After coming from the Palace, where she once again surpassed the Princess, Ming Shu took a warm bath. She was just notified that today's dinner, different from the tradition created two years ago, would only include her parents and Elder Brother. Although she had a faint idea what her Father wished to talk, Ming Shu really hoped that she was wrong, or else Yunning would have a rough time in the days that follow.
Leaving the tub that had roses in it, Hongyu and Luyu came forward to dry her and help her dress.
"What would you like to dress Miss?"
"The new green robe gifted by Grandma Li is nice, don't you think?"
"Yes! Miss will be even more before in it! I'll be going to get him next door"
Excited to see her Mistress in the beautiful green robe, Luyu exited the room running. Hongyu that stayed so she could finish drying Ming Shu could only shake her head to her friend's behaviour. They served their Mistress for 8 years now and Luyu still doesn't comply to the etiquette rules.
Seeing the frustration on her maid's face Ming Shu chuckled lightly.
"Leave her be Hongyu. At least one of us should maintain her childness don't you think?"
"This servant only knows that because Miss never punished her, Luyu is like an erratic child instead of a first-class maid"
"Who's the erratic child?"
"Humph, who else but you? Even our Miss 4 years younger than you is more mature and composed. I already told you a million times not to run inside the manor!"
"Miss is an exceptional case! Besides? I really want to see our beautiful Mistress in this robe"
"Enough both of you, come help me dress"
After finishing dressing up, Ming Shu saw that there was still tome to dinner. Sitting down, she asked Hongyu to make green tea for her to pass time.
"What did you find out Hongyu?"
"Mistress, I heard Young Master calling Second Young Master Si Crown Prince. He also commented that the 'Red Lotus' was owned by the Second Young Master Si. Apparently, both of them are in good terms, but I couldn't listen any further since they both entered the hall to talk. This servant thinks they probably discussed the attack entails and countermeasures they would take"
Listening to the report, Ming Shu lightly tapped in the cup she held. To think her dumb Elder Brother easily gained a position in the Prince's side, while she's still trying to make a connection with him. The bittersweet taste of green tea completely captured the happiness and annoyance she felt with the news.
Should she try to visit 'Red Lotus' so she can socialize with Si Yifeng from now on? She never once stepped on a brothel and the prospects of doing so regardless of why excited her. Well, she will make her brother take her next time he goes! She heard that one of the top courtesans was a pro in go and qin and is being a long time she undefeated in both.
As she thought about what to do and what to see in her future visit to 'Red Lotus', time quickly passed and the time of the dinner arrived. Making her way to the dinner hall in her Father's courtyard, she could see that she was the last to come.
Different from the usual softened that she was now used to see, her father now resembles the one she remembered from her first life. Stern with an oppressive aura, her father seemed like he was about to erupt.
After greeting everyone, Ming Shu sat down. Seeing that everyone was finally here, Mung Peizi stayed the reason for such an unusual dinner.
"Lady Ye not only is trying to make a new poison, but we also found who is her contact within the Poison Sect... I'm afraid is not good news"
Hongyu is the right name of the maid guys!
Luyu is the other one. They appear right in the first chapter and are the ones that are talking while Ming Shu starts to wake up. Sorry for the mess with the names