

English professor Brian Daly is finally able to live openly with the love of his life, local weatherman Jay Tanner. Jay has ended his sham marriage and come out of the closet, and he and Brian now share a condo in the city.<br><br>But there’s trouble in paradise. Brian’s best friend Olivia can’t seem to get along with Jay. The two bicker whenever they’re together. In addition to trying to broker peace between his friends, Brian is busy fending off Sean, an infatuated student who wants Brian to be his first lover. When Brian spurns his advances, he threatens to accuse the professor of sexual harassment if the two don’t sleep together.<br><br>Just when things seem like they can’t get any worse, Brian discovers Jay has been cheating on him with a woman. And not just any woman -- Olivia, who is now pregnant with Jay’s child.<br><br>Brian’s world crumbles as his relationship with Jay falls apart and his friendship with Olivia is destroyed. While he works to try and put his life back together, Brian is relentlessly pursued by Sean. But this time Brian doesn’t turn him away, and the two begin a relationship that helps Brian get over some of the heartache he’s suffered.<br><br>After a while, Brian also reunites with Olivia, and becomes a kind of surrogate father to her newborn daughter. The baby helps him hold onto Jay in some small way. Even though he and Jay are no longer a couple, Brian still longs for his former partner.<br><br>But when Jay reappears in Brian’s life, Brian discovers he isn’t quite ready to forgive and forget. While he still loves Jay, will he ever be able to trust the man again?

Kim Davis · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Chapter 56

My father was gone and my mother was seated in the kitchen feeding Courtney when I returned to my parents?? house.

??Where??s Dad??? I asked her.

??He went to get a haircut.??

??I never should have told you two about Jay and Olivia.??

??No,?? my mother said with a sigh, ??you shouldn??t have. We would have preferred not knowing about this entire situation.??

My cell phone rang and when I saw Olivia??s name pop up, I left the room to take the call.

??Hey,?? I said.

??How??s it going???


??You still at your parents?? house???

??Yeah. My mother??s feeding Courtney but we??re going to get out of here after that.??

??How??s she doing???

??My mother or Courtney???

She laughed. ??Courtney.??

??Fine. She and my mother are getting along wonderfully.??

??Great. Look, don??t rush to come back here. This place is a mess. Feel free to keep Courtney for another few hours, if that??s okay.??

??That??s fine.??