
Not your fairytale princess

I'm neither Snow White nor Aurora in a deep sleep

Waiting for their prince charming to wake them up from a death-like sleep

I'm not even Jasmine trapped in an hour glass

Hoping that Aladdin could get me out fast

I'm just the simple me, just me

Wanting you, needing you to love me too

I'm not Cinderella keeping a glass slipper

Waiting for the prince to find me in the corner

I'm like Ariel who can't speak out

Wishing you'd know the real me all throughout

I'm just the simple me, just me

Waiting for you to notice me

I know you feel it too

So just tell me, please do

Do you have to wait such dangers happen to me

Before you say you love me?

Do I need to be in a death-like sleep?

Be trapped in an hour glass

Hold onto that glass slipper

Give away my voice

So you'd come rescuing me, looking for me, knowing me

And lastly telling me how much you love me

Do I need to be a princess

To be able to feel happiness

Can't I just be the simple me

For us to be happier

To experience that "Happily ever after"?