
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

The biggest villain in your city can shape-shift into any animal. You have just come home early to see your pet cat hastily putting on a familiar-looking suit.

Feline eyes and human eyes watched each other, unmoving. No one spoke a single word, then the cat slowly transformed into a lady. She was still in the cat's position as before, wearing cat ears and a tail. The tail was unmoving. It stood up straight though. Her eyes narrowed as her cat-eye narrowed. I spoke first, "So you're the mysterious villain that's been rampaging through the city."

The lady slowly nodded. "And you're the unaware master." She snarled in response. "What are you going to? Report me?" She asked.

I shook my head, putting down the groceries I had in my hands on the nearby counter. "I could, you fetch for a hefty award. Then again, I don't see a point. It's not like you'll be gone or can outmaneuver me or kill me with one of your transformations." I responded causally.

They raised their eyebrows, "So you're going to harbor a fugitive willingly?" She asked as they transformed back into a cat wearing an elegant dress standing on two legs.

"Yeah, it's whatever. Someone might stop you eventually. It's not my problem and I can play dumb." I responded smoothly.

"Well, I'm going to cause some chaos. Maybe do a couple of favors for the boss." The cat purred.

"What's the boss?" I asked in a curious tone, wondering who could a master chaos bringer take orders from.

I could tell the cat's eyebrows raised before responding, "I'm surprised you never heard of them, they talk about them on all the news all the time! He's suspected for giving everyone powers or abilities. That's why so many people are in debt to him and serve him."

Nodding my head as I followed along, "Oh maybe I should put in some research into him."

"You should anyways, I'm out now."

I raised a lazy hand to wave bye and turned around, heading to my office, and sitting down in my chair. Looking at the pencil stand I flipped a pencil over and the chair leaned back, depositing me into an open hole leading to a massive underground base. People walked along carrying different vials and syringes. Loud screaming could be heard as well, people were being experimented on. An androgynous ai voice spoke, "Welcome back, it's nice to see you again. Head Scientist. We're still looking for a cure for this curse."

I'm also not to sure how I did on this one as well, feedback would be very much appreciated.

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