
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

A child's imaginary friend reads bedtime stories every night. One day, the child realizes the story contains an instruction manual

Alexia waved bye to her parents as they shut the door for the night. However, she couldn't sleep without her bedtime story. So she patiently waited for her friend to appear. Waiting for slightly longer than usual, a figure slowly appeared in existence. An older version of herself appeared worried and had slight happiness on her face.

"Alex!" The younger girl cheered.

"Alexia, let's get straight into it, okay? It's called, don't let him see you." Alex said slightly in a rush.

Alexia nodded happily, her heart beating slightly faster at the name. "Alright?" she says in questionably.

Alex nodded quickly, "First, don't let him see you. Cover everything that allows anything to see in here." She read out.

Alexia was a bit confused at the weird story before her young eyes widened in shock and horror. She quickly followed the instructions and closed the curtains, closing everything else that allowed anyone to see in. Fear was racing through her mind as she anxiously waited for the next request.

Alex was glad she caught on quickly, "Next, make an area in the middle of the room and be comfortable as possible."

Alexia quickly took the blankets off the bed and grabbed some pillows, making padding on the floor. Blankets are laid on top, just in case, she needs to hide underneath them.

Alex's breath hitched as she basically shouts out the next instruction, "Don't let him see you!"

The room shook violently as Alexia hid under the blanket, feeling a strong and powerful gaze on her. This shook her to her core as she covered her mouth, screaming into it.

Alex spoke, "Come out, he's gone. He's in the house looking for you, his weakness is loud noises. Grab something that can be used to distract him." Alex says, clear fear in their voice now.

Picking up the blanket on the floor, and dragged it behind her. After finding one of her louder barbies, she gripped it tight and walked to her bedroom door. She slowly crept it open, seeing something covering down the stairs. A large pair of eyes heading down it, Alexia covered her mouth and hid behind the wall. She walked down the long hallway silently, avoiding all the toys she left out.

Alex silently hovered behind the door, "No matter what, don't let him see you. No one will get you back, the only way to stop him is with a salt blaster." She said quietly, slowly disappearing away.

Alexia whined seeing her friend disappear, clutching the blanket tightly and the barbie tighter. She headed downstairs silently, noticing the eyes heading towards the kitchen. Good thing she knew that the salt blaster was in the living room on the table. She headed towards the living room, looking behind her sometimes for that monster. Feeling a gaze across her back, she dropped to the ground and covered herself with the blanket. Noticing it was gone, she silently got up and headed towards the table, picking up the blaster. Holding it close, she started looking for the monster

The monster came back around, and Alexia took aim.