
Collection of WIHachilles Stories

This contains all my short stories with two chapters or less. All of these come from writing prompts subreddit.

WIHachilles · Urban
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40 Chs

“Hell has Satan, Heaven has God, and Purgatory has me.” It reached out to shake your hand. “Welcome to my domain.”

You raise one of your eyebrows in slight confusion; you were never a religious believer. Always going about life doing things that are morally correct in your eyes, never being perfectly good or terribly evil either. So the fact that you're here in so-called purgatory is disappointing. Expecting the afterlife to be a void of darkness or your perfect paradise. Speaking up with a slight hesitation in your voice with morbid curiosity, "So Christianity is real?" was a simple first question to ask, followed by another question. "What about the other regions?" It would be disappointing to arrive wherever you're sent to only find out your life is a lie.

The short androgynous figure waved their hands, grinning mischievously. "That's a strong first question!" They chuckled before holding up one of their long fingers. "But every religion or pantheon is real. The afterlife is whatever you want it to be." It was a matter-of-fact tone. "People with wavering faiths and no direct religion end up here." Adding on right after.

Hearing that makes sense, so what is purgatory exactly? There were so many articles and documents about how purgatory will end up as. A simple question should be next: can't overwhelm this deity figure in front of you? "What's your name?" You asked.

"A questioning young person, aren't you?" They snickered teasingly. "I'm whatever you want to call me." Looking up with a shark tooth grin plastered on their face.


"You heard me, I go by whatever you want." Adding up right after. "I was never given a name. I was never worthy of one." There was now a slight sadness to their tone, before perking back up again. Causing you to flinch because of the sudden mood change. "Most people stick with calling me a friend because it's easier to remember!" Sticking their arms joyously in the air.

You cautiously nod your head. "So what now, friend?" Wondering what could be next in this empty void of theirs.

Friend smirked, a common occurrence you noticed. Their hands glowed brightly. Different portals open to new realms. There was one leading to people flying and shooting fire from their hands. Someone waving a magical wand and obviously casting spells. There was a large-built man with tattoos all over his body, glowing with eldritch power. Another realm shows five birds of large magnitudes with different color schemes. Even a strange one with an obvious corpse on the ground with two people carrying children in their arms. These magical portals circled behind friends as their eyes glowed a powerful green. "I will show you around different realms for you to get either reincarnated into or watch over, or you can make your own. It's all up to you."

You nod your head, a growing headache growing present. Raising a hand, you pointed to the portal with people casting spells. "Let's check out that one." It was overwhelming, but that one looked the most interested.

Friend grinned, "Let's get this party started!" You feel something grab you as you were sharply pulled forward and through the portal.

I promised and then forgot to make multiple parts to this story, so when I have the free chance after uploading most of my content to this site I'll do another part.

WIHachillescreators' thoughts