
College roommates

This book is as a normal book would be with just more drama and romances.

DaoistVo0mMl · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

"It's because your father threatened to take away his mafia if he tried to come near you. So your father knew who your mother's killer was but never told you. I want Simon dead because he was the one who killed my father."

I just stood there trying to process that my father knew who my mothers killer was but never told me. I just nod at him so he can continue. "So I want your help to kill him and I'll give you half of his mafia since both our families were ruined because of him." He said the last part in a angry tone.

"If I do this then I want half of the English mafia and ever think of going out of this deal and I'll personally kill you "

He nods and we shake hands. He leaves and I walk out of room.

I walk back to the front of the club and go to find my friends taking more shots. I just smile at them. I was just about to walk to my friends but I hear someone call Donna. I turn around and see one of my men calling for me.

I walk over to him with checking if anyone heard him calling me Donna. "Donna Max Sinclair is here with the information" I nod and meet Max. Ok Max is Jacob's father and he works for my mafia as a hacker.

"Donna I've got the information you wanted." I open the file and see multiple pictures of my mother with Raphael. I look over the paperwork. So my mother and Raphael were best friends but started drifting apart when she met my father. Raphael was always in love with my mother but the day he was gonna tell her his feelings my father had already proposed to her and that's why he did what he did.

As for Russo's murder he got murdered by Simon because, Simon thought Russo was stealing from him and ended up killing him but after receiving Intel he found out his capo was stealing for the Mexicans.

I shake my head since I could feel a headache approaching. I stand up and dismiss everyone. "Max you have to be at the ball to keep a eye out for the English." I quickly say and start walking. He says something and I just agree not really worrying about it.

I was going to wait for my friends but they brought their own cars and ill just tell the chauffeur to drive them back to my house. I quickly drive home. I wasn't drunk since I only had 5 shots of tequila and became sober after finding out the truth about my parents and mafia.

I go inside and step into the shower. The hot water immediately looses my muscles and I relax. I step out of the bathroom and change to my pajamas. I hear all my friends but just go my bed and fall into a deep slumber.

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I had gotten up early because of my nightmares. But it confused me because I had stopped having those nightmares a few months ago. Amidst all those thoughts I remembered I haven't been back to my dorm.

I decided to get ready and go back to my dorm since I had a few documents there which I needed. I quickly got out of bed and brushed teeth and then went into my bathroom.

I let the hot water loosen all my muscles and started to wash my hair with my lavender shampoo. After washing my hair I used my body wash. By the time I had gotten out of the bathroom I saw it was 5:25am. So I went to my vanity table and started my face routine.

I picked out a black flower-ish dress that had a slit on both sides and paired it some silver stilletos. I grabbed my bag and picked my dark blue Bugatti Bolide. I then drove to college.

Parking my car I saw all my friends. I greeted them and we started walking to our lockers. "Hey guys! I'm going back to my dorm after school so you'll will go back to the mafia yourself ok?" They a nod and then we walk to our classes. I met my cousins and they said they weren't coming back to school because of the ball.

The classes were all a drag because I knew everything. It was finally lunch time and Mel informed me and Emily that we were having another spa day but it's the day before the ball which is tomorrow. She also invited Camila since she was also going to the ball.

I haven't spoken to my father from yesterday so basically I'm avoiding him. I mean he knew that I blamed myself for my mother's murder but he knew who the real killer was and the reason why she was murdered. I hadn't noticed that tears were in my eyes until Mel shook me.

"Li are you ok?" She asked her voice laced with concern. I just nod and wipe my eyes before anyone else can see me crying. We were about to leave to get lunch but was stopped by my phone ringing. I stopped and took my phone out of my bag. I looked at the contact name only to see unknown.

I answered and told everyone I'll meet them at McDonalds. They all nodded and went to their cars. "Hello?" I said in a cold voice. "Hello Ms Fernandez" I recognised the familiar voice.

"Hello Mr Secret" he chuckles at the nickname. I gave him that name because I don't know his real name. "Have you decided when you are killing them?" He asked all playfulness gone. I sigh. "I don't know because I can't just walk up to them and say this is payback or revenge" I say scacasm laced my tone.

I hated being told what to do or how to do it. It simply just irritates me and with the crowning in 3 days I'm too stressed out. But that's when I come up with a plan. I quickly tell him the plan. "Lily do you think they will fall for that?" His voice coming out unsure about my plan.

"Don't worry they will because I'm pretty sure they think I don't know the truth about my mother and him so it might work but if it doesn't then you will be my backup" I say confidently. He just sighs and agrees.

"Hey by the way what's your name?" I ask slightly embarrassed that we have been talking for so long and I don't know his name even though he knows everything about me. He just chuckles. "My name is Antonio Volkov. And I'm 18" he says while still chuckling. "Oh shut up you didn't tell me anything and I thought you were way younger than me" I say in a confused tone.

He just chuckles and hangs up. I shake my head and walk to my car sending a message on my friends group chat saying I won't be joining them and that I'll be at my dorm. I get into my car and drive back to my dorm. I open the door and walk straight to my closet getting something comfy to use while I do some paper work for the mafia.

I got all the files I needed and sat on my bed sorting out everything for my mafia. I had made arrangements for my plans to kill Raphael. I might have waited for a certain someone but he didn't come so I fell asleep.