
Chapter 3 Pegasus

A huge purple explosion materialized in front of him prompting him to fall on his back. He was now shrouded in purple mist. He covered his nose with his jumper and desperately ran away from the epicenter of the explosion.


He ran into a battered car and fell backward into a sitting position. This was not enough to knock him out. However, he developed a pain in his head.

After the mist had dissipated, he could find not a single vestige of the explosion. It was as if it never happened.

No damage to be seen, not even on his own body. The very same body that was next to the explosion when it had gone off. Not a scratch nor a dent was to be seen on the surroundings except those that already had them.

'Illusion, huh. That is what the old man said the power was called. All of that was an illusion yet I was that scared? Pathetic. It's my power as well...'



Asada catches a glimpse of a captivating white horse with wing flapping soaring over the sky

Asada hides behind a wrecked car


The horse with wings lands with excellence on top of a fridge

Its turns its head like its looking for someone

The horse with wings yells out a loud

Screech then starts to flap its wings rapidly

Let me check on my phone of what that was

A Pegasus that's a mythical creature that can't be right but I saw it with my own eyes

Well this power worked might not be so unusual I guess

That was weird hmm okay


Asada searches in his pockets

Oh! No, where is my wallet


Last place I had it was walking to school


I must have dropped in the forest

A chill runs down Asada spine as he's reminded of the shadowy figure that appeared

Gulp guess I'm going to have to walk to that forest again


As Asada is walking near the road of the forest he hears a


Is it the Pegasus I saw in the junkyard

I have got to go check it out


Who am I kidding my wallets way more important




as Asada is following the voice as he is walking he comes across a track of footprints but not of a human something else

Maybe, it's must be that horse

Why would it be here?

I have got to get my wallet and get out of here weird stuff have been happening to me lately

Like that old man in my dream and those screeching noises.

It has to be in that musty cave slept in

keep going north

That's the way to go