
Colorless Euphoria [Han Jisung]

A story where the world is only black and white till you meet your soulmate.

May_Younji · Celebrities
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25 Chs


Joy's POV

"Wanna get ice cream first?" "Sure!!" I spoke with a smile and he held my hand. "So are you dating anyone yet?" JB asked with a sincere smile. "Yeah." "Who?" "Hyunjin." His face immediately went straight but he quickly forced a smile. "That's...great?" It sounded more like a question. I looked at the ground and smiled though I knew I shouldn't have. Everyone has a problem with Hyunjin, they all know what he's like and I literately started dating him the second day we met. "You know about th-" "Yeah..." I said keeping my head down not paying any mind to anything around me. A minute as we continue to walk in awkward silence, I trip over my self but catch quickly pretending nothing happened, but yet again I didn't pay attention. I trip over a rock landing on my knees and JB flips. "Oh my god are you ok?" He said trying to help me up, but I just pushed his hand away. I wanted to stay on the ground and feel the dirt and rocks on my knees longer, yeah it's not healthy but the pain will keep my mind away from the horrible anxiety I felt the need to have about Hyunjin. I wanted to trust him with every part of me but I HATED not feeling that I did. "Let me help you up we need to treat it quickly." JB demanded but I just shook my head. "I like the pain let me stay here for a bit more." He scoffed and quickly picked me up and heaved me on his back. "You still haven't changed." He laughed and started to walk to the convenience store.


"JB you didn't have to buy all this." He scoffed and pulled my leg better into his reach. "This is all you use to treat a wound and plus the water is for you to stay hydrated and for me to clean most of the dirt out first." He said with a smile grabbing one of the two water bottles he bought opening it and pouring it over my wound slowly brushing his thumb over it to wash some the dirt that wouldn't come off just by pouring the water over my knee. "It hurts stop!" I yelled pulling my leg away and he giggled yanking it back in his reach. "It doesn't matter it will feel better once its cleaned and healed and NOT infected like you felt the need to try and do." I giggled and he just smiled. "You haven't changed either, still protective as ever over me." "Well now I have to protect you even better then back then...". He finished, grabbing my other leg starting to slowly treat it. "Why?" "Hyunjin." "He's not a bad guy I promise." "Joy you don't know him like I do." I looked the other way holding back my tears. I know enough to say he's a lying asshole and I hate him but I love him. "Ah, well protect me from nothing well I guess." I forced a smile though I knew he would be able to see right through. "Do you really like him?" He snapped off in an irritated tone and started to tap the alcohol on my knee. I wince in pain and quickly answer. "Yeah the first day I saw him I saw color." "Wait what...?" He completely stopped and ignored everything but my voice. "The color rumor...it happened with me and Hyunjin." "No it didn't Joy you have to listen to me-" "why your just gonna be like everyone else." "That's a good thing!" I opened my mouth but before I could slip anything JB's phone began to ring. "Yeah?" He said with a tone of annoyance slip in his voice. "All right but I need to share a word, hold on." Is it Hyunjin? Nah no way. He looked at me and smiled a bit, "I'm just gonna go to that tree over there for a minute or three stay here alright?" I nodded and he quickly walked off. "Listen here you little rat". That's all I heard before he quickly got to far from me. Though I knew I shouldn't have I walked over the the tree and started to listen. "Stop using those dumb tricks against her, I've been friends with her for a while now and I won't allow it." He paused listening to the others voice. "Yeah I did but I never said I would allow that on people like her, people that mean a lot to me are off limits." who is he talking to and what is me talking about? This already annoyed me in so many ways, I wanted to know more. "Whatever...touch her I kill you....why?! What do you men why?! I've spent all my youth protecting her in grade school to the last days of high school from people like you! Look if you don't really see color with her you need to drop it now or I'll drop you." Wait what?! I'm so fucking confused. "Yeah whatever bye." He went to move out from behind the tree and I quickly panicked running away for a sec then keeping a steady walking pace starting back towards him. "Oh hey!" He said with a smile as I continued to walk his way a few more steps waiting for him. "Hey you ready to go do something fun now?" I tried not to speak in an awkward tone but it slipped at the end. "Yeah. How bout we go to our old spot?" his smile brought out his eyes even if then they were barely seen. "Yeah!" I raised both hands in the air and started to run around. "Ok ok come on girly." "Kk!" I ran to him and signal him to catch me. I jump and he grabs my hips smiling spinning me around, but he stopped and pecked my nose causing my face to heat up. "Yah I have a boyfriend!" "We used to do this all the time just leave it!" "Fine!"


We walked through the park and slowly made our way through the wood trails, but I stop in my tracks making JB look at me with a confused look and a tilted head. "Joy what's wrong?" "JB we can't do this again." "What do you mean...?" "JB..."

(big boi flash back)

It was my sophomore year and JB was still protecting me when my brothers couldn't, he wanted to show me his favorite place in the park one day so we skipped school and ended up walking through the trees. it was autumn and the trees had colors I couldn't see but by each shade of gray I still saw so much beauty. That day it was chilly so I wore a nice big coat with a light gray scarf, JB on the other hand never wore much whether cold or hot, he didn't care which is one of the millions of reasons I found him perfect. "Joy we are almost there, if you can't walk anymore I can carry you?" He blushed at his question and I found it cute and just smiled. "You made me walk so long and you just suggest this?" I giggle a bit and made him blush more. "Sorry...but do you want me to carry you the rest of the way?" I grab his hand and softly smile. "Sure." "Ok." He planted a kiss on my nose and I just giggle. He bends down a bit and signals me to jump on and I quickly leap a bit and he quickly grabs my thighs before I fall. Taking a tight grip on them making me blush at how I kinda liked it. Once we got there JB bent down a bit and I slowly slid down his back not wanting to fall. Once I got down he grabbed my hand and dragged me quickly to a tall wide rock. He climbed up and slowly pulled me up cause he knew I mainly wanted to do it myself. "Joy you remember the words in Japanese I told you a long time ago?" "Yeah, but you still never told me what it meant." I pouted and he just giggled a bit. "Well the story is with this author who in Japan had fallen in love and every night he would see her in her front yard. Every day she would say she loved him but for him instead of saying the simplest three words 'I love you' he said 'the moon is beautiful tonight'. She never got it but they stayed together sharing each other." I smiled at his statement and started to sit down on the rock and JB quickly helped himself beside me. "You get it right?" He asked looking at me as the moon slowly rises as the sunset fell through out the sky. "The moon is beautiful tonight." He spoke sweetly and soft causing me to blush in levels I didn't even know about. "JB I-I love you too..." I spoke softly with a stutter and a smile. "Really?!?!" He jumped up but quickly sat back down this time closer to me. "Y-yeah your my first crush..." I looked at him and his smile was wide and eyes were soft and happy. I smiled back at him and he slowly and softly placed his lips on mine. At first I was shocked and I didn't do much but he turned his head to deepen the kiss causing me to surrender in moments. I pull away and he just smiles and I feel my face fall straight. "What? Did I do it wrong?" He asked with blush creeping up on his cheeks and I just smile and laugh. "Have you never kissed anyone?!?!" I asked in disbelief due to the fact that he isn't that bad looking. "Uh...no." He blushed looking down at his lap playing with his hands. "Come here." I smiled though I really didn't know what I was doing either. I pushed my lips on his lightly and passionately. I start to move and he just smiles into it. I pull away to catch my breathe and he doesn't break a gaze. He slowly pushed me down against the rock and hangs half of his upper body over me. "Joy??" "Yeah?" "I love you." "I love you too." His words slipped like soap with water and his lips burned as much as my face.

(Big boi flash back over.)

And since that day we haven't talked. I was so happy to see him again but we can't do that again, not this time, not now. "J-Joy we won't I-I promise..." he blushed looking down and I just smile a bit. "Ok." Later we arrived at the rock that we won't spin on before years ago. And now memories pop up, but I ignored them with every part of me I could. " Joy you know I care about you right?" "Yeah but I have someone else to protect me now JB, it's not your job anymore." He pouted for a while but then smiled quickly and looked at me with puppy eyes once again like the day we met. You're right. Period. Call more so we can meet up again like this, it was nice." "Your right." I said with a smile. "Joy just promise me one thing?" "Yeah." "Be happy." "I promise. "Stamp it??" "Ugh Fine." I giggled at his childish antics and Pinky promised him with a stamp. "JB I do have to go, I will call you later I have dinner with Hyunjin tonight." "O-ok.." he looked at his laps and started to play with his fingers. Then I jump up and leave. "I hope I won't be late." I mumbled to myself as I started to run back to my apartment.