
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

After death, you find yourself on the edge of a river. Ferryman awaits his payment. You are the first person in history to pay him in chocolate coins.

Today was supposed to be an amazing tenth birthday party for Alice. However, we can't have everything in life and someone broke into their family home, murdering her and her entire family. Chocolate coins were her favorite to eat, and she had some in her pocket when she went to sleep. After all, who wouldn't want to wake up from a nightmare to have chocolate coins? Alice huffed slightly, rubbing her eyes as she was on the cold, hard ground. She sat up and took in her surrounding. The first thing she noticed were multiple long lines of men with boats offering people rides. She wished she had her stuffed cat, it would keep her calm. That doesn't matter right now though. What matters is figuring out where she is. Daddy always said to ask around if you're lost. Getting off the ground, she subconsciously scratched at her neck. Noticing there was something new that wasn't there before. String and staples drawing a line across her neck. She'll question it later, walking to one of the many lines heading to a boat. Alice may have been ten, but it was improper to cut in line so she headed to the end. Where she saw a dark-skinned man with string and staples across both of his thighs.

"Excuse me, sir?" she squeaked, "Do you know where we are?"

The man raised an eyebrow before crouching down and staring into her eyes, "Do you remember what happened?" it was a tone that seemed empathetic.

"Isn't this a dream?" She questioned, Alice was a bit confused. She always had vivid dreams of traveling to different worlds they usually responded with the place. Only pulling out the dream card to get a reaction since people in dreams doesn't like to be told their not real.

"Oh sweetie, this isn't a dream." He paused, before hesitantly speaking. "You're..dead." Finally managing to get such a hard statement out.

She froze in place, as she looked at the man confusedly. "I can't be dead, today was supposed to be my birthday. I'm supposed to be ten!" Tears filling in her eyes. Her hair was ruffled and the man turned around, only purpose seeming to answer questions about where people are. Alice lost track of time, a blank expression as she followed the line. Why does she deserve death, who would even kill her? She shoved her right hand into her pocket and flipped the chocolate coins that are in her pocket tempting her to eat them. Alice wouldn't know when she would get more chocolate coins, so she decided to save them. Eventually, she watched the man who she didn't get the name of getting ferried away and was next.

"mMMGRHHHH." The man in the cloak groaned out, looking down at the sheet of paper. Their teeth clattered together as he spoke, "Alice Thompson. Death: Murdered by your Father James Thompson with a knife to the neck." It didn't give her time to process the information that shook her world. "You're set for Elysium in the Greek Pantheon, your payment type is obolus." They say monotony.

"What?" Alice spoke brokenly. "Daddy did it?" her voice broke more. She tried to shake all the negative thoughts filling her mind before a thought came to her mind. Payment? Obolus? Maybe a chocolate coin might work! She'll handle the feeling on the ferry shoving her hands into her pocket she handled over two chocolate coins. Only having three more left, "This is fine right?" she asked.

The ferryman took it and bit down on it, actually breaking it apart. "You may go." It stepped out of the way and held its hand out. Gingerly letting the girl on the boat and sending her away.

I'm not to sure how I did on this one I had got no feedback on this one.

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