
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

You go to a new restaurant and order the most intriguing item: "Witch's Brew, done tableside". A witch, black pointy hat and all, appears with a pewter cauldron and asks "what do you want the brew to

Today was an interesting day. Mitchell's friends took him out for the first time in a while. He was a closet shut that was known for playing fantasy games and being a dungeon master. So when the chance to visit a pop-up fantasy restaurant that appeared in his city. Why shouldn't he go? So that's why Mitchell was there, sitting in a booth, looking over the menu.

Nothing stood out to him on the menu besides the specialty items. Some things were like a d20 cake or something else about tarot cards. What really stood out to him was the Witch's Brew, done table-side. His friends conversed around him as Mitchell waited for his order, then a stereotypical witch appeared cauldron and all. "What do you want to brew?"

Mitchell looked at the witch, and his face flushed, even though she was extremely pretty. It was mainly because he wasn't expecting to talk. Earlier, he simply pointed at the menu and continued with his day. What does she mean by brew? Like a potion from a d&d or another game? His mother has been sick recently, and it seemed incurable. What if he asked for a health potion? Then to get really cool powers, then he decided. "A health potion, something to get my spirits up and rejuvenate my body and injure." He mumbled.

The witch raised an eyebrow before adding some ingredients to the brew and stirring it carefully. It bubbled and boiled as it slowly turned a dark red color. She took a couple of bottles and filled it to the brim. It was five bottles in total. Then she handed the bottles to him.

Mitchell accepted the bottles gratefully and drank one of them without hesitation. It was a good way to test the effects? After all, what's the worst that can happen?