
College Maina

Richard Angler is a Semi Awakened who can only feel and observe manos, To exact revenge for his best friends Risa's death he needs to kill the ice princess of the college Cassie who is also one the the strongest candidates for future of her clan. Richard will have to use all his resources to reach his goal.........

CrazyDiscoverer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Richard Angler

*buzz* *buRizz* *buzzz*  *Ribuzz* *buzchar* *buzzzd* 

Richard, Richard are you listening or are you just looking out of the window. Just go out of the class right now. Turning his head Richard looked at the Ms. Samantha with a  blank expression who was looking at him with disgust in her eyes, he got up and left the classroom. Walking slowly.... taking one step at a time... he walked through the corridor like it was his path to salvation.

Reaching the balcony I closed my eyes and felt the cold Manos touch my skin but along with that I felt the warm tears flowing as if there was no end to it. Opening my eyes I couldn't help but mutter to myself" Risa ". Wiping the tears with my rough shirt, which left tear marks on my cheeks I looked at the blue sky with my now reddened eyes and made a promise to myself " Cassie, you are so dead". As the bell rang I turned my head back to the dark corridor and started to walk back to the classroom with resolve for revenge in each step.

Standing in front of the gate of class B(214) Richard let out a *sigh* and entered the room, As the glanced at the the 214 people in the large classroom he stopped at the middle as intense madness and rage filled him, he emanated so much bloodlust that the beautiful silver haired girl sitting there couldn't help but flinch. The girl was as tall as himself, she had an aura of coolness around her as if temperature dropped a few degrees around her, everyone in the class was infatuated by her beauty she was the only daughter of the legacy clan Wintercout, one of the dominant clans which monitor awakened and their activities to prevent any harm among themselves. To Richard she was the most wile and disgusting creature, She was Cassie Wintercout, He shifted his gaze and went back to his seat which was at the corner... all alone and outcasted.

Cassie was chatting with her friends in the middle of the classroom when suddenly she felt intense bloodlust from the gate of the class, she flinched and turned her head. She saw a moderately heighted boy with pale skin with black hair and black eyes, he was not ugly nor was he handsome but still almost all of the class knew who he was. He was Richard Angler the only Semi Awakened left in the class. 

The day ended without any other anomalies, As Cassie went back to her dorm she couldn't forget the look of disgust on Richards face showing how much he loathed her, but she had no idea behind the reason for his actions or did she. She searched the name 'Richard Angler' in the name registry available to her given by her father where she could check any citizens information.



*Semi Awakened*

location : currently studying at NIA academy 


She knew who he was, he was of the Renowned Angler family which were the major players of the Technical industry which consisted of all types of machines and equipment's used to boost awakened. But his parents had sort of abandoned him by not paying him much attention for him being a semi awakened *(the genetically mutated people who did not have any affinity towards manos instead could only feel or observe it Such people were very few, almost 1 in 10,000.)*

throwing the registry on the side Cassie showed a malicious grin which did not suit her delicate face to appear as she thought to herself " It seems to be getting interesting."

I got bored of reading so am writing now :)

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