
Collector of Souls

I'm currently fixing stuff. I had to move sorry. Okay, I said I would update today on the 8/20 but I have realized that if I released it how it was it would be garbage I prefer quality over quantity so it needs about a day to edit and I have to go and rewrite parts that aren't clear sorry again leaves a bad taste in my mouth. First book English is not my first language will be going back to edit after I am done with at least 10 chapters I don’t know where this will go so enjoy. Even though there were gods in the land and powerful beasts, they did very little to actually stop the bloodshed that was caused by humans to other races for the sake of their gods or beats, until the very gods and beats decided it was enough. They founded the guild, a guild of hunters that would do anything for a price, even kill the gods or monsters they worked for. But before they realized what they had done they themselves were caught up in their own internal wars to conquer each other's lands and people. Until across these said battles a man started whistling a tune and before anyone could stop him she came, and she was there for the contract that he gave up his soul to complete, and for that, she would do anything. _ E -

Henry_Beck_9373 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Initiating Ceremony 1

Waking up she saw what appeared to be a waiting room with scarlet couches and chairs but no people other than a lady standing at the front desk.

Adjusting her eyes to the brightness she stood up and walked over to the desk as she thought she was suppose to go to a ceremony.

"Excuse me, where am I?" At least my voice is the same as before I died as her voice before had developed a commanding tone that she found made it easier to get things done when asking for things or information but there wouldn't be an effect on the workers here as they deal with things like this all the time she thought.

"Welcome madam Amaia, my name is ruby and before we send you to the ceremony we need to outfit all of our new recruits with cloths and armor as if you hadn't noticed your naked." Ruby said with no hint of embarrassment in her voice.

Looking at herself she realized yes she was naked but she hardly cared she would strip in a fight to distract the opponent if she had to.

And looking over the receptionist named Ruby while she didn't really are about looks noticed she was made entirely out of a type off red rock "ohh so that's why your names ruby." Amaia said as she realized she was made out entirely out of Ruby with no face and the body shape of a human.

"Yes, we have found it to be better to put a sexless species as the workers so as not to incite problems." Ruby said."I see."

"Now that that's over what am I allowed to for my armor so to speak." After the whole ordeal she realized she wasted a bit of time and she could miss something important at the ceremony.

Looking at ruby it pulled out a screen like the knight in the coliseum did and started to read things off.

"So you have the physic of giants, angels, vampire, and armadillos plus demons but only three contribute to your actual strength so let's just bring up the tier two strength tester." Ruby said before flicking her hand and a Iron block generated in the corner of the room.

"That block weighs about 750 pounds and as a part giant you can lift about 500 but we also need to include your other physics that also boost you strength so I'm going to need you to pick it up over your shoulders for tier to equipment or you'll have to settle for tier 1."

"What is the difference between tier 1 and 2?" I asked because if there weren't any major benefits she was fine with lighter equipment so as not to weigh her down.

"Well for tier 1 you have access to the free starter equipment that we have like cloth and leather and tier 1 missions, this is we're mostly everyone starts but if you are already stronger than tier 1 at the beginning you can move on to tier 2, this will be explained at the ceremony but you get better benefits the higher your tier and this is the simpler version of the test as your supposed to have your core maxed at tier 1 but as you don't even know we're to start we check to see if some people already have the body of a tier 2 so you can get the free cast iron armor we have in storage for tier 2."

After listening to ruby Amaia walked over to the iron block but paused.

"Can you summon it over me it's harder to actually pick it up if it's on the ground and you said I only have to keep it above my shoulders?" Amaia asked as she realized it would be like trying to lift double the weight if she had to start off the ground.

"While we can do that you will have to keep it up their for at least 15 seconds without dropping it to make sure you can at least handle it." After Ruby finished the block disappeared from the corner and a circle with incomprehensible language appeared above Amaia.

Taking a stance she readied herself for what was to come and gave a nod over to ruby.

"Ugh!" Before she knew it her knees were about to buckle over from what she felt was like carrying a mountain on her back as she started sweating trying to hold on to the last few seconds she had left from when she started counting.

"Anddddddd, done" "miss Amaia you are now all-" "Thud!" Before ruby even finished her sentence I left go of the iron block and let it drop to the floor before falling there myself.

Standing back up I wiped on my head with my arms trying to get more comfortable before I start talking.

"Now that that's done I would like a winged cast iron helm, a bra and panties made from at least fabric if you have it, a full body cast iron suit except for the hands as I would like leather gloves for that."

"Okay and it will be your job later to find a weapon as the ones we have you have to pay for because everyone here has at least some hand to hand combat experience."

After finishing explaining ruby clapped her hands and what I asked for started to appear directly on me.

"Well that's convenient." I said before looking over to check how things looked.

I pulled up my helmet and looked down to see myself in full knight armor that glint with the light in the room with pointed boots and leather gloves, but looking behind I saw that their was a hole for my tail and slits for my wings surrounded by leather.

"Oh those are some changes I made as it seems you might have forgot and I rounded the edges so if someone tries they can't rip it off with the pointed edge of the iron."

"Well thanks, yes I did forget as im still knew to these things." Saying that she unfurled her wings so as to get used to the new armor they now encompassed.

"Well best be on your way the ceremony will start soon and everything I have said will be explained in further detail." After Ruby said that she clapped and I appeared in a different room almost instantly.

"Shoot forgot to say goodbye and thank you." Looking around I saw that I was in a very very large auditorium that looked like it could house thousands of people with the amount of seats it held and the seats only got bigger as it went higher up " must be for giants." After thinking that I headed over to one of those seats to sit down and wait for the ceremony to start.


I'm sorry for the short chapter but something important came up and I'll make the next chapter around 5000 words as one of a family members died. Again I'm sorry for the wait have a great day.