

Chapter 376: West Hemisphere Neil Forest

The living condition in the North Hemisphere was much better as it was less crowded, and the available land was greater in size. During the end times, the wilderness was mostly dominated by plants and animals.

Qin Feng was at a location where an extremely huge forest was located, the Neil Forest.

Of course, it did not exist before the end times.

Qin Feng identified the directions and headed toward the west.

His first priority was to get to Dawn Town that was situated beside the Neil Forest, it was a town situated at the frontline and was similar to Shadong Town, however, there were not any frequent attacks by the beasts from the forest.

Therefore, Dawn Town had survived and lasted for about a hundred years!

Qin Feng walked within the tropical forest while minding every step he took as he had been trying to avoid other beasts.

However, it was nearly impossible to avoid every single one of the beasts within such a dense and complicated environment.

All of a sudden, a bright green viper appeared from the bushes and wrapped itself around Qin Feng legs.

It was a huge viper at about three meters in length, the widest part of its body was about the size of a palm, and if it were not because of the massive bushes earlier, it would not have hidden itself from Qin Feng.

However, it was merely an F-tier ultra beast.

Qin Feng raised his hand and pointed his finger toward the viper, a blast of flame that was about the size of a finger hit onto the viper and pierced through its head.

The viper fell on the ground instantly and twisted its body several times before it was completely dead.

It was indeed a worthless sacrifice for it to seek trouble with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng continued to move forward, and took down some other ultra beasts and insectoids that had dug their own graves.

All of a sudden, Qin Feng sensed something and looked down.

He had stepped onto a piece of dampened ground, and there was a fragrant odor that lingered around.

It was a smell that would never be forgotten.

Qin Feng looked around and immediately identified a special plant under a tiny seedling.

The plant looked similar to chrysanthemum; however, its pistil was pale blue in color while the petals were green in color, and the entire plant was merely the size of a palm.

"Tear flower!"

Qin Feng let out a smile.

Of course, the special plant was the reason for his journey there.

For the others, even with their D-tier capabilities, setting foot onto the West Hemisphere would be an impossible task for them, and even if they were to obtain support from the Wanzong Organization, they would still be unable to get their hands onto such items.

However, it was an easy task for Qin Feng that had Bai Li with him.

Qin Feng took out an ordinary F-tier dagger and cut across the tiny seedling.

Surprisingly, it was a mutated plant, and it began to wiggle wildly.

However, it was merely a tiny seedling with G2-tier capabilities, and the attacks from its branches did not cause any harm to Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng cut down the tiny seedling and dug out the tear flower.

Qin Feng lifted the tear flower that dappled under the sunlight and exposed the flower under the light rays, instantly, two openings were formed on the blue pistil and tears began to roll down from the petals.

It was the tear flower.

It had the special attribute where tears would roll down from it whenever it came into contact with sunlight, and it would never dry out as long as there was sunlight available.

The tear drops also had the special ability to repel ultra beasts.

The first attribute of it was rather useless to be used within a tropical forest.

However, its tear drops could be very useful to keep ultra beasts away, and by applying it onto the body, it could be an effective way to secure the safety of its applicant.

Therefore, such a feature had driven the expensive price of the tear flower.

A tiny flower from it would cost a whopping five hundred thousand.

As Qin Feng was observing the flowers, he was alerted by a sudden booming noise.

Using his consciousness, he was able to identify a bullet that was closing in, and it was shot from a highly-powered sniper rifle.

As the bullet was about to penetrate into his skull, Qin Feng frowned slightly and the bullet was instantly stopped at its position!


Qin Feng activated his conscious energy control and repelled the thin and elongated sniper bullet in a reversed direction.

Furthermore, it travelled at a much higher speed than the speed it was travelling at when it was shot.

At the blink of an eye, the bullet had travelled five hundred meters away and was aimed toward a gunner that was crouching under a giant tree.

The gunner opened his eyes wide as he was alerted by it, while a conscious energy wave began to disseminate around him, his minimal conscious energy disallowed him to have the capability to react and dodge the retaliated shot, and it was impossible for him to identify the speed of the bullet.

After all, he was merely an E-tier gunner.

His body took the hit and was immediately pushed backward as he fell off from a giant tree branch, a silenced grunt was heard, and everyone that was sneaking around Qin Feng was shocked by the scene.

However, Qin Feng continued with his action within the next moment.

He travelled through the shadows and appeared behind an ancient warrior.

Certainly, they were not called ancient warriors in the West Hemisphere, they were called the physical users.

However, the capability of the physical user was too weak to handle Qin Feng's attack!

Qin Feng immediately raised his leg and kicked his opponent's back.

He had only used one tenth of all of his strength on the kick.

However, his opponent was instantly sent flying, and he slammed onto a giant tree.


The physical users from the West Hemisphere prioritized enhancement of their physical capabilities, therefore, most of them were above two meters in height, and often had muscular bodies that were similar to the parallel ancient warriors.

Qin Feng had literally sent a gigantic and sturdy human-shaped bomb flying.


The tree that took the hit was immediately crushed, and the physical state of the western physical user was obviously in a dire situation.

His spine was destroyed by Qin Feng's kick, and it had affected his internal organs and broken down his veins.


"Damn it!' An enraged roar that was similar to a female Tyrannosaurus was heard, followed by a massive amount of flames that were being blasted out.

"Playing fire with me?" Qin Feng let out a cold sneer, he raised his hand and a large flame explosion blasted out.

The flame was much stronger and wilder, and even the rune allocations were more intense.

Flames collided with each other.

The flame attack from Qin Feng instantly shrouded the western female in drowning flames.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

Miserable shrieks were heard.

As soon as the flames died off, there was only a charred corpse left behind.

It was indeed a tragedy for a fire ability user to die under flames of an opponent.

At the same moment, Qin Feng sensed the presence of two others, however, both of them were shocked by the scene and began to cautiously fall back in silence.

Qin Feng's conscious energy was able to "see" their movements, and one of them was drawing a cross sign from his forehead to his throat, and it seemed that he was praying to God.

Unfortunately, God would not be able to help them, and they should have realized that there would be such an outcome when they first decided to attack Qin Feng.

"Magma Pillar!"

His conscious energy shifted slightly, both of them did not know what was happening as the ground underneath their feet had already turned into magma, they were trapped alive within it; within a split second, they were charred by the insanely high temperature and turned into ashes.

Qin Feng raised his hand and took away their pouches.

Perhaps it was because of the difference in terms of location, the western spatial rune equipment was all shaped into pocket sizes.

Then, Qin Feng walked toward the aptitude user that had been kicked to death by him and took his communicator.

As soon as it was connected, Qin Feng instantly obtained the map of the location.

Surprisingly, it was still quite far away from Dawn Town.

Chapter 377: Purchasing Tear Flower

The Neil Forest was not the same as the North Sea Desert, therefore, Qin Feng was reluctant to activate his Sky Dweller, and the vulture that had attacked him earlier had the capability of a C-tier!

Qin Feng could only take on the journey by foot, fortunately, he was travelling swiftly, and with his full speed, it would only take him slightly more than an hour to arrive at his destination.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Swoosh swoosh!

Cool breeze swept over the forest, and it was unknown whether it was the noise of leaves brushing against each other, or there were wild beasts that were moving around.

A small team of aptitude users that was settling down was alerted and immediately turned around.

"Hey, did you see the human shadow that just passed by?"

"Are you daydreaming? Stupid, there was nothing!"

"Stop daydreaming and finish up your food, the battle will take place soon!"

The entire group of people did not know that there was indeed a shadow that had passed through, and it was Qin Feng's shadow.

It was already near the edge of the Neil Forest, teams that roamed around had even been downgraded from E-tier to F-tier teams, and they were all extremely weak.

In other words, it was getting closer to Dawn Town!

Soon, Qin Feng saw a highway before him.

Obviously, it was a man-made highway, and it was located within a secured area.

Qin Feng raised his hand and released a ray of silver coloured light; his hover tank was activated and he started travelling along the highway.

However, after only five minutes of travelling, Qin Feng could see features of a small town appearing before him.

Unlike the small towns of other places that Qin Feng had been to, the small town was indeed beautiful!

It was like an imaginary land of joy and plenty, the outer part of the town was circled and protected by a stream of river, and surprisingly, the surrounding walls were all built with logs that were all densely covered with vines. Furthermore, there was also a skyscraper tree that stood up high at the centre of the town.

The giant tree was about fifty meters in height, it was like the crown had penetrated into the clouds, there were also small houses that were built above the branches of the tree, and all of the houses were occupied.

Also, the giant tree was releasing the aura of a C-tier mutated plant.

However, Qin Feng knew that the giant tree was the mayor of Dawn Town, a conversion from a C-tier ability user.

It could be considered as the contract beast of the mayor!

Qin Feng drove his car into town, everyone was surprised by the luxurious looking car and its brand, and some even whistled.

Everyone around was tall and had a well-built physique, they had blonde hair, bright blue pupils and dark skin tone.

They were from a totally different race.

Qin Feng scouted around from his car and immediately found his target.

Mutated plant sellers were commonly seen at Dawn Town, similarly, spirit herb sellers were also commonly seen at the Three Cities along the Sun or the North Sea!

Qin Feng stopped his car and took a glance at the plants that were displayed behind a bullet proof window, only then, he went ahead and entered the shop.

Bells jingled, and a middle-aged person in the shop was looking at Qin Feng.

"Welcome, oh, surprisingly, an easterner, anything for you? You seem to be an underaged kid."

The tone of the shopkeeper was slightly irreverent.

"I am looking for the tear flower!"

Qin Feng did not speak with his own voice; however, he released his conscious energy to convey his thoughts.

It was a common behaviour that could also be used by ultra beasts.

Being an A-tier king of mercenary before his rebirth, Qin Feng had been all around the world and he knew exactly how to converse by using the western language.

Although he did not have an ability core at that time, his powerful conscious energy was strong enough to allow him to master a language within a short period of time.

However, he had now purposely chosen to use his conscious energy to display his intimidating strength!

Indeed, such a suppressing conscious energy had shocked the shopkeeper and caught him off guard.

"Alright, good looking young man, tear flower, is that what you are looking for? How many millimetres will you need? How about an extra crystal perfume bottle for free?"

Qin Feng smiled and pointed toward the tear flower that was placed at the bay window. "I'll take this, one for 50 power credits!"

The shopkeeper was shocked and asked cautiously to make sure, "You mean, all of it?"

There were more than twenty tear flower plants that were displayed at the bay window.

Actually, the shopkeeper did not own them all, there were some that were being consigned for sale by others. After all, tear flowers would only be valuable when they were alive; however, they would be easily stolen by thieves if they were to be placed in homes!

Nobody could afford to hire designated guards to protect them.

If tear flowers were sold all at once, the shopkeeper would definitely earn an enormous amount of profit.

Qin Feng remained silent and turned his hand around, a pocket appeared on his palm and dropped onto the counter.

The shopkeeper immediately took it up, and it was filled with sparkling and translucent solidified energy cubes that were in cubic centimetres.

They were all power credits.

If the credits were to be converted into Qin Feng's monetary term, it would have the conversion rate of one to ten thousand.

There were several reasons that had caused the westerners to prefer trading with power credits such as low population, geographical environment restrictions that had made cross-barrier movements extremely difficult, communication barrier, unsecured monetary value on the communicator, and also, Dawn Town itself was already a highly-ranked town!

The shopkeeper counted the power credits and it was exactly the amount needed to purchase all of the tear flowers that were on the bay window.

He winked and said, "The amount is insufficient; these tear flowers can only be sold at 55 power credits each!"

It was indeed a premium price charged onto products that were highly sought after!

Qin Feng let out a cold sneer and instantly activated his massive amount of conscious energy to showcase his power.

The conscious energy of a beast emperor instantly exploded.

"Do you believe that I can just take your life right here and it would be as easy as the twist of a hand?"

The shopkeeper was shocked and his face turned pale-white, he fell back to his seat as he was terrified and wet himself.

Despite being a shopkeeper, he still had the capability of an F-tier, however, he was being cocky just because he had a patron that could support him!

Unfortunately, he had messed with the wrong person!

Obviously, Qin Feng was not the right target for him to bully.

"Where are my items?" Qin Feng asked.

"Yes, oh God, customers will always be God, please hold on!"

The middle-aged person was scared witless and immediately took out the tear flowers from the bullet proof glass and handed them over to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng raised his hand, and all of the tear flowers were immediately transferred into the Battlegod Tomb.

There were twenty pots of them in a single purchase, and it had only cost ten million, however, Qin Feng was after more than twenty.

If possible, Qin Feng would want to have two hundred thousand of them, and it would only cost him a hundred billion!

Before coming here, Qin Feng had already converted his funds into power credits worth a hundred billion.

However, it was still unknown whether he could source for such a huge amount of supply.

Qin Feng walked out from the spirit herb shop and moved on to the next shop with his car.

However, as soon as he left, the shopkeeper that was scared witless immediately made a call on his communicator.

"Boss, I have identified a wealthy prey that you might be interested in!" The middle-aged person smiled and let out a vicious expression.

Qin Feng spent a day traveling around the entire Dawn Town, and he had only managed to find a thousand pots of tear flowers, however, he was informed about a useful tip.

Since a long time ago, the special product of tear flowers had been scaled up to mass production, and the production was located in the northern area of Dawn Town.

Most probably, it would have been incorporated with the local plantation to prevent attacks from the ultra beasts.

Chapter 378: Qin Feng Gets Mobbed

Qin Feng planned to visit the planting site tomorrow, he just was not sure if they would sell it to him in large quantities.

As he walked out of the store, he saw that there was a beautiful blond woman leaning against Silver Bolt.

She was indeed a sight to behold, flawless skin with an astounding appearance. Not only that, she had an impressive figure that did not have the restrictions that Easterners had with a plumpness that seemed almost ready to spill out at any moment. There were also passersby who were sneaking covetous glances.

Qin Feng approached and said, "Excuse me, please move!"

"An Easterner?" The woman looked at him with a pair of wintry eyes before lighting a cigarette and started smoking. "You're just my type, would you like to spend a nice evening with me?"

That was said with a flirtatious tone before a puff of smoke was blown Qin Feng's way.

But Qin Feng was faster.


His internal force burst out, forming a layer of light that covered his body.

The woman's thick smoke was immediately blocked out, but the internal force shield was dyed black from the smoke.

She did not expect Qin Feng to react so quickly, laughing as she raised a hand that shimmered with darkness.

This was also a person with the Dark Ability.

The darkness spread over the internal force. Then, as if alive, it flowed downward across the internal force and rapidly sank into Qin Feng's shadow before the attack connected with his body.

"Shadow Bind!"

The woman then exclaimed: "What are you boys waiting for?!"

Then several more people appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

This woman turned out to be a D-tier aptitude user.

"Say your prayers kid, cause that money you've got is gonna get me a new gun!"

A scarlet beam was shot out by a gunner that had suddenly appeared.

A termination ray!

An evolved form of a decomposing blaster.

It was a signature weapon of many D-tier gunners as this kind of blaster could puncture through the internal force shield of most D-tier ancient warriors.

The most notable thing would be its price.

Qin Feng felt a little bit annoyed by the premise. If they had so much money, why would they still want to rob someone, could it be that they only got money through robbing people?

They were both D-tier aptitude users, were they not worried about collateral damage if they actually fought?

But seeing their unscrupulous faces, it probably meant that they were not afraid.

Qin Feng sneered, if so, then it was not his fault if he acted cruelly.

His form instantly disappeared and instantly reappeared right behind the gunner.

"Psionic Impact!"

The gunner was surprised by his speed, but quickly unleashed a counterattack.

A telekinetic force stabbed into Qin Feng like a sharp arrow.

He did not react to it. Instead, he mobilized his own consciousness.

"Psionic Impact!

If his opponent's attack were like an arrow, then Qin Feng's was like a lance.

When the two consciousnesses met, the opposing force could not withstand Qin Feng's attack and crumbled away like a clay pigeon being hit by a bullet.


Qin Feng's consciousness slammed into the gunner.


Then the gunner let out a scream of pain as blood seeped from the corner of his eyes, mouth and from his ears. If that attack did not kill him, it would have mentally shattered him!

Qin Feng grabbed the gunner by the wrist and flipped him onto the ground, the sound of bones breaking could be heard upon impact as the termination ray was pried out of his hands.

The other three people, including the blonde beauty, stared in Qin Feng with a cross of shock and amazement.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng pointed the blaster at the group and fired.


A physical user of the group could not run away in time, the beam scouring his skin and ripping off a portion of where he had been hit as his body was hit by the light.


A mortified scream rang out as the physical user collapsed to the ground from the pain, stumbling away from Qin Feng's range of attack.

"Watch out for the gun and waste him!"

The blonde woman did not know how Qin Feng had broken free of her attack but she had to do this the hard way now.

"Go to hell!"

A burly man that looked to be about two meters tall, built like a tank, rushed toward him with great force.

The fist that collided with him carried with it a thunderous force.

Qin Feng, unwilling to show weakness, parried the blow.

The two fists collided together with Qin Feng's wrapped in internal force. Western physical users used a similar kind of power, it was cruder than internal force but it was stubborn force.


Just from a single punch, the victor had been decided.

Crack, crick, clack!

Bits of bones burst out from the user's elbow and he was sent flying backward!



On the opposite end of the street, the sound of a storefront window shattering could be heard.

The other injured physical user rushed over, the stones cracking with every step forward.

Qin Feng punched again, and this physical user also suffered the same fate as his companion.

In an instant, the people who tried to jump Qin Feng ended up with two heavily injured and one dead. They had lost all of their combat effectiveness.

The blonde woman glared at Qin Feng with a subdued rage and mobilized her consciousness.

"Come out and play, my little darlings!"

She pulled out a small pouch and instantly a spatial passage appeared in front of her before a torrent of skeletons was sent flying out.

Qin Feng was not surprised, his opponent was a Dark ability user. It would have been normal for them to use these kinds of moves.

His consciousness spread out, cutting through the skeletons.


He pointed at the blonde woman and the skeletons stopped mid-rush, turned around and began to charge in her direction.

"Aaieee! A demon! It's a demon!"

The woman let out a panicked cry. Qin Feng just robbed her of the creatures she summoned using her Dark ability, which was also a massive blow to her morale.

She was not crazy, she knew when it was time to run.

It was at this time, a piercing siren was heard and countless people in uniforms blocked the street.

"Who said you could make a move, how about you show some respect to Mr. Kaelin!"

Among the people in uniforms, there actually was a D-tier physical user.

That must be Kaelin!

He was also surrounded by six more D-tier aptitude users!

They seemed strong.

They unleashed their volley of attacks, blasting through the wave of skeletons like they were made out of paper, crushing the tide into ashes.

The blonde woman hid behind Kaelin, pointing at Qin Feng with a face mixed with fear and anger.

"I don't give a damn about respecting the people I want to kill!" Qin Feng said before disappearing again.

Dark Shadow.

The woman was a Dark ability user herself, she was taken aback for a moment before her face paled dramatically.

Qin Feng did not even give her a chance. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind her and slammed a hand into the side of her neck!


The internal force in his hand exploded upon impact, instantly killing his target.

Kaelin was furious!

This brat did not just ignore him but he also just up and killed a subordinate in front of him!

"Bring him in for interrogation! He must be from the Dark Coalition!" Kaelin roared.

Qin Feng's expression fell.

Obviously, a foreigner with a different appearance and skin color would have been a target for these kinds of people.

"We'll see about that!"

He let out a chilly chuckle before revealing his aura!

Chapter 379: Out of Blows Friendship Grows

Qin Feng was not just a D-tier, he was a D-tier Emperor.

Once his aura was revealed, these people felt a tremendous amount of pressure pushing down on them.

"Bastard, you're just a kid. Let's see just how powerful you are!"

A burly patrolman stared down at Qin Feng, he looked much too young. Even at the height of 1.9 meters, in their eyes, his appearance did not seem like an adult's.

Maybe he just had some special ability that could release an aura that could upset them?

If not, why had he not taken action yet?

In the patrolman's mind, he did not believe that Qin Feng held such strength.

Which was why this patrolman slammed his fists together, causing a loud bang as they collided together, and his body began to burn with a strange energy.

That man's aura was enhanced and he stepped forward.

Qin Feng saw that this man wanted to fight and was not planning on giving up, naturally he responded in kind.


Two fists collided, causing a violent seismic wave as an unseen wave of energy was expelled from the point of collision. It felt like a blast of gale force winds, sending dust scattering everywhere.

The windows of the shop closest to Qin Feng shattered in an instant.


An energy explosion!


Qin Feng roared as he raised his fist.


This time, the internal force spread out like a fan. Even the patrol squad members in the back were affected.

For a moment, everyone could only plant themselves to the ground in order to not be blown away by this force.

Large ditches began to form on the tarmac road as it caved.

If a D-tier aptitude user really wanted to destroy something, a small town like this would not have been able to withstand the onslaught.

Fortunately, whether it was Qin Feng or the others around him, everyone was holding back and the force put into this battle did not spread out too much.

Regardless, the civilians had begun to evacuate, not daring to stay in the vicinity.

"Everyone, all at once!"

That burly and strong looking man called out, seemingly intimidated by Qin Feng!

"Kid, I'll see you in hell!"

Kaelin roared, unleashing his own physical ability as his body suddenly grew in mass, reaching up to the height of 2.5 meters. He was more than two heads taller than Qin Feng, whose head just barely reached Kaelin's chest.

A fist as large as a sandbag came rushing in like an avalanche.

Around Kaelin, the other people began to unleash their attacks. They surrounded Qin Feng so closely that he was unable to find any safe ground.

Four arms were better than two, maybe this was the right moment!

Qin Feng's hands began to fill with a golden light.

"Tornado Cloud!"

Qin Feng did a spin, the internal force in his hands manifesting into a golden dragon that circled around his body. The dragon's claws collided with and swatted away the enemy's attacks.

Bash! Bash! Bash! Bash!

Out of the seven that were hit, three were sent flying and three more decided to make their retreat. Only Kaelin managed to withstand Qin Feng's attack!

He had a D5-tier physical user's body after all, he was powerful enough to hold his ground.

Kaelin was still shocked, his punch was enough to instantly knock out D-tier giant bull-like ultra beasts, but it was deflected by Qin Feng's martial arts. Meanwhile, Qin Feng managed to knock away all of his subordinates. In an instant, the tables had been turned!

Qin Feng looked calm and composed, this was not even the best he could do yet!

Otherwise, he would probably end up destroying Dawn Town!



"Boy, I'm going to teach you a lesson!"

Even though they were beaten up and down. These people still kept coming, unwilling to admit defeat as they tried again and again.

Qin Feng did not mind. He fought whoever came at him, one on one, two on one. He just did not kill anyone, allowing them a lease of life.

Even then, these people were beaten until they were crying miserably. Sort of like little girls.




Qin Feng defeated these people in three quick strokes.

In the distance were E-tier patrol members who had guns in their hands. They were trained on Qin Feng but did not dare fire. Whenever Qin Feng gave them a passing glance, they felt their legs tremble.

"Christ! Who the hell is that?"

"Such an internal force! He's an ancient martial artist from the East!"

"That's impossible! How is someone so fast?!"

"General Kaelin is getting wrecked?!"

These people could not believe it, but it was the truth.

Kaelin was probably the one who received the most blows from Qin Feng. He was dizzy after a few punches, his abdomen receiving multiple hits from Qin Feng's attacks.

Qin Feng's internal strength really was emperor tier.

After a few more attacks, Kaelin actually retreated!

For a moment, both parties refused to budge!

Because of Qin Feng's internal force shield, his clothes were not creased.

On the contrary, the two meter tall man he fought had a black eye and a swollen face.

These were all D-tier people, since when did they become children who were being taught a lesson?

Now, Kaelin knew that it was a bad idea to have provoked Qin Feng. The woman who attacked him before was dead and it was not like he really knew that person.

However, bullying outsiders was something he did often. Which was why he came over to assist.

Now, the situation was different. The woman had been killed and Kaelin could not get any benefits from Qin Feng. There was no need to fight to the death.

Thinking of this, he did not push the situation any further, deciding that the two sides had entered a stalemate.

When Qin Feng saw that the opposing side did not even dare look at him he knew that the battle was not going to continue.

It was not a fight to the death, it was just some rough-housing.

"We're done fighting?" Qin Feng asked in a low voice.

Kaelin cleared his throat, coughing before letting out a fake laugh, "Ahem, buddy, I think we may have gotten into a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding indeed. I think the ones from the Dark Coalition are actually these people!"

He pointed a finger at the ones on the ground, two of them were injured and unconscious and the gunner was mentally scrambled.

As for the woman, her body was cold already.

Kaelin's mouth twitched, these were people from his town. Of course he would know if they were actually Dark Coalition members or not.

Qin Feng's words just allowed Kaelin to step out of this kind of conversation. Now, he could only just follow up on them.

"Yes, take them in for questioning!"

The rest of the patrol looked at Qin Feng with fear before stepping forward and carrying the three away, not daring to even make eye contact at all.

However, Kaelin did nott leave.

"Young man, I've never seen you in Dawn Town before. I'm really sorry for this misunderstanding!"

Qin Feng replied, "It's my first time here. I didn't expect the authorities of Dawn Town to be my eye-opener of the day!"

"Don't be so serious buddy, it's cool now. How about I invite you over for a drink?"

"Then I'll count that as your apology!" Qin Feng answered.

"Friend, don't think about any of that anymore!" Kaelin said hurriedly. The original tense atmosphere had been replaced with the feeling of being like post-brawl acquaintances.

Kaelin's body reverted to normal, but his huge body was still a head taller than Qin Feng's.

"Buddy, since this is your first time here I'll definitely show you a good time! How about that? Cuisine, booze and beauties!" Kaeline said warmly.

Qin Feng's expression remained indifferent. "Save the beauties, I've got a wife."

Chapter 380: Pyric Drake

He just had a beautiful woman try to poison him just now, he was not taking any chances with another one.

Qin Feng could not be bothered with it.

What was more, Qin Feng had a mild heart down to the core. Lust was not one of his driving forces.

The bars in Dawn Town were quite lively, just like the hot springs in Shadong Town!

The frontline was a place where death could be around the corner at any moment, people learned that it was important to have fun when life could leave at anytime.

Qin Feng found himself being approached by an attractive woman in a bikini who led him to his table, strutting along the way.

"Alright buddy, since I can't beat you with my fists, how about we have ourselves a good ol' drinking competition? This is Dawn Town's speciality beer, made from a benign mutant barley!"

Of course, the beer being presented was not something that ordinary people would be able to handle.

When it came to drinking competitions, Qin Feng's internal force allowed him to have a stronger resolve, one better than many others!

"That's not necessary!" Qin Feng gave a small smile.

"Still trying to egg me, boy?" Kaelin seemed like someone who was a sore loser.

Qin Feng said, "How about this? Let's make a bet. Whoever loses has to do what the winner tells him to do!"

"Sure! If you lose, you have to strip naked and do a sprint around town!"

"Hmph, I came here for business. So, if you lose, General, then you'll have to sell all of the teardrop flowers in Dawn Town to me!"

Kaelin heard the word sell and did not think too much about it, after all, he would still profit!

Since there was not any pressure, Kaelin burst out laughing.

"Okay! There's an idea!"

Kaelin was still thinking that this customer was someone with buying power. If he could get them drunk enough, then Qin Feng could pay for the drinks!



The huge mugs were lifted into the air before they were downed. Qin Feng maintained his composure, taking down large gulps as he drained the entire mug.

Soon, his stomach felt like it was on fire and the effects of the alcohol rushed up to his head.

Qin Feng chuckled, using his internal force to shake the drunkenness away before it began.

This beer was not cheap, and it was made with real materials. The energy from the materials were naturally absorbed, which meant that the alcoholic effect was dispelled!


"Another one!"

Another round of beer, neither of them seemed to have changed in composure but Kaelin's face was starting to turn red.

This did not have low levels of alcohol content!

After downing seven mugs in one go, Kaelin was not looking very good.

The mugs they were holding were about the size of pitchers. The amount of alcohol they held was downed like they were just water, straight into the holder's stomachs!

What shocked Kaelin and the others who decided to watch this scene was that Qin Feng did not even seem drunk at all! His face was not even red!

"Another round" Qin Feng suggested.

Kaelin really wanted to call for another but he put his hand onto his stomach and cried out, "Bathroom! Let me deal with this first!"


The entire bar burst out into boisterous laughter.

There was no distinction between superiority and those below them here. Even if someone was D-tier, if it was funny, people were going to openly laugh.

More than that, a group of attractive women began to approach Qin Feng, finding interest in the foreigner.

"Wanna have a good time, sir?"

Qin Feng pulled out a small black bag and said, "You can start by leaving me alone and making sure nobody else bothers me."

The woman arched a brow and looked into the bag. Under the light, one cubic meter of power credits was revealed, causing the peering eyes to widen.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

The woman went around the bar, handing cash over to some intimidating looking fellows to sit closer to Qin Feng's table, surrounding him and preventing other people from approaching.

After a while, Kaelin stumbled back and tried to continue drinking with Qin Feng, but he was turned down!

"You've lost, General. Don't forget our agreement!"

"Don't worry! I'll take you there tomorrow!"

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction. "Alright, I'm leaving!"

He then took out the communicator of the person he killed earlier and copied down Kaelin's number. It would be easier to find the general that way.

When he left the bar, it was already late. He eventually found a decent hotel to stay in!

He did not have much to do, so he meditated.

He sat cross-legged on his bed, closing his eyes as he rested.

Floating in front of him was an upside down jade pyramid, being held up by his consciousness.

Nowadays, Qin Feng's consciousness improvement depended entirely on the Godwill Atlas, he spent most of his time cultivating using it.

As his consciousness moved through the Atlas, branching out and retracting, it allowed him to train precise control of his consciousness.


When he opened his eyes, he decided to put the Godwill Atlas away.

His consciousness was increasing very quickly. He had even killed many D-tier beast kings this time, now all he needed was the crystal core of a beast king with ability. That would greatly increase his consciousness' capabilities.

And the Godwill Atlas would allow him to fine tune his control over said consciousness.

It was at this time, Qin Feng's consciousness picked up the presence of a creature.

Then, a siren sounded throughout Dawn Town.

"Beep! D-Tier Beast King sighted. All civilians seek shelter. Repeat, all civilians seek shelter!"

People were roused from their sleep as they made a dash for a safe place to hide in.

Qin Feng was on the sixth floor. When he looked out the window, he could see a fiery red shape appear in the horizon.

Even if Qin Feng did not have the ability to see in the dark, he could still clearly see such a creature.

It was a Pyric Drake.

It looked like those Western dragons, the ones looking like large lizards with a pair of wings.

Everyone held their breaths, hoping that this drake was only just passing by.

Things did not go as they had hoped. This drake noticed the towering trees in Dawn Town and decided that it would be a good place to perch and take a break in.

However, the energy shield around the town blocked this drake from entering.

Since it was this close, everyone could see how terrifying this monster was. It was fifty meters long and twenty meters tall. When standing up, the thing could have been six storeys tall. It blocked out the sky as it soared over Dawn Town!

It let out an earth-shattering roar, causing the energy shield to vibrate and still-exposed civilians to cover their ears as blood began to seep from their damaged ears.


What was even more horrifying was what followed.

It decided that the energy shield was a good enough perch.

With how heavy the dragon was, the energy shield would be crushed by it!

"The Behemoth Beam Cannons are ready!"




It took awhile for the beam cannons to align themselves, but they were all eventually fired.

The beams were locked onto the drake, firing with extreme accuracy.


Several rays of light struck the drake and exploded.


The Pyric Drake was obviously in pain from such an attack, but when the fire dissipated, it only looked like the dragon had been lightly smeared with soot. There was no significant physical damage.

Chapter 381: Challenging the Drake

An attack like that against the Pyric Drake was too weak!

It was a king level beast, and considering that it had the draconic classification meant that this beast was many leagues above other similar level beast kings.

However, the Behemoth Beam Cannon attacks managed to enrage it!

Its throat swelled up, heat began to emanate from its belly as the Pyric Drake began to open its mouth.

It was a no-brainer what the dragon was going to do.

"Dragon Breath!"


A massive wave of fire and lava was sprayed out, blanketing the sky.

Dawn Town's shield flared with a painfully bright light, turning on its most powerful defensive setting in order to defend from this attack.

But it was not enough!

This kind of attack was just too powerful!

In the matter of seconds, the attack broke through the shield!

Then, it rained fire.

The saying, 'Disasters come from the sky', seemed too perfect for this scenario!

Fire came down like a rainstorm had just hit, covering all of Dawn Town.

At this moment, a green light wrapped itself around the towering trees of Dawn Town. This light was similar to the shield that was supposed to defend the town.

However, that was the only place that was shielded. A small place compared to the other places in town which had been engulfed in flames.


The people let out terrified screams.

The flames had burned away roofs and whatever else that was flammable. All of Dawn Town was burning.

Qin Feng had not expected something like this to happen and was stunned for a moment!

Based on all of his years of experience, he knew that the appearance of such a powerful king-level beast would mean the complete destruction of Dawn Town.

Maybe it would leave some places still standing, like the places that the trees were at.

It was the only safe place.

The drake's rage obviously had not subsided. Its wingbeats only fanned the flames, and it was heading right toward the town's city wall.

That was where the beams came from. It remembered!

"Quick! Ready a counterattack!"

"Idiot! The planting area is over there!"

"Instead of fighting in town, prepare a squad of expendables and lure the dragon away!"

Kaelin roared out loud.

The D-tier aptitude users had originally been feasting and partying with him earlier, who would have expected such a disaster to occur.

Dawn Town had not experienced such a terrible attack for many years!

The fluid of the tear flowers was very strong, no matter how strong the ultra beast was it would drive them away without fail.

Qin Feng just so happened to catch these people talking. When he heard the words 'planting area', he scowled.

"Damn it!"

He originally came to buy tear flowers. Now, he wanted to know how powerful this Pyric Drake was, and he also knew that if it were to destroy everything, his plans would be ruined!

With that in mind, Qin Feng jumped out of the window!

His hotel was at the outskirts of town, not in the center, and surrounded by giant mutant trees.

When the fire happened, people collectively fled toward the woods to seek shelter there.


Qin Feng's consciousness was mobilized and the surrounding flames gathered toward where he was.

The flames were immediately sucked into him, leaving behind the blackened and charred remains of what it had been burning. There were not even embers left.

These flames were made out of fire runes, even if these were not his own runes, the control he had over his consciousness allowed him to make these runes his own.

"Fiery Rampage!"

Qin Feng moved quickly, jumping from building to building as flames trailed behind him. Almost as if forming into a serpentine dragon.

He soon reached the edge of the city wall.

There already was a squad of expendables trying to grab the drake's attention.


The Drake's massive body collided with the town wall and immediately crushed an energy cannon. With just one claw swipe, it pretty much cleaved the wall in half.

A huge body gave it the ultimate advantage!

At this time, Qin Feng had finally arrived!

The Verdant Emperor Saber appeared in his hands!

He hopped a few steps up and fell toward the Pyric Drake's back.


He swung his blade with all of his might. The momentum of his swing, combined with the weight of his body, allowed him to rip through a ten meter long gash on the Pyric Drake's back.

The Pyric Drake reared back, feeling a great pain.

The Verdant Emperor Saber had just cut through the Pyric Drake's skin and pierced its flesh. How could that have not hurt?

A huge tail swung out toward Qin Feng.

"Fiery Rampage!"

Qin Feng blasted himself out from the trajectory of the tail.

In a flash, he had already reappeared in front of the Pyric Drake.

The drake felt that its dignity had just been challenged. How could such a weak looking creature, something no bigger than its smallest claw have done so much damage to it? The very thought infuriated it to no end.


The Pyric Drake opened its massive maw, and spat out a five meter wide fireball toward Qin Feng.


Qin Feng did not try to dodge, and a bright light erupted from the Verdant Emperor Saber.

"Burning Sword Glare!"

A ten meter long fiery blade extended from the sword tip, instantly splitting the fireball in half.


The fireball was originally structured by runes, but once the runes had been separated, it immediately exploded!

Qin Feng leapt out of the flames and aimed his attack at the Pyric Drake's snout.

"Burning Sky!"

A terrifying light exploded from Qin Feng's hand.

This burning light directly connected with the Pyric Drake.


The Pyric Drake let out a pained whine, pulling away in a retreat as if it was trying to get away from this light!

At this moment, Kaelin and the others who had arrived could not believe their eyes.

"Jesus H. Christ!"

"I can't believe my eyes right now!"

"Is… is he taking on a beast king alone?"

Everyone was stunned!

The Pyric Drake had been attacked, it was pulling away and taking flight.

The sky was their domain.

However, Qin Feng also had dominion in the air.

"Fiery Peacock Wings!"

As blue flames erupted from his body, he also soared into the sky.

These flames were so dazzling that the Pyric Drake could not help but look at Qin Feng, staring at him with hatred that bored into his bones.

The drake was about to use its breath attack again.

"Shut your mouth!"

He moved extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he had reached the Pyric Drake's mouth.

"Overcast Dragon Technique!"

His body began to make violent cracking sounds.

"Dragon Slam!"

The internal force turned into a golden light, forming into a huge dragon claw and forcibly slammed into the Pyric Drake's mouth.

This caused the Drake to misfire!

Since Qin Feng was so close to the Pyric Drake, the drake felt that it was simply a golden opportunity!

Chapter 382: Facilitating Purchases

The Pyric Drake snapped down its jaws, trying to swallow Qin Feng in one bite.

Qin Feng was too fast, soaring away again with the combination of the Fiery Peacock Wings and another fire attack to blast himself horizontally through the air in order to avoid the drake's attack.

The Drake beat its wings and went after him in hot pursuit.

Qin Feng was taking the lead, focused entirely on getting away.

The Pyric Drake and Qin Feng gradually left Dawn Town!

Within Dawn Town, Kaelin, who had not had the chance to take action, stared ahead with wide eyes. He did not know what to say!

"Oh sh*t, God came down and saved our asses!" One person exclaimed.

They did not expect Qin Feng to be the one to lead the Pyric Drake away all by himself!

"What God? That's Qin Feng, a strong person from the East. Hurry up and follow him so we know what happens next!" Kaelin commanded loudly.

All the D-tier aptitude users were dispatched. There were more than fifty of them.

Like in Shadong Town, Dawn Town had many aptitude users. However, it was hard to gather them when the drake attacked so suddenly!

Qin Feng had just bought them a lot of precious time!

Meanwhile, he was racing through the night with the Pyric Drake right behind him.

He evaded the planting area and soon reached the vast wilderness.

It was time!

He abruptly stopped. Then, he unleashed his Emperor level aura.

A quick and decisive battle!


Qin Feng's body flickered and reappeared on the Drake's neck just as it crashed down on where he was.

He ferociously began to stab at its neck with the Verdant Emperor Saber.

The weapon had been empowered by D-tier beast Emperor material and was made out of star steel alloy. Its sharpness was like no other!

It could easily rake through the drake's scales.

The problem was that the Pyric Drake was a master at using fire runes, the Burning Sword Glare attack was useless against it.

However, Qin Feng had something else!

"Dark Erosion!"

A terribly thick dark liquid suddenly flowed out of Qin Feng's hand.

This was a condensed form of Decaying Rain. A move that he had thought of in case of a one-on-one battle after his last fight with Yan Shuo.

In an instant, a powerful corrosive liquid flowed into the wounds of the Pyric Drake.


Like an extremely corrosive sulfuric acid, it could easily melt the skin and flesh of the human body. That was this liquid's power.


The drake let out a screech of pain.

Ultra high temperature flames began to erupt from its neck. It was trying to use its fire runes to overpower and burn away the dark runes.

"Ability, Consume!"

Qin Feng's absorption ability was activated and the flames surrounding him were swept away, quickly churning into a whirlwind that was sucked in through Qin Feng's brow.

Now, even the fire runes would not do anything!

As a king level beast, the Pyric Drake had intelligence. Now, it knew what fear was.

It frantically beat its wings, shaking its neck to try and knock Qin Feng off but he was stuck fast, his feet remaining as firmly planted on the drake's neck like they had been planted into the flesh.

By then, the Dark Erosion attack had already shown its results. The flesh and scale had been melted away to reveal thick white bone underneath, these were the drake's neckbones!

He swung hard with the Verdant Emperor Saber.

"Overcast Dragon!"

"Asteroid Assimilation!"

The power of the secret technique increased sharply and the strength of his internal force doubled.

For a brief moment, Qin Feng had the unmatchable strength that could literally blow off hilltops.

The Verdant Emperor Saber was already swinging downward.


With one swing, the bone was neatly sliced by the blade.

The fierce orbs of light the Pyric Drake had as eyes, which looked like searchlights, were instantly put out.

Its massive head tilted down, twisting unnaturally at a 90 degree angle.

Then it began to fall. Crashing down into the ground!

The Pyric Drake had been slain!

Qin Feng slid off the drake's body and examined it for a moment.

"Looks like I don't need to buy anymore Dragon Blood for the Battlegod Tomb for a while!"

As he thought of this, his consciousness was mobilized.


The dark runes on the Pyric Drake's neck were taken back, no longer eating away at its body.

He sliced off the rotten parts before sending the whole drake into the Battlegod Tomb.

Its body was almost as tall as a five-storey building and as wide as one too. Fortunately, the first level of the Battlegod Tomb was wide enough or else it would not have fitted at all.

Even then, it gave Wang Chen and the others who were training in the tomb the fright of their lives.

For a moment, they could just stare.

"Oh damn, that's a beast king?"

"It's a drake!"

"Quick! Collect the Dragon Blood!"

Everyone in the Battlegod Tomb began to busy themselves and on Qin Feng's side of things, Kaelin and the others arrived just as the battle ended.

They saw Qin Feng's battle from a distance, seeing how he had killed the drake with his own strength and how incredible he was in battle.

"Qin Feng, you're a hell of a godsend you know that? That was insane!" Kaelin exclaimed.

The people around him also added compliments.

"You protected our town!"

"You're a hero!"

Qin Feng did not think he was a hero. Heroes had always been used by conquerors to calm the people down as a means of propaganda.

A hero represented salvation.

And Qin Feng believed that he was a conqueror instead.

"Right, you can stop with the flattering. I was just worried that the Pyric Drake might ruin the tear flowers in the plantation. Those are the goods I want to buy!" Qin Feng said.

Kaelin had not expected Qin Feng to still be so persistent about the tear flowers.

"Qin Feng, since you want tear flowers so badly, how much would you like? I'll get someone to deliver them to you tomorrow morning!"

"I want your entire stock."

Kaelin's jaw dropped so hard that it almost unhinged itself.

"You're serious!"

"Of course. I'll buy all of what you have, I'm not worried about the money!"

"But, we have 100 thousand tear flowers in Dawn Town!"

"Then I'll buy 100 thousand!"

"No no no, I need to ask my boss for advice! You'd understand, the mayor's words are better. This business is beyond me!"

Kaelin quickly waved his hand. If one hundred thousand plants were sold then the amount would be 50 billion. As a D-tier aptitude user, this kind of transaction where such a large sum of money was used in one go was just absolutely insane!

"Alright, I'll wait for your reply!"

"Okay! Take a break! I'll get a message to you by the morning!'

"Mhmm!" Qin Feng was not in a rush, he could spare another day's time.

Afterward, under Kaelin's enthusiastic invitation, Qin Feng stepped under the giant woods of Dawn Town. There were treehouses on every branch and the air here was incredibly fresh and the energy here was refreshing, twice the amount of normal places. This was definitely a good place for cultivation.

This kind of giant mutant tree was a treasure. Too bad someone already owned them, or else Qin Feng would have tried to take one and take it to Shadong Town!

Chapter 383: Snake Wood

The next morning, Kaelin got in touch with his own boss, Bruno, who was the mayor of Dawn Town!

"Do you mean to tell me that this Easterner is capable of getting rid of a D-tier beast king on his own?" Bruno asked.

Naturally, Bruno was not in Dawn Town. Therefore, Kaelin had to contact him using the communicator.

"Yes. In fact, by the looks of it, he could do it very easily!" Kaelin answered.

"Hmm. Well then, send this video to him. Ask him if he is interested. If he can get us the mutated plant's seed, I will sell him 100,000 pots!" Bruno said after much thought.

Very soon, Bruno sent a video over to Kaelin.

As soon as Kaelin had received the video, he nodded in agreement after being stunned momentarily.

When Qin Feng and Kaelin met, Qin Feng received the same video.

Since the video was taken from afar, the graphics were not very clear.

However, Qin Feng could tell that the creature in the video was huge!

Although this giant tree was not as big as the tree in Dawn Town, it was certainly large.

The trunk itself was forty meters in height, while the diameter was over thirty meters. With its twisted branches spreading outward, it did not have any leaves. However, there were countless vines dangling from the branches.

The vines were like its hair. However, each vine was at least ten centimeters in length and were full of thorns.

Wherever the vines touched on the ground near the roots of the tree, there would be carcasses of large mutant creatures.

Meanwhile, there was a large tear flower below this mutated plant.

The tear flower was massive.

The flower's diameter was at least ten meters, which took up at least a quarter of the tree. Its large body faced the sun like a sunflower in a pot. However, the openings on its surface continuously secreted tears.

The land around these two mutated plants had already turned into a swamp.

Tear flowers usually grew alongside other plants. Qin Feng wondered how long these two creatures had been together. From the time they were seedlings and now as fully grown beasts, the tear flower's tears had also changed.

It now created a scent that could lure animals rather than repel them.

"What do you think? My boss said that if you can get its seed, he will sell you 100,000 pots of tear flowers!" Kaelin said.

Qin Feng chuckled before putting his hand down.

"The seed of a Snake Wood isn't easy to acquire. Moreover, it's this kind. Based on its size, it would at least be of a beast king grade!"

"Oh? You recognize it. To be honest, I don't even know what it is. When I saw it, I was really surprised. However, the name Snake Wood sounds appropriate! Do you really plan on killing this beast? If it were me, I'd say it's too dangerous!" Kaelin said.

However, Dawn Town's mayor had indeed latched onto Qin Feng's weak spot.

Although Qin Feng was not bothered by the Snake Wood, he was tempted by the beast king tear flower.

"Tell the mayor to provide me with the exact location. I will try it out. However, you must protect my tear flower. It must not be damaged in the slightest bit!" Qin Feng said.

"Naturally!" Kaelin thumped his own chest and promised.

Very soon, Qin Feng received the exact location and left Dawn Town on the same day.


In Neil Forest, with the looming darkness of the night, there were sounds of birds and bugs. At a closer look, one could even see nocturnal predators on the hunt.

After walking for an entire day, Qin Feng finally arrived at the location Dawn Town's mayor had given him.

This was the inner section of Neil Forest. There was still a great distance before one would get to the deepest area.

However, due to the king-level Snake Wood's presence, not many beasts dared to roam in this area.

In the dark, a huge bird flew over Qin Feng in the air.

It was a D-tier Pterodactyl. From afar, he could sense that it was a beast general.

After all, even the weak Dragon Blood would help the opponent greatly on its growth.

The Pterodactyl was merely passing by. However, it could smell a delicious scent. Therefore, it chose to lower its altitude while flying as if it were trying to hunt after a prey.

Right then, the Snake Wood began to act.

The vines swayed from side to side. Anyone who saw how it moved would tremble with fear.

It was a horrifying scene.

In the blink of an eye, the Pterodactyl had been trapped.


As soon as the Pterodactyl cried out loudly during its struggle to free itself, its voice travelled for miles in the quiet night. Some smaller ultra beasts were frightened by its sound and ran far away.

From afar, Qin Feng stood above a tall, unmutated tree. He frowned at the sight of this Pterodactyl being trapped by the Snake Wood. Within ten minutes, the Pterodactyl had likely become part of the nutritious fertilizer beneath the Snake Wood's roots.

Since the Snake Wood covered a large area, coupled with the fact that its vines could extend out to hundreds of meters, it was nearly impossible to steal its seeds.

Moreover, the seeds were fruit-like objects attached to its roots instead of the branches. These seeds were the size of quail eggs.

Not only that, the fruits were attached to the roots with conscious energy and were impossible to remove with brute force.

It would only be possible to remove the seeds once the Snake Wood was dead.

Thereafter, the seeds could produce new Snake Woods.

Also, there was the tear flower.

As Qin Feng thought of this, he turned on the communicator to record the spatial waymark before sending it to Bai Li.

Fortunately, the communicator could still be connected to the battle net. Since Qin Feng could not contact Bai Li from the Western Hemisphere, he could only contact her in such a way.

Very soon, a bright silver light appeared next to Qin Feng.

A spatial passage had formed!

Bai Li soon walked out from the bright light.

"Why did you summon me? Do you miss me?" Bai Li asked in a matter-of-fact manner.

Qin Feng thought it was funny. After rubbing Bai Li's long, silky hair, he pulled her close and pecked her on the cheek.

"I miss you, Baby!" He said.

Bai Li's face turned red instantly.

"Hey, we are under broad daylight. How can you do that?" Bai Li retorted.

Qin Feng chuckled out loud.

"It's dark here!" He said.

When Bai Li looked up at the sky, it was indeed dark.

"It's still inappropriate!" She said.

"Alright, alright. Whatever you say!" Qin Feng bantered with Bai Li for a while. Although they were only apart from each other for two days, they still enjoyed some playful bickering.

"Alright, stop messing around. I have something for you to do!" Qin Feng said.

"What? Fight against that big fellow?"

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head. If it were the Snake Wood, Qin Feng would have done it himself long ago.

"Use spatial manipulation to take the tear flower away!" He said.

After Qin Feng pointed at the tear flower's location, Bai Li too noticed the huge flower. Although she did not know what it was used for, she was aware that Qin Feng had kept quite a number of them in the Battlegod Tomb.

"Easy!" She said.

Bai Li channeled her conscious energy as she wiggled her finger.

At that moment, the Tear Flower's location was surrounded by a large silver box.

Chapter 384: Another Tier Advancement

Thereafter, a silver light flashed by and turned everything pitch black.

In the blink of an eye, the spot where the tear flower once was had suddenly become empty. A large hole appeared in the swamp before it was gradually filled up again.

Qin Feng was stunned.

"Where did you take the tear flower?"

"It's in the Battlegod Tomb. Don't you like this stuff? I've seen a lot of them in the Battlegod Tomb recently. However, this is the largest one by far!"

Qin Feng suddenly understood how Bai Li had always been able to get what she wanted from thousands of miles away so easily, regardless of whether it was now or in the past.

Apart from travelling through space, spatial beasts were probably also good at stealing!

Meanwhile, the Snake Wood had also noticed something odd happening around it. However, as a plant, it had a lot of power but very little intelligence.

With the tear flower gone, the Snake Wood was not particularly affected. After shaking its vines a little, it returned to its original state of calmness.

"How ugly!" Bai Li commented. She found it hard to even look at such creepy things.

"You can head back now. I'll take care of the rest!"

"Okay! I won't stay here with you because this place stinks!"

Due to the endless tears from the king-level tear flower, the entire region had become a swamp. On top of that, there were decomposing bodies of creatures around. Therefore, the scent in the air was naturally foul.

After channeling a space, Bai Li left.

Now, Qin Feng was left to deal with the Snake Wood on his own.

When he first saw the video, there was not any aura which indicated the Snake Wood's true abilities. On top of that, plants could always hide their powers. Qin Feng only found out about the Snake Wood's ability after seeing how it captured the beast general Pterodactyl.

Clearly, this beast was a beast emperor!

This was the second D-tier beast emperor Qin Feng had encountered.

As for those like Yan Shuo, Qin Feng did not even consider him as a beast emperor.

Meanwhile, this Snake Wood was a complete beast emperor.

Right then, Qin Feng began to channel his conscious energy until it reached its limit.

An emperor-level's conscious energy!

Countless fire runes began to boil around Qin Feng's Mutant Planet.

Not only that, the mutant fire runes surrounded Qin Feng's body with a blue hue.

Soon, a large peacock appeared in the sky.

The peacock was twenty meters in length. With its large size, it could still move in an agile manner like the Blue Flame Peacock Emperor which once lived in the world.

Moreover, this Blue Flame Peacock did not appear as weak as the old beast emperor. Instead, countless flaming feathers emitted a bright blue light from its body.

While Qin Feng continued to channel his conscious energy, the peacock became more condensed.

In the next moment, the peacock had extended its wings and tail before it dived into the distance.

Right then, wherever it flew by, blue flames would fall from the sky like a meteor shower.

As the Blue Flame Peacock continued to move in circles, the flames gradually fell upon the Snake Wood and set the large mutated plant ablaze.

"Regardless of how terrifying a mutated plant is, it would still be afraid of fire. Meanwhile, plants like this are easy targets for humans because they can't move!"

Even if mutated plants were powerful, most of them were not capable of moving. In its own area, it was the king!

Therefore, most gunners who have arrived at the D-tier would target these mutated plants which did not contain poison.

As long as the gunners had enough ammunition, they would be able to kill these beasts.

However, it depended on the fact that nobody else was lying in wait to steal the rewards.

Naturally, Qin Feng was not afraid of other beings. Due to his exposed conscious energy which contained an emperor's aura, most of the ultra beasts in the surrounding environment had already run off. They could sense that he was even more powerful than the Snake Wood.

After the Blue Flame Peacock made a few spins in the air, it finally dove downward and knocked against the Snake Wood's trunk.


A loud explosion could be heard as energy filled the air. The sky instantly became bright blue as flames rose upward.

The Snake Wood was thoroughly set ablaze!

The skill Qin Feng just used was only available to the emperor-level.

Due to the long time it took to channel the skill, Qin Feng rarely used it during battles.

"Let's try this one out!"

Qin Feng channeled his conscious energy once more.

Within a second, a large area of flames was formed in a hundred-meter radius. Gradually, the flames condensed into one large flaming dragon.

It was the Fire Dragon Style skill!

This was one of the three main fire abilities Qin Feng had acquired when he made it to the E-tier. As he collected more runes, its combat power became stronger.

In the beginning, Qin Feng could only channel a Fire Dragon which was around twenty meters in length. Now, the dragon of over a hundred-meter was breathtakingly huge.


After a loud roar, the Fire Dragon charged at the Snake Wood and collided against it on its trunk.

A dark green screen of light appeared. The Snake Wood was defending itself!

Gradually, the blue flames were absorbed by the dark green screen of light. However, before the light screen could fully recover, the Fire Dragon had appeared once more.


This time, the collision was even stronger than the earlier one.

As large waves continued to spread around the tree, flames began burning the vines apart.


The sound of tree branches being burned and, consequently, vines being snapped off into the swamp could be heard. However, the tree was no longer able to reproduce those branches.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng unceasingly conjured his fire abilities as the Snake Wood continued to defend itself. They were in a stalemate.

For such a huge Snake Wood, Qin Feng might need to spend a lot of time to thoroughly burn it down.

If it were a normal ability user, he or she may not even be able to conjure such large flames. Even if they could, they would not be able to use them at such a great distance.

Where Qin Feng stood, it was certainly safe!

After an entire night and part of the following morning had passed, the huge tree was finally burned to the ground.

The tree trunk and its branches were now all completely barren and burned like a huge piece of coal.

The Snake Wood was dead!

Qin Feng could feel his absorption skill being channeled intensely. After a while, a large amount of conscious energy flowed into his body from the huge piece of wood.

In that instant, Qin Feng felt as if he had experienced countless years of learning. He was able to observe all the changes and tragedies of this world.

His conscious energy had skyrocketed!

D3-tier beast emperor's conscious energy!

Qin Feng was surprised that the king-level mutated plant contained such strong conscious energy.

However, he did not have the time to think about this right now.

After an entire night, and now that it was close to dusk, Qin Feng realized he had not rested for over thirty hours.

After taking a few steps forward, he soon arrived at where the Snake Wood was located.

The swamp on the floor's surface had completely dried up from the heat. The Snake Wood's roots were now exposed. With the bright, smooth surface, it seemed like a snake with scales all over its body.

It was terrifying!

Meanwhile, some scattered dark green rocks beneath the roots were the Snake Wood's seeds.


Qin Feng lifted his hand and proceeded to absorb all the Snake Wood's seeds.

However, suddenly, a shocking aura appeared from afar.

Chapter 385: Massacre

Many aptitude users were charging toward Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng's facial expression did not change as he continued to gather his conscious energy.

The Snake Wood's roots only extended to a region of a hundred meters. However, there were easily over a hundred seeds in this region.

Through Qin Feng's manipulation of conscious energy, each seed hovered in the air and quickly gathered in front of Qin Feng. Soon after, all seeds disappeared.

Meanwhile, the ability users nearby had surrounded Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked calmly at these people

Snake Wood's discovery was not exactly a secret. After all, although the Neil Forest was a very large region, it had been explored over the years and the only object which had not changed was this one.

Moreover, Qin Feng did not exactly end the battle hastily. Since the Snake Wood was very powerful, and Qin Feng did not get very close to it, the duration of battle was longer than usual.

It was long enough that other people were able to make it there in time.

The first group of people, which consisted of ten people, had arrived by noon.

Later, more and more people arrived. By now, there were at least fifty D-tier aptitude users.

Indeed, it was a large number.

Moreover, most of these D-tier aptitude users came in groups.

Based on Qin Feng's conscious energy, it was impossible for him not to have discovered their presence. This was despite the fact these people believed that they had kept themselves hidden and even hidden their conscious energy signal.

The fifty people who suddenly appeared were shocked by each other's presence as they began to examine the other groups.

Clearly, these people from Dawn Town and Neil Forest knew each other.

"Black Bear, I can't believe you guys are here too!" Someone exclaimed.

"Ah, Baroq. You are like a dog who won't stop following us!" Another person shouted.

"This yellow monkey belongs to me. Whoever fights me for him will die here!" Someone added.

However, right then, some of the people who wanted to fight for the Snake Wood's seeds gradually backed away.

"Damn it, why are we so unlucky? These are people from the Dark Coalition, including the Black Bear's mercenary group, the Death Scythe Group, and the Necromancers!" Someone said.

"Let's leave," someone said.

These people came in groups of two or three and were much weaker compared to the three other strong forces.

In fact, they also belonged to the Human Alliance. They were only here to get additional benefits with no intentions of killing Qin Feng.

Right then, Qin Feng appeared very calm.

The three groups of people were staring each other down and clearly already treated Qin Feng as a sitting duck.

Qin Feng began smiling coldly as he released a killing intention.

"I'll give you three seconds. If you don't back away, you'll bear the consequences!" Qin Feng's voice was loud and clear with the use of his internal force.

"Three!" Qin Feng said.

The three groups of people were all stunned as they turned to look at Qin Feng.

"Two!" Qin Feng said again.

By then, all three groups of people from the Dark Coalition had become angry.

"Kill him!"

Before Qin Feng could speak, the battle had already begun.

After Qin Feng had stayed in a battle for an entire day, the others believed that Qin Feng's conscious energy would have been close to depletion.

Besides, having strong ability powers did not mean having great strength. Even if he could have both these qualities, they did not believe they were incapable of taking Qin Feng down.

As such, these people eagerly began attacking Qin Feng once the command was issued.

The first person to kill Qin Feng would be able to claim his corpse and spatial rune equipment!

It was normal for people to fight over such earthly possessions for the sake of survival!

A physical user immediately inflated his body and leapt into the air like a moving tank as he charged toward Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng's facial expression did not change.

It was as if fighting for an entire night had not bothered Qin Feng at all. The amount of conscious energy Qin Feng received from the dead plant was enough to replenish his energy fully for the entire day he spent in battle.

As for not having rested for thirty hours, one should note that Qin Feng was not a normal ability user. He had an ancient warrior's body which was far more resilient than normal physical users.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng drew out his Verdant Emperor Saber.


Qin Feng struck his opponents with his Verdant Emperor Saber.

A blade of flame expanding over ten meters tore these groups of people apart.


The first person to charge toward Qin Feng was instantly cut into half.

The people behind him were sent flying.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng dived into the groups of people and began killing them with all his might.

"Vine of Thorns!"

A Wood ability user suddenly summoned his wood runes to attack Qin Feng.

"Are you dumb? Have you forgotten that I am a Fire ability user? How dare you?" Qin Feng snorted sarcastically. However, he did not stop attacking.

"Get lost!"

A flaming halo appeared around Qin Feng's body which instantly burned the green vines away. After turning into soft-glowing green light, the vines were engulfed by Qin Feng's fire runes.

Not only was Qin Feng agile in his movement, he was also very daring.


The Verdant Emperor Saber instantly cut one of the men's heads off.

"Phantom Motion Steps!"

At that moment, Qin Feng turned into a shadow along with his Verdant Emperor Saber. Strips of blue ribbons appeared. Anyone touched by these ribbons were instantly torn apart.

Qin Feng was too powerful!

In the blink of an eye, eight corpses lay dead on the ground.

The wounds on these corpses had turned black. However, very soon, blood began spurting out from the wounds.

The dried ground turned moist once again after the blood had seeped in.

Everybody was in a state of fear.

Now, they began to hesitate when attacking Qin Feng. Clearly, they were pondering if they wanted to continue fighting against this demon.

However, Qin Feng did not wait for them to retreat as he began to attack them ferociously.

"Hell Magma!"

Suddenly, the entire land within a hundred-meter radius had turned into magma.


"It's a magma skill. This is magma. Run!"

"I don't want to die!"

With such a large area of effect, the physical users had no choice but to run away. Although some of their shoes began to melt away quickly, others activated their runes to protect their feet.

However, Qin Feng was not going to let them escape just because they wanted to.

In the next moment, Qin Feng took out his decomposing blaster. This was a high-grade decomposing blaster he had acquired some time ago.

"Zap, zap, zap!"

Beams of light were fired at the escaping aptitude users. They were all brought to the ground.

"Fiery Rampage!"

Suddenly, Qin Feng travelled across the hundred-meter distance at the speed of lightning.

He continued to kill these people with the Verdant Emperor Saber in his hands.

Although over thirty of them were all terrifyingly powerful D-tier aptitude users, none of them could fight against Qin Feng.

Qin Feng had an absolute advantage in terms of speed, strength, and abilities.

Within half an hour, all of these D-tier ability users had been killed by Qin Feng!


Qin Feng activated his conscious energy to collect their spatial rune equipment. Gradually, the Hell Magma was also reabsorbed. The land which remained had turned dark from being roasted.

Thereafter, Qin Feng slashed the Snake Wood with his Verdant Emperor Saber.

Chapter 386: Returning to Shadong Town

Without energy remaining and after being burned into black coal, the dead Snake Wood immediately broke apart.

A crystal object appeared from within.

This crystal object was oval-shaped and half a meter in length. Its widest section was close to thirty centimeters in diameter. Half-transparent, it looked like a large gemstone.

This was the Snake Wood's tree core.

Its value was comparable to that of a beast emperor's crystal core.

Among all mutated plants, this was the most precious item.

Qin Feng proceeded to store the item in his spatial rune equipment.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng kept the remaining fifty spatial beast leather bags in a combat backpack.

When he did so, the Dawn Town citizens who had backed away immediately felt envious. They wished these objects belonged to them!

However, despite such thoughts, none of them dared to take one step closer.

Had Qin Feng not killed enough people already?

Those people he killed were all infamous Dark Coalition groups who normally robbed aptitude users around Neil Forest. Whoever had bumped into them could only consider themselves unlucky.

However, now, Qin Feng killed all of them.

"These are not the aptitude users I know. From what I saw, they are like primary school students who had just entered the academy."

"Oh God, they couldn't even fight back!"

"Who is this person?"

None of the surviving individuals knew about Qin Feng's identity.

However, they might never find out in the future!

Qin Feng was only here to look for the tear flower. Now that he had everything he needed, and had even surprisingly obtained a beast emperor mutated plant, he would naturally not linger around.

Since time immemorial, people who succumbed to their own greed would end up in a horrible state.

After a night's rushed journey, Qin Feng made it back to Dawn Town.

Coincidentally, he passed by the gathering grounds and saw a large field of tear flowers.

Without giving it a second thought, he activated his dark runes and shrouded the entire field of tear flowers.

The guards patrolling on the guard tower did not notice anything odd at all.

Hence, Qin Feng decided to harvest all the tear flowers without them knowing.

Of course, he left Dawn Town several thousand saplings behind.

Thereafter, Qin Feng sneaked into Dawn Town and very quickly located Kaelin.

Right then, Kaelin was still fast asleep in the giant C-tier plant.

Qin Feng used his dark runes to shroud himself and successfully sneaked into the room.

He then placed a Snake Wood seed on the cabinet next to Kaelin's bed, as well as five cubic meters of power credits. After surrounding them with conscious energy, he placed them next to Kaelin's bed without making a sound.

After it was all done, Qin Feng activated his Battlegod Token directly without even stepping out of the room.

Right then, Kaelin seemed to have sensed something odd around him despite being fast asleep. After all, a D-tier aptitude user's senses were not all that bad.

It was only because Qin Fend had intentionally hidden his presence earlier.

Suddenly waking from his sleep, Kaelin could see a dim light in the dark bedroom. Thereafter, he was nearly blinded by what he saw.

Power credits!

Five cubic meters of power credits which amounted to 50 billion!

"What the heck happened? Is God raining down money now?"

However, Kaelin was drawn to the aura of another object. After all, aptitude users were very sensitive to objects which emanated energy.

When he turned his head around, he immediately saw the Snake Wood seed.

At that moment, Kaelin became wide awake.

He directly turned on his communicator to check the plantation site's surveillance footage after unlocking the permission to do so.

Kaelin seemed horrified by the sight of the empty plantation site.

"Qin Feng, you did this!"


Right then, Qin Feng naturally did not know how upset Kaelin was. Since he had already made his payment and gotten the stuff he wanted to buy, Qin Feng was very satisfied.

To be honest, Qin Feng did this as a form of preventative strategy.

Knowing how greedy people were, Qin Feng was worried that Dawn Town's C-tier aptitude users might come after him once they realized that he had obtained the seed of a beast emperor mutated plant as well as the tree core.

Although Qin Feng was not exactly afraid of such opponents, he might not have been able to accomplish this tear flower deal.

Therefore, Qin Feng decided to strike the deal on his own to make things easier.

As for the money involved, Qin Feng had always kept to his promises. For someone like him who had once achieved A-tier, 50 billion was not a significant amount of money to him.

Qin Feng would not violate his own principles for such a small amount of money.

After returning to the Battlegod Tomb with the Battlegod Token, Qin Feng activated another spatial passage.

Since the Battlegod Tomb was a secret territory, and was part of the special space, Qin Feng could return to any place he visited in the past as long as the spatial waymark had been recorded.

Of course, the only fixed spatial passage Qin Feng had activated now was the one to Fengli Colony.

After all, the most advanced talents produced by the Battlegod Tomb would only be at the E-tier. Even in Shadong Town, activating the spatial passage was not necessary.

The aptitude users in Shadong Town would usually only be at the D-tier.

Although Qin Feng had only been away from Shadong Town for three to four days, a lot had changed in the town.

Where Qin Feng appeared, it was a location above a small hill in Shadong Town. Since there was nobody else around, Qin Feng released the Sky Dweller to take him back to Shadong Town.

However, as soon as he took to the air in Shadong Town, the Sky Dweller's searching radar began beeping wildly.

"Beep, beep, beep! Please be informed that a D3-tier beast general is 1100 meters away from your current position!"

"Beep, beep, beep!…"

The frontlines were always the busiest spots during war.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng continued to steer the Sky Dweller forward in the sky.

From afar, he could see a group of creatures approaching Shadong Town.

It was a group of Desert Wolves!

Right then, the watch tower in the front had already begun shooting out flames.

Bam, bam, bam!

Boom! Boom!

The normal members of the Desert Wolves were at the D-tier and E-tier. However, the flames were clearly not enough to hold them back.

In fact, the beast general Desert Wolves, which were five-meters long and three-meters tall, were even more unbelievably powerful.

The flames would only slow these beings down.

Zap, zap!

The Sky Dweller emitted two energy beams to eliminate two creatures which had gotten close to a defensive tower.

Very soon, several combat planes flew out from Shadong Town.

Naturally, the pilots in the combat planes noticed the Sky Dweller in the air.

"Eh? Has General Qin returned?"

Suddenly, everyone felt motivated.

However, Qin Feng did not get out of his plane. Instead, he casually fired at the ultra beasts which had crossed the line on the battlefield.

The others realized what Qin Feng wanted to do after pondering for a moment.

"Could General Qin be testing out our current combat power?"

"I wonder if we are too late in arriving at the scene!"

"Let's go. Stop talking!"

One could say that Shadong Town's D-tier aptitude users had experienced a significant change in their attitude ever since Qin Feng became the general.

In the past, although Hu Liang was also capable, he did not have a strong enough presence. Most D-tier aptitude users would do their best to extract benefits from the Human Alliance without contributing too much. After all, why should they risk their lives for Hu Liang?

However, now that Qin Feng had become Shadong Town's chief general, and was promoted as the Human Alliance's D-tier general, there were naturally many benefits for the army.

At least, Qin Feng was a very capable individual.

Chapter 387: Transfiguration of the North Sea Desert

What does it mean by having a powerful leader?

When the leader is so powerful that killing a beast is just as effortless as chopping onion, his/her underlings would no longer need to put their lives on the line all the time.

Hu Liang was no doubt a powerful fighter. However, there was still a limit to his capability and he was often reluctant to get involved in a battle.

For the past three days, aptitude users from Shadong Town got to witness the next level prowess.

Before the chopper declined, a lady had jumped out of it first and descended graciously. The silver whip in her hand slid freely in the air as she landed at the frontline in the blink of an eye.

She lashed out the whip and her front was soon engulfed by a band of silver radiance, which contorted the entire space-time covered by it. When the blinding radiance vanished, those ferocious D-tier desert wolves of beast general rank had been sliced into pieces by Bai Li's spatial ability.

Bai Li did not stop there and continued to attack rampantly. None of the desert wolves was able to survive Bai Li's merciless assault.

Naturally, Bai Li regarded Shadong Town as her turf when she decided to protect this place.

Though she had not unleashed her fearsome aura as a beast emperor, she did leave some of her furs around the perimeter of the town.

To her surprise, there were still some mindless beasts that dared to disturb her colony.

Bai Li annihilated every single one of them without hesitation.

She had been following Qin Feng's footsteps all this while so Bai Li did what Qin Feng would usually do.

She learned from Qin Feng that there was no room for sympathy when it comes to killing ultra beasts.

Thus, Bai Li's performance at the frontline was spectacular. Not only that but her action also encouraged the others to be more aggressive. After all, they would not be rewarded if Bai Li was going to kill off all the desert wolves.

The positive energy displayed by the aptitude users from Shadong Town surprised Qin Feng a little.

The battle ended within an hour. Qin Feng's Sky Dweller landed when the dust of the warzone settled.

"General Qin!"

"General Qin is back!"

"General Qin!"

All the warriors approached and saluted Qin Feng.

"It's been a hectic battle for everyone. Leave a troop behind to keep watch and others can get back to have a good rest!"


"Goodbye, Sir!"

Bai Li walked to him. They had just met a day before so Bai Li was not looking curiously at Qin Feng like others, who wished to learn where Qin Feng had disappeared to all these times.

Qin Feng returned to the colony in the Sky Dweller and summoned Xue Xingfu immediately once he alighted the chopper.

Xue Xingfu was fully occupied recently but he did hear about the occurrence of the tear flower inside the Battlegod Tomb. He reckoned that must be the reason Qin Feng was gone.

"Mayor, I think it's about time you enlighten me," Xue Xingfu said.

"These flowers here are known as tear flowers," Qin Feng briefly explained the function of tear flowers and more importantly, its market value.

"5000 grand?" Xue Xingfu rounded his eyes as he was baffled by its value.

"Yes. So it's best not to let others know about its true value, since that might attract unwanted attention. This thing might dictate the development of Shadong Town in the future. Have someone vigilant guard the flowers."

"What if they are not being well taken care of? It's 5000 grand per plant, not 50 cents. I made a quick calculation and figured you have just recklessly invested 50 billion in Shadong Town. When only would you be able to reap the dividend from this forsaken town?"

Xue Xingfu knew Qin Feng was filthy rich now and would never be short of wealth judging by how strong he was. But as a businessman, it was rooted in his mind that one should never throw money into a business that was bound to lose.

It pained him to see the money to go in vain.

"Don't worry, Shadong Town will completely transfigure once the tear flowers have been planted there."

Xue Xingfu could only nod after seeing Qin Feng's insistence.

"Alright then. I will do as you say."


The one hundred thousand pots of tear flowers were planted around Shadong Town under Xue Xingfu's order.

Shadong Town did not have any plantation plot so the flowers were just being distributed randomly across the town.

Shadong Town has plenty of sunshine and the long day greatly stimulated the flowers' growth. The resilient tear flowers continuously secreted teardrop which gradually dampened the surrounding desert land.

Though the land around Shadong Town did not undergo desertification, there was hardly any vegetation seen around the place due to the constant sandstorm. However, after planting tear flowers, greeneries began to emerge around the flowers.

That was certainly a giant leap.

The secretion from the flower did not only repel wild beasts but also promoted the growth of other plants. Better still, it could even cultivate mutated plants.

Xue Xingfu was truly impressed by Qin Feng.

Nonetheless, all the new plants were being mowed and replaced with crops. This was to prevent the growth of undesirable mutated plants.

Qin Feng even had those wood, water, and light-type medics brought over by Gao Yukang take care of the plants. These people knew nothing about the true value of the tear flower and did not understand the point of spending time on nursing the plants.

However, none of them dared to disobey Qin Feng's order.

Hence, these tear flowers developed vibrantly.

Qin Feng then transplanted the king-tier mutated tear flowers deep into the desert, a location distant to Shadong Town.

That was where monsters that attacked Shadong Town most frequently came from.

Under the bright sunlight, the eyes on the giant king-tier flower blinked rapidly. Tears flowed down abundantly from the flower into a small stream.

The secreted tears released a strong pungent odor.

It might not be pleasing to the human nose but it was very attractive toward the beasts.

Qin Feng drew the Verdant Emperor Saber and removed one of the flower petals.

The flower quivered in response and emitted lesser tears.

Qin Feng slashed his saber again and again. After the fifth cut, the tears flowing out from the flower turned from pungent into a refreshing aroma.

Those beasts attracted by the earlier odor and pacing at the far side fled once the smell of the tears turned.

Qin Feng nodded satisfyingly and withdrew the saber. The tear flowers knew they had lost the protection from the Snake Wood and could not do anything besides repelling beasts according to Qin Feng's will.

Unknowingly, Shadong Town became more peaceful by the day. Small scale disturbance disappeared altogether while large scale threats were continuously being fended off by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's ambition was not only to protect Shadong Town but to use this deserted town as the starting point of his blueprint. He planned to take over the entire North Sea Desert and make it his territory.

To sustain development was harder than to initiate one. Though Shadong Town could turn into an important food supply hub in the future, it would also become a target that everyone salivated on.

That was when Qin Feng's supremacy would come into the picture. He would be needed to fend off the greedy parties.

Inside the Battlegod's Tomb, Qin Feng meditated while absorbing the Snake Wood's plant core.

Plant cores were technically a type of spirit. It could be directly absorbed by a user and its effect even surpassed that of an energy core.

Simply put, the plant core of the beast-emperor tier was extremely beneficial.

Qin Feng could feel that his body strength and consciousness were being enhanced considerably.