anara is away from him, there is a longing to meet a beautiful girl who always disturbs the recesses of his soul every time.

"Is this thing called falling in love?" muttered Neo talking to baby Belia.

"Mamamamama… mamamamama…" baby Belia babbled as if she understood Neo's words.

"Is your big Daddy in love with your Mother Nara, honey?" whispered Neo in front of Belia's baby face.

This time baby Belia laughed happily when Neo talked to her. Anara, who heard the baby Belia's laughter, became excited too, and immediately glanced at Neo and the baby Belia sitting behind her.

"Unfortunately Aunty is so smart!" Anara approached the baby Belia and stroked her plump cheeks.

Neo became uncomfortable when Anara approached and stroked the baby Belia's chubby cheeks. Anara who saw that looked deeply at Neo.

"Brother why?" asked Anara worried, because Neo's face was very pale with a sweaty forehead the size of corn kernels.

"Heart, Brother… heart, Brother… akh…!" Neo held his chest.

"Brother just rest! Let him carry me!" Anara turned off the stove and then took Belia's baby in Neo's arms.

Anara takes Neo to rest in his room. After Anara left with Belia's baby, Neo's heart immediately returned to normal. Neo lay his body on Anara's bed.

"Why am I? My heart always suddenly beats like that when it comes to Anara. Hufffttt…!" Neo took a deep breath.

Anara prepares breakfast for Grandma Azizah, Alif, Alfi and Neo. Having a young baby didn't make it difficult for Anara to prepare breakfast and finish all her work. Grandmother Azizah, who had just finished the Fajr prayer, saw her holding Belia's baby while working and immediately took over Anara's job.

"Let Grandma continue your work, Anara!" asked Grandma Azizah.

"No, Grandma! I won't let Grandma work. Let me do it myself. Granny just sit here, accompany Belia." Anara handed Belia's baby to Grandma Azizah, who had already sat on a chair.

Anara then continued her work, until everything was done. Anara then went to call Alif and Alfi in her room to be invited to have breakfast.

After Alif and Alfi went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Anara immediately met Neo in his room to invite him to have breakfast.

"Is he sleeping again?" Anara peeked behind the door.

Anara slowly entered and approached Neo, who had his back to the door. When Anara wanted to see Neo up close, Neo suddenly turned his body so that Anara's and Neo's faces were so close, only a few inches apart.

Their eyes locked for a few seconds. Anara and Neo's hearts were both beating fast.

"Akhhh…" Neo shouted holding his chest pounding.

"Brother why? Is something sick?" asked Anara panicked.

"Brother's chest!" Neo closed his eyes to avoid Anara's gaze.

Even though his eyes were closed, the touch of Anara's hand on his chest made Neo feel the pounding getting stronger.

"Why does it hurt so much!" Neo said softly.

"Let's go to the doctor now!" ask Anara.

"No! Just leave Brother here!" refuse Neo.

"But brother must be examined immediately!" said Anara.

"Help Brother breathe!" said Neo mischievously.

"You mean, brother?" Anara asked.

Neo squeezed his chest that hurt at this time. Anara who saw him became worried and confused. Anara just gently rubbed Neo's chest, which hurt.

Neo looked at Anara who looked worried for him, slowly Neo pulled Anara's hand that was on his chest until Anara spontaneously looked at Neo with a face that was getting closer.

"Are you feeling better?" asked Anara innocently.

While Neo sighed heavily. His heart intends to do something for Anara, but seeing Anara's innocence, makes Neo immediately put down his ignorant idea.

"Brother is much better now. Thank You!" Neo said softly.

"Then let's have breakfast first! Granny, Alif, and Alfi are already waiting for us in the kitchen." Anara said.

"Okay!" answered Neo.