
Chp 1

Once I picked up football my whole life changed...


*Clash of bodies hitting each other*


Mc POV...

"This is what we have worked our whole lives for." Evan says while looking at me.

"Im glad we did it together." I say.

"Ready?" I ask as I look at two metal doors that lead to the gym floor.

"Definitely." Evan says making me smirk.

We walk forward and open the doors and the moment we do the gym erupts.

*Basketball gym erupting in cheers.*

I look around and can't help but get nervous, yea I've been in front of packed stadiums before but this is different.

Now Evan on the other hand is eating the attention up, running up to the bleachers to high five everyone he can.

I on the other hand walk up to a table in the middle of the gym floor.

Sitting on the right side of the table is my adoptive mother and father with my younger brother standing behind them.

On the left side Evan's mom and dad are sitting.

Infront of them sitting on the table facing the bleachers four different hats sat almost waiting to be Chosen.

Out of my total 58 D1 offers I received, I am now left with the ones Evan and I chose as our final four.

Starting from the left. Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma and Clemson.

Evan and I only added Oklahoma to our list last night.

Because Coach Brent Venables took the head coaching job at the University of Oklahoma, you see I was going to commit to Clemson and be developed under one of the best defensive coaching minds in College football.

But like I said Coach V got hired at Oklahoma, it wasnt 15 minutes after I got a call from coach himself.


*Ring Ring*

"Hey man what the fuck." Evan says as I pause the game.

"One sec." I say pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I look at the caller ID and hesitate for a second.

Evan notices and asks.

"Who is it? You good?" he asks.

"Its Coach V." I say.

"Well answer it." Evan says, he may be a kicker but Coach V also took time building a relationship with Evan making him have a lot of respect for Coach V.

I look back at my phone and then answer.

"Coach V how's the new crib?" I ask as soon as we connect.

"It's home, how's your mom?" Coach V asks.

"Shes doing very well, not happy your not gonna be at Clemson anymore though." I say, you see my mom is a die-hard Clemson Tiger Fan and when she found out that Coach V was leaving for Oklahoma she was devastated.

"Haha, I still remember meeting her all decked out in Clemson merch." Coach V says making me and Evan laugh remembering my mom.

"Oh is Evan there to?" Coach V asks.

Evan leans forward in his seat and says.

"Yes sir I am, how are you?" Evan asks.

"Im doing fantastic, since y'all are both together I might aswell be honest for the reason I called." Coach V says.

I look at Evan and he nods.

"Sir?" Evan questions.

"Im not gonna bullshit y'all or waste your time, I want you both and I wan- no I need you both, you know me and you know my worth as a coach so please take my offer into consideration." he says before hanging up.

"Welp looks like we're heading to Oklahoma." Evan States as if it was obvious.

"Oh yea? Finally make up your mind?" I ask.

"My minds been made up, wherever BV is that's where I want to be." Evan says as he picks up his controller.

'I guess I'm heading to the "Palace" on the Prairie.' I think to myself, Evan and I have known since we picked up a football that we would stick together.

*Flashback end*

"Evan! JD!" I hear my current coach call us over.

I look over and see him next to the table motioning for us to come over.

We both make our way over.

As I get close coach and I dap each other up then he does the same with Evan.

"You both ready?" he asks.

"Never been more ready for anything." Evan says.

"What about you?" he asks me.

"Im just ready to play." I say.

"Haha, I still remember like it was the yesterday your athletic ass and his clumsy ass stumbling onto the field." coach says making me smirk and Evan Frown.

"If only I would have known you both would turn into the men I know today."

"Thanks coach." we both say.

"Its time." he says motioning behind us as I see Mrs. Smith our highschool principal walking toward us with a mic in her hand.

"Hey, are y'all ready?" she asks with a smile a proud parent would have.

"Yes ma'am." I respond, knowing Evan has a massive crush on her.

She smiles again says.

"Ok y'all may take a seat I will start in just a second." she says.

Evan and I both take a seat, I look to my right and see my mom.

She looks my way and starts to speak.

"I-I have thought about what you said and I'm okay with it —but you will never see me in anything red." she says.

I lean forward and hugged my mom. Nothing was said but we both knew this was a big moment in our lives.

"Thank you for trusting me." I said reffering to me telling her yesterday that BV Offered us a full-ride scholarship to Oklahoma.

I also told her I was going to take it.

"Are you ready?" I hear Mrs. Smith lean Down and ask me one more time.

I nod my head and she lifts the mic to her mouth.

"Hello Outlaws!!"

Our school is known as the Outlaws.

"Are you all ready to find out where your own hometown heroes will be taking their talents?" she asks and everybody starts to cheer.

She hands the mic to me but I immediately hand it to Evan knowing I am not one to say much.

I see Mrs. Smith aswell as everyone else around visibly get nervous when I gave Evan the mic.

"Hello to all you beautiful sexy people, especially Mrs. Smith." he says making me and all the other high schoolers and even some of the adults in the audience laugh.

I look over and see Evans mom getting on to him.

Seeing how we're starting to veer off track I reluctantly reach over and grab the mic from him.

"I think I can speak for the both of us when I say we are grateful for everyone showing up, it truly means alot for everyone to show their support as we both are about to make life-changing decisions.


I would also like to thank the school staff and faculty for making everything we do even possible.

*Cheers and applause.*

last but certainly not least I want to thank my family who no matter what I wanted to do in life always had my back." I say looking at my mom and dad, and even though they are both my adoptive parents I still love them as if they were my real parents- no they are my real parents.

I hand the mic to Evan and he thanks his parents aswell then hands the mic back to me and says.

"Your on a roll keep going." he says.

"Lets wrap it up?" I ask.

He nods.

I raise up and look at everyone again.

"Its time we do what we came to do." I say making everyone cheer then quickly go quiet as I start to speak again.

"After a very long process and meeting many wonderful coaches and going to many amazing stadiums, Evan and I will-" I look over at Evan and he nods and we both say it together at the same time.

"We will be taking Our talents to the University of Oklahoma!"

To be continued.