
College Francios Academy Has Monsters On School Grounds

Jacob_Lewis_7427 · Fantasy
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The New Students

This is the first year of College Francois Academy. Four new students are now entering through the main doors. The student's names are Vanessa Rodinson, Lexi Tenebris, Zachary Akhekh, and Luka Fabrizio. All four kids are best friends.

They are looking for their new principal: Morganna Orchid Midseason Nightingale, age thirty-three, zodiac sign is Leo, birthday Aug 23. She and her four children appeared out of nowhere near the trophy case. Morganna is holding her black cat, Nightfall. She has a birthmark near her left blue eye, and Nightfall's tag matches her birthmark. Morganna is wearing a black suit with red heels, her hair color is brown but her long bangs and tips are platinum white.

The four friends gasp in fear. Looking at the four new students, Morganna's mirror twins say in unison, "Oops, We are so sorry for making all of you jump. We do that a lot. Welcome to College Francois Academy, and thank you for coming. We hope you will all like this school."

Then Vanessa asks, "So, what are your names and ages?" 

"My name is Zander Winter Midseason Nightingale. My age is twenty, and I have a black cat named Salem. Her age is three weeks in human years. I have a birthmark covering my right blue eye, and my cat's tag is the same as my birthmark." Zander is blushing too much at Vanessa, and she is blushing at him, too.

Zander is wearing a black button-up t-shirt, white jeans, and boots. 

"My name is Zeke Summer Midseason Nightingale. My age is twenty, and I have a black raven named Cronus. His age is three weeks in human years. I have a birthmark covering my left blue eye, and my raven's tag is the same as my birthmark." Zeke is blushing too much at Lexi, and she is blushing at him, too. Zeke is wearing a white button-up t-shirt, black jeans, and boots.

Since the Nightingale twins are mirror twins, so they are always together, their private personality is different from the other. Each twin has a green eye and a blue eye, but their eyes are reversed. So their birthmarks are reversed. Zander is the nice one and Zeke is the mean one. They wear opposite clothing.

Zander's hair is shaved on both sides and the rest of his hair is so long that he can be braided Mexican style, Zander's natural hair color is brown, but the bangs are platinum. Zeke's hair is shaved on both sides and the rest of his hair is so long that he can braid into a French braid, Zeke's natural hair color is platinum, but the bangs are brown. The Nightingale twin's zodiac sign is Gemini. 

Then Ms. Nightingale's daughter, with a birthmark near the tip of her mouth and bright blue eyes, says, "My name is Isabo Spring Midseason Nightingale. My age is nineteen and a half, and I have a white cat named Hera. Her age is two weeks in human years. My cat's tag is the same as my birthmark." Isabo is blushing too much at Zachary, he is blushing at her, too.

Isabo is wearing a black and white dress with heels. Isabo's zodiac sign is Virgo. Isabo's 

Near Miss Nightingale is her nephew with his white raven. "My name is Jonas Autumn Midseason Nightingale, and I am the youngest Nightingale. I am eighteen years old. I have a cross-like birthmark, and I have a white raven named Asclepius." For some reason, Luka is blushing at Jonas. Jonas is wearing a red shirt, camouflage jeans, and boots. Joan's zodiac sign is Cancer.

The twins asked in unison, "So, how old are you four?" 

Vanessa and Lexi respond first. "We're twenty and a half."

Vanessa is wearing a blue shirt, jaundiced-looking jacket, black jeans, and boots.

Lexi is wearing a greenish shirt, a white blazer, green jeans, and boots. Vanessa and Lexi are both Aquarius.

"I'm eighteen," says Zachary. Zachary is wearing the same thing as Jonas, but the boots are snakeskin. Zachary is an Aries.

Luka says, "I'm seventeen." Luka is wearing a white shirt, leather pants, and black boots. Luka is a Scorpio.

Isabo asks, "Would you four like a tour of the school?" 

"Yes, please," they respond, but a stranger—a woman—has just walked inside. 

"Let's start the tour!" suggest Isabo and Jonas. 

Ms. Nightingale says, "I will come with you guys. Zander and Zeke will show this ma'am the main exit." The twins say goodbye to their mother, sister, and cousin, along with the four students.

As the twins turn toward the woman, they notice something supernatural about her. 

Chapter 2: The Strange Woman

Her name is Katerina Petrova, and her age is one hundred and sixty-two. She's a vampire. Katerina Petrova is wearing a bright red dress, black heels, and she has almond form nails that are black. She has Burnett brown hair and some streaks are blue and red. Katerina is a Virgo.

"How did you walk here, vampire? You needed to be invited in! Who invited you in?" the twins said in unison which also exclaimed. 

Katerina is shocked. "I thought the Nightingales knew everything." 

"You didn't answer the question. Who invited you inside?" asked the twins in unison.

"It was Mr. Fightingale," Katerina answers, grabbing Zander's neck. "Sorry, little Nightingale," she shouts. "I am extraordinarily famished!"

Katerina shows the twins her vampire fangs. She strikes Zander's neck to feed on him. 

Zeke shouts a spell: "Icna Icna Tostito in Dosa." The spell makes Katerina release Zander's neck. 

Zeke grabs Zander and puts him on his lap to heal his wound, but it doesn't work. Zander chokes on his blood and coughs it up. Zeke hums a song to tell his twin brother it will be alright, but something strange has happened to the wound. 

The wound starts to heal by itself. A scar appears in place of the bite mark, Katerina left on Zander's neck. Zander gasps for air then sigh with joy and relief. Confused, Katerina gasps in fear. 

Katerina plans to compel Zander to vaporize his twin brother, but when Katerina gets close to Zander's eyes, he starts to hum a song that makes her faint. 

As Zeke looks into Zander's eyes, they morph into a werewolf vampire siren eyes. Zeke gasps in horror. Finally, Katerina awakens and says to Zander, "What on earth are you? Are you a creature that is a witch, werewolf, vampire, and siren? The only mixed monsters that exist are hybrids and cybrids."


Then a supernatural event happens to Zander Winter Midseason Nightingale. 

Chapter 3: The New Changes

Vanessa and Lexi think their eyes are playing tricks, but they saw Zander's eyes morph into a strange color. Around them, black blood vessels begin to emerge.

Meanwhile, Isabo and Jonas ask their aunt and mother, "Are they alright? What is taking so long? Are they hurt?" 

"I will go find them. You two just stay with Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka, and keep on doing the tour," says Morganna.

"Hey, who's this?" asks Vanessa, pointing to a picture taken during the last school year. 

"Ah, why, that's Zander, Zeke, Jonas, and me. When we were younger," Isabo responded.

"This will be the first thing that I will tell you, as your principal, Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka, this school is a wonderful school for you four, I hope you four will stay this school year," said Morganna.

Then they hear someone screaming in pain.

"Ow!!! Someone, Please, Help me!!!" screams Zander. Morganna and the group run to Zander's screams, and they see Zeke trying to calm him down, but Zander's bones seem to be breaking and morphing into canine bones. Everyone heard Zander's bones cracking and popping back to places.

"What did you do, Katerina?!?" shouts Morganna.

Katerina responds, "Your son is a monster with four different creatures in one body. If there's one, there should be four others. So, Morganna, you were thoughtful enough to bring four teenagers with you. That means you brought me dinner."

Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka gasp in horror when they see Katerina's eyes morphed into a vampire's eyes, black blood vessels begin to emerge and saw her fangs.


"Lodc in Ghud Icna," shouts Isabo and Jonas. The spell snaps Katerina's neck. The kids heard the snapping sound of Katerina's neck-snapping and saw Katerina's body fall to the ground. 

Chapter 4: So They  Do Exist

Suddenly, the school bell rings, and the hallways are filled with lots of kids.

"Oh, no," Vanessa and Lexi exclaim together. They want to help with Zander and Katerina, but they have disappeared.

"Do you know which class we have to go to?" asks Luka.

"Are you serious? That's what you are worried about?" scoffs Zachary. 

"We almost got killed by a vampire, which should not exist!!" exclaims Vanessa.

"God, I hope Zander is alright," says Vanessa. 

"Was Zander turning into a wolf?" says Zachary.

Then they saw Zander's cat, Salem, she was just sitting there, near the blood that Zander coughed up. Lexi saw Zander's clothes all shredded on the floor, she saw his phone, his wallet and saw a strange, beautiful necklace in the pile.

The color was the same as Vanessa's eyes which are clear gray. 

"Umm, Vanessa, I think this will be yours someday!!!" exclaims Lexi.

Vanessa gasps with amazement.

Lexi picked it up, and she was confused and surprised. Lexi was surprised that Zeke did not have a necklace of her eye color. But Lexi saw a strange, beautiful necklace on the floor right there near her boots.

Vanessa picked up Salem and gave Lexi the other necklace. Salem was purring when Vanessa was picking her up.

"Here Vanessa, this is Zander's phone and wallet," said Lexi.

Chapter 5: The Cafeteria

"Excuse me, but are you four new to the school?" asks a girl in blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Her hair is blonde with black streaks.

"Yes, we are new to the school. Who are you?" says Lexi. 

"My name is Carla Jeffersons Indianapolis. I'm twenty-two years old. Can I see your schedules, please, so I can point you there?" she asks with a warning smile. Vanessa gave her their schedule. "Oh, it's lunchtime. The cafeteria is over here near the library," says Carla. Carla is a Virgo. Carla showed Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka where the cafeteria is.


A group of teenagers walks by Carla. One of the boys is staring at her. His name is Legosi Keepers. Legosi is a Scorpio.

"Hey," says Isabo, appearing out of nowhere. This makes Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka yelp in fear.

"Oh, hi, Isabo," says Carla with a surprised expression on her face. "Are you going to have lunch with us?" 

"No. Can I talk to the four kids you just met?" asks Isabo.

This makes Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka yelp in surprise.

Chapter 6: The Black Twins

"Hey, Isabo." Legosi is walking with another set of twins. Their names are Devin and Devie Black, and they are half-demon, half-human. 

Devin Ickiwas Black is wearing leather pants with holes, and a tie-dyed marble black and white t-shirt. His hair is blond, and the tips of his hair are blood red. Devin has extraordinarily long hair and 

likes to wear it in a ponytail or into big and small braids.

Devi Sawicki Black is wearing a leather skirt that looks like it has been burned, and a tie-dyed marble black and pink t-shirt. Her hair is blond, and the tips of her hair are hot pink. Devi has really short hair. Devi likes her hair in small pigtails and braids.

Devin and Devi are 16 years old, but they are truly demons, so their real age is 160. When Devin and Devi are in demon forms they both have demon tails and horns. But in human form, their tails are so real, that they have to use their tails as belts. The Black twins can hide their demon horns with an Instability Spell: Terra Mora Vantis, Quo Incandis!

The only ones that can see their demon horns are the Nightingales.

The Black twins are looking at Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka.

Well, only Devin is looking at Luka. Devin is certainly blushing at Luka.

Then Devi and Devin introduce themselves to Luka, Zachary, Lexi, and Vanessa. "Oh, hi, welcome to College Francios Academy.'' say the Black twins in unison. 

"Hey, Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka. I need to talk with you four about the thing you saw on the tour," said Isabo. Then Salem jumped out of Vanessa's arms. Salem was purring on Isabo's feet. Isabo picked up Salem and asked Vanessa, Lexi, Zachary, and Luka, "Can you four meet me in the music room after lunch?"

"What was that about?" says Carla with amazement and confusion. 

"We just saw something that we didn't truly need to see," said Vanessa.

"So, what do you four see?" asked the Black twins and Carla.

Chapter 7: The HipPop Country Song and Dance

Then the bell rang. Everyone was now leaving the cafeteria to go to their next class.

"Hey, Carla, can you tell us where the music room is?" asked Vanessa.

"Oh, I have that class, too," said Carla, Devi, and Devin. 

"Omg, didn't the Nightingales want to talk to you four in the music room?" asked Devi.

"Yes, why?" answered Vanessa.

"I think they are going to sing a song for you guys," said Devin.

They entered the classroom, which was filled with other students. They saw that Ms. Nightingale, Zander, Zeke, Isabo, and Jonas were onstage for a song and choreography.

Ms. Nightingale asked a few students to come up onstage. "Can Legosi Keepers, Devin Ickiwas, Confucius Obsidian, Statham Midnight, and Stiles Stilinski, can you five come on up to the stage, and you five can choose to play the piano, drums, guitar, banjo, and the violin. I will play the cello," said Ms. Nightingale.

Devin said, "I'll play the drums." 

Stiles said in an English accent, "I'll play the piano." 

Statham said, "I'll play the violin."

Legosi said, "I'll play the banjo."

Confucius said, "I'll play the guitar."