- ATEEZ - {WooSan}
I woke up to the sound of birds echoing in my ears. I tried to cover them with a pillow but it didn't help much. soon I felt my head give off a sharp pain threatening to burn my entire brain with flames made of ghost peppers. Then my face throbbed, my cheeks felt like it had a knife in it. I've never felt this pain before. This...this hangover already beats the rest. My stomach curled up and jerked as I started to feel warmth in my throat, my mouth suddenly filled with a sour and undesired taste of whiskey and cigarettes. I swallowed it...it only burned and made me want to gag. I feel something under my neck, I lift my head up and pull a hoe to my face only yo drop it to the ground. My grip was shitty and horribly weak. It hurts so much it almost numbing. I turn my head to the other direction to see Choi San....beautiful human being. I guess he was with me. My face began to throb again so I slowly lug, myself out of the bed but quickly fell to my knees. Again, I'm too weak. I grab the bed and with my other hand I set it on my knee and I place myself back on my feet. Once again my stomach jerks as I continue to stumble over myself. I still feel drunk...this can't be just a major hangover. I walk and look around as I stumble trying to remember my own house like it's foreign. I found the bathroom and now its time for round one of booze and cigarettes, round two is always stronger booze and whatever cheap shitty food I stuffed myself with. Round one, two, and an extra third were done so I groan as I force my body to the living room. There the sunlight shot through the curtains like it was nothing, thus blinding me making my stomach start to churn again. I felt like shit but when my body collapsed against the couch it was like bliss. I hated when I would get so hammered that I could barely get up the next day, but I still continue to do it. I hate myself for it.
"Wooyoung! You ok?" San's voice called or me hurting my ears and making my head split for the millionth time already.
"Yeah, just a hangover!"
Yeah...just a hangover.