
Collecting Waifu's in a Anime World Mash up

I wanna be the very best that no one ever was (dun dun dun dunnn) to catch them is my real test, to train them is cause. Oh what's this you're asking me for a synopsis? Fine... ------------------------- A wish fulfillment fanfic about waifus. -------------------------- Just me making a Fan Fic about my Favourite Waifu's all in one world, mostly school life first, ill decide if i ever wanted to add magic in the story later on (Most probably will not). Honestly i dont really know what im doing I'm just bored so i decided to write, so yeah Bad grammar and Bad story line up ahead so proceed with caution. On another note, don't take this novel seriously, i just wanna be a waifu collector, so i dont want to see you people complaining about the plot, its just a wish fulfillment story so chill out. ------------------------ *All characters are from their own respective shows and creators, i don't own any of them just the self made OC.*

96YOUNG_MASTER96 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Does CPR counts as a kiss?

"...So how long does it take to get to the hospital." Right now two people, one man and one woman are walking towards a rather empty street in a cloudy afternoon on Tsutsujidai. The atmosphere between the two of them are rather awkward.

"just a few minutes of walking." The woman beside him spoke in a aloof and rather cold tone.

'well this is awkward.' he thought, after eating the porridge Rikka's mom made just for him, she explained to him what happened.




The Takarada Family just received a new neighbour that moved in just next to their house, wanting to be polite Takarada Orie sent her daughter Takarada Rikka to deliver a box of cookies next door. She went inside the gates and pressed the door bell near the entrance. (A/N: basically its was supposed to be Akane Shinjo's house, but now our mc lives in that place.)


She waited for about 10 minutes but no one seems to answer so she pressed the door bell again, yet no one still answered, "...weird im sure that the person living here hasn't gone out yet, maybe im wrong? I'll give it to them tomorrow then." so she went back home telling her mom that no one answered and that she'll give it to them tomorrow afternoon.

Rikka then went back on the next day, she pressed the door bell again and waited, yet not one person came to meet her, she could only sigh in defeat, "did i miss them again? Then ill try it early in the morning." so she went back to her house yet explaining to her mother that no one came to pick up the cookies.

Then just like that, another day had passed it was now early in the morning, Rikka was furiously pressing the door bell, "come on its just a cookie why wont you guys come out? Are you guys vampires?" she waited outside for hours looking for any signs of life but yet again no one answered, so once again the teenager went back home. (A/N: honestly im drunk when i thought of this scenario so it might be full of bs just go with the flow hehe.)

This continued on for few more days, that it became a routine for her, every day she would come to the house, ring the door bell wait for a few hours then leave, seeing that no one answered all this time Rikka finally had enough so the next and final day she once again went into the house like she did before, but the only difference is in her frustration she tried to open the door by turning the doorknob and to her shock.


"it worked? It doesn't matter i can finally end this, exuse me for comi-" and as she was about to step inside she saw a note below her foot just next to the door, with curiosity getting the best of her she went near it and took a look at it, it was a simple bond paper thats was folded in half, there were some words written on the top of it that says 'my will', making sure that there's no one inside she flipped the paper and read its contents and it greatly shocked her.

(A/N: you can just skip the letter below it doesn't really matter.)

To the person who's reading this... I had enough, i tried to think positive and move on but i just cant...I cant get over how everyone i cared about died and im the only one that survived...I thought that maybe i survived because they wanted me to live my dreams and make them proud...i thought that it was God's plan and im only missing the bigger picture...but it wasn't, it was hell, when my parents died and my other relatives caught the news, i thought that they would console me or at least be there, but it didn't happen instead they fought the rights for the bussiness inheritance my other cousins harassing and making fun of me and the others completely shunning me away, i was all alone with nowhere to turn to, that was the time that i finally know what the world truly is, it was the time that i finally know what happens to the people who treated you with love and respect only to find out that it was just a mask to hide their backstabbing snake personas, i felt overwhelmed, i felt angry that they didn't even bat an eye at the death of my parents AT LEAST SHOW SOME SYMPATHY DAMMIT! but i wasn't able to do anything i was average in my studies and i dont have any particular skill set that can help me, so me inheriting the family business is but a pipe dream, so with nothing left to do i hid, i hid from all those problems like a coward, i spent the rest of my days in isolation and ended up buying a house in a remote part of the Tsutsujidai city using the personal credit card that my parents gave me from their will containing more than enough money to sustain my self and registering on the school nearby for authenticity, well the good news is that they cant touch the inheritance because it is currently guarded by my Grandfather that was now temporarily supervising the state of our business so at least that bought me some kind of relief and personal satisfaction.

Well...its not like im totally alone in fact my Grandfather was the one that help me find a house to live in, and help me find and enrol to a rather prestigious school nearby, poor guy he can't even properly mourn for the death of his son and daughter in law without those leeches getting in his way...i have only 2 regrets on this world first is not being able to stand up by myself and fight back and the second is me disappointing Grandpa by killing my self...im sorry Grandpa your Grandson is a weak coward, a coward that lets himself get trampled upon by others, a coward that was too useless to do anything, a coward that can't move on from his parents death so he blamed all his problems on others to feel like his all alone and to justify his pathetic excuse of committing suicide by drowning in the bathtub.

And finally to the random person who always rang the bell everyday, im sorry for not opening the door and talking to you, i dont know what do you want but please forgive me and once again have a nice day goodbye,

Sincerely yo-

Rikka immediately throw away the letter and scanned her surroundings in search of the bathroom, it didn't take her long to find it because it was in the first floor.

Opening the door that leads inside the room she found an empty medicine bottle as well as pills scattered around the floor, she then looked in front of her, there was a white big bathtub that can fit 2 people inside and it was covered by a black shower curtain.

She immediately went near the tub and moved the curtains aside, what she saw was a thin malnourished teenager wearing a black t-shirt and black sweat pants with dark eyebags on his face completely submerged in water.

Not wasting any second Rikka used all her strength to pull the man out of the tub then carefully settled him down on the cold tiles below.

'what do i now?!' right now she's having an internal dilemma she has no clue whatsoever on what to do next, although she wouldn't shy away to help people that are in need this is not in her area of knowledge nor capabilites, heck this was the first ever suicide attempt she ever came across in the first place, 'think! Think! What would the first-aid guys on the commercials do in these kind of situation?!'

"His vitals!" she screamed while taking his wrist and checking his vitals there's a heartbeat which cause her to sigh in relief, but its slow and fading, she then checked his lips to see its color, 'its still rather pinkish which means it isnt that long before he tried to commit suicide, quick think what do i do next?!' if she thinks any longer then it might be too late to save him.

"CPR." she muttered quietly, "should i do it? But will it even work in the first place?" She looked at the man before him while contemplating her choices.

"AHH! TO HELL WITH IT!" using her delicate and smooth left hand she slightly tilted his head upwards by holding his chin then using her right hand she pushed back his glossy pinkish lips and white teeth to reveal his mouth, then without hesitation she went right in connecting their lips together while giving him CPR for 30 seconds. 'its soft... No wait stop thinking about it! Damn you hormones!'

Rikka then pulled back and used both of her hands using her right hand that was in a open palm position while her left hand gripped her right hand giving him 30 compressions per minute then once again going back into the mouth to mouth CPR this repetition lasted for 5 minutes straight, all this time Rikka was hoping for something to happen and it did, she felt him move and it suprised her so much that she instinctively backed away.

She then saw him vomit the water that he swallowed then after that she saw him slowly open up his eyes and once she saw his red bloody ruby eyes it mesmerised her for a second before she heard him say a word. "...beautiful." and then he passed out.

"i-i did it!" she smiled and shouted victoriously and then exhaustion hit her breathing heavily she tried to catch her breath and calmdown.

"...ok whats next then? I should call Mama but." Rikka glance at the state of the Man next to her that was drenched in water, 'i should change his clothes first there's nothing wrong about it right?' So Rikka quickly went out of the bathroom in search of his room she climbed the stairs leading to the second floor and saw a door with a name sign plastered on it, "Fumio, so his name is Fumio huh." opening the door inside his bedroom she found out that it was rather spacious, "there's also a big bed that can easily fit 5 people with more space left, He's quite well-off isn't he." she then went near his closet and picked a simple black t-shirt and white short shorts, "but what about his underwear." There was a sudden blush on Rikka's face, "I-I'll just let it be it should dry on its own right, yeah it would totally!" (A/N: now that i think about it she should have called her mom first... Meh who cares he has plot armor anyway.)

So again Rikka went back in to the bathroom with his clothes minus the underwear, putting his hands above the floor she slowly and carefully took of his shirt which revealed his thin physique,

"how long did he last ate something?" putting the thoughts aside she swiftly put on his shirt then moved on to his pants, she then once again took it off revealing a huge bulge in his crotch area,

Due to the situation and his malnourished body Rikka didn't seem to notice it and successfully changed his pants without any problems.

After that she quickly went home and informed her Mom on what happened and both quickly rushed in his bathroom.

Rikka's Mama picked up the medicine bottle that was lying on the floor. "luckily its just sleeping pills, lets move him in our house first then send him off to the hospital." Rikka nodded and both of them carried Fumio inside their home and after a few hours later he slowly woke up.




"And that's what happened." She said as she stood up while picking up the empty bowl. "you should go to the hospital next, want me to give you a lift?"

"no i hate to overstep and abuse your kindness, plus." Fumio stood up and looked at Rikka's Mama

"i can walk just fine." He said as he smiled sincerely at her.

"you're not faking it right? I find it hard to believe that you could already walk properly after not eating food for a few days your not sleeping properly either and you just committed suicide a few hours ago, don't tell me you're going to do it all again?" (A/N: the super human body already kicked in.)

"although i admit that what i did is rather pitiful me running a way from my problems like a coward by committing suicide, and even ending up with an amnesia, now that my mind is blank and i finally found out what's the cause of it, it helped me realise that i should've done better, that i should've at least honor my parents and give them the justice that they deserve, while also living for my sake and find my happiness in the process."

But of course the first one is a lie, the new Fumio doesn't have any attachments to them whatsoever, but he will live for his sake and find his happiness thats guaranteed for sure 'but his history sure is complicated, no matter ill deal with it when the time comes, although i should probably contact his Grandfather and explained what happened about the attempted suicide and sudden amnesia it should keep me safe for now.'

"well atleast you're motivated, Rikka go along with him to the hospital." Rikka only nodded at her mother's words.

And so the two of them went on their way to the hospital where the awkward silence was so thick you could even cut it with a knife.