
The 10 scholars

The next day, 10 individuals were in front of Ming Shu in a courtyard more or less close to Red Lotus.

Out of ten, she only knew one: Fu Xichen. The young man now look way more presentable than yesterday when they met. Although not handsome, the man in front of her had a clean temperament that made you feel at ease in his presence.

The other nine vary in age, size and looks. The younger one should have the same age as Xichen while the older had something close to his mid-forties.

They were all clean and presentable -a sight she was sure not common in their past days- waiting for her to talk. In their eyes there was hope and fear at the same time. Hope that she would be their light and fear that this light was only a disillusion.

Not planning to drag this too long she started to explain her plans for them.

"My name is Ming Shu, the First Miss of the Ming Household, pleased to make your acquaintance. You were all brought here because you were recommended by someone and fit my initial criteria: good talent but bad luck"

She looked at the nine participants in their eyes one by one.

"I still need to access your levels and strengths, but let me first tell you what I have in mind. This courtyard will be for your shared living. You will be provided with food and maids. You will also have enough funds for your studies. You will have an allowance of 5 silver per month. If I'm satisfied with your result in the end of the month a bonus will be added. You will only need to participate in scholar events and study. The people who satisfy me can either be directly recruited to my family... if this terms are not enough for you, you can retire yourself"

Ming Shu waited, but none of the men moved. Who are they kidding, after spending months in the streets, starving and cold, just the prospect of having a roof above them was reason enough to accept the Miss proposal.

"Good. Do you have any questions?"

"How do we know this isn't a scam?" The older one asked.

Ming Shu looked at him as if she was looking to an idiot.

"Do you think I'm so free?"

The man shrugged his shoulders.

"Who knows? Rich people are unpredictable"

"... you certainly have a point. I already told you who I am, so I thought it would be proof enough"

"Proof that you're have a very strong background that can shield you from anything, even scamming poor souls. Yes it did"

Ming Shu took a double take at the older man.

"Hee, old man you're not bad. Although it hurts me that you think General Li's granddaughter wouldn't honor her agreements, my deal it's too suspicious indeed. If you don't believe how about we sign a contract?"

The man pondered about signing a contract. It would help him make sure she did everything she offered, but it would also bind him to her side.

"As you probably are thinking, once you sign there is no backing down. Luyu bring me 20 sheets of paper so I write the contracts"

After Luyu brought the paper and Ming Shu made the contract. All nine, excluding the old man, sign the two papers given two them. On the paper were all that was expected of both parties in the following years. It also specified the contract would only be valid if the individual pass on the test performed by Ming Shu.

"Old man?"

The old man hesitated after finish reading the contents, but a firm resolve appeared in his eyes in the next second.

"Whatever. Here. Hope you don't disappoint me lass"

Luyu was annoyed at the old man's irreverence to her Miss, but said nothing after seeing Ming Shu shaking her head.

Luyu gave a stinky eye to the old man nonetheless. 'Hmph. See how I deal with you later'

After everything was done and they made the test, the sun was already giving way to the moon, Ming Shu decided to make the questions and decide their fate only tomorrow.

The nine men who weren't officially accepted by her almost cursed seeing her back leaving them. How could she make them wait for such an important decision ah!

How are they supposed to sleep without knowing their future prospects??

The old man was the first to leave this stupefied state.

"Whatever. This is my first night in months that I get sleep in a proper bed. Goodnight fellas"

Saying so he retreated to a random room.

The next one was Fu Xichen. Cupping his hands to the others.

"Don't worry my fellow scholars. I'm sure you will succeed. Miss just needs time to for through all your works and analyze everything. It's late now and we must be consider the Young Miss. Like the old gentleman said, enjoy the benefits that already given to you now. We have food and a bed. I'll also be retiring now"

After making a courtesy he also retreated to a room.

The others got a bit of piece of mind with Xichen's reassurance and went to sleep. Tomorrow would be the first day of a new chapter of their lives, they were sure of it!

While they were dreaming with their future, Ming Shu were revising their jobs. Two out of them were not up to the standards, but because they very novelty ideas about some subjects, Ming Shu decided to not dismiss them. 3 of 10 were good in agriculture affairs, 4 were good in people's affairs and the law, 2 were good in economics and only 1 exhibited a tendency to a military view.

To her surprise the one who was good in military affairs was the old man. With his antics and knowledge, Ming Shu was sure he had a very interesting story, but she wasn't eager to pry others privacy. By everything she saw today, the old man wouldn't bring her harm intentionally, so she chose to trust him to tell her anything she needed to know.

Putting a plan to train them further, Ming Shu was eager to see what would be Yifeng's reaction to her new subordinates.