
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Military Camp

Dante didn't know what it was. It wasn't a pop-up notification he usually received every day. He was curious about it, and since it didn't seem harmful, he chose 'accept'. Right after that, another notification appeared.

In that notification, a wall of text could be seen. The content says, [You were the only remaining soldier on the battlefield surrounded by enemies who were willing to kill you any second. At that moment, you were given a wish but with a shortcoming. The shortcoming is whatever you wished for, each of the enemies will get two. So the question now is, what will you ask for to help you get away from that situation? You have 24 hours to answer.]


He was dumbfounded by it. It's like a quiz.

'What could it be?' He thought.

As he was in a daze due to it, he heard Manager Sai say, "Kiddo, what are you dilly-dallying over there? Lena is about to leave."


Snapping from a daze, he looked around in haste. He saw Lena near the door. She said, "Kimetsu-kun, Let's go," she called his name in Japanese dialects.

He remembered she also had Japanese blood in her veins.

Dante wanted to ask Manager Sai about the notification, but it couldn't be helped, he was running out of time. Maybe next time.

"Uh, sorry, I was lost in thoughts."

Saying that, he followed Lena who gave him a nod.

Riding on a four-wheeled vehicle, they headed to the Military Camp. It was located a few miles away east of the shelter. The scenery outside the shelter was very different. It was a total mess. The streets were littered with signs of the catastrophe. In just more than a month since they appeared, the world was hugely devastated.

From the window, Dante could see some zombies from time to time. Their numbers weren't that many but their grim figures made his stomach go upside-down.

'I think I'm about to vomit.'

Hearing the noise coming from the vehicle, the zombies glanced in their direction and eventually chased after the vehicle, but their speed was slow compared to it.

"Those zombies, if left alone, will pose a big problem again in the future."

Lena, who was sitting next to him, suddenly said that. The two of them were sitting in the back and there was only the female driver in front. There were only three of them in the vehicle: He, Lena, and the female driver.

He wasn't sure whether Lena was talking to him or the driver. Nonetheless, he agreed with her. These zombies, if left alone, could easily regain their numbers.

"Thankfully the military and the awakeners group joined forces to clear this area. So, if things continue like that, this area will be a zombie-free zone in no time."

"Yes, they are. But something happened that halted their operation."

'Wait, what?' That surprised him.

He noticed a frown on her face.

"Uh, by the way, Wyte-san. What do you mean by 'something happened'?" He asked.

Since she called him in a Japanese manner earlier, he decided to do the same towards her.

Lena revealed shocking news.

"You haven't heard about the missing Awakeners, have you?"


She nodded her head.

"Yeah, I didn't. Has something like that really happened?"

Lena glanced at him and nodded once again. "Yes."

"I see…" He had no idea something like that was happening.

"Aside from us, this information was only known by a few personnel of the SGS and military."

"Oh, no wonder I didn't hear about it. Are they hiding it?"

"It's because there's no clear answer as to the cause of their disappearance."

In that case, he understood their decision.

Lena continued saying, "So far, there's a total of three Awakeners that were missing."

"Three? That's shocking. What could have been the cause of their disappearance?"

"I don't know. That's why we are going to the military to ask if they have finally found any clues regarding it."

"Ah, I see now."

Now he knows the real reason for their trip to the Military Camp. But what he discovered was really shocking and disturbing.

"So this is the reason why they temporarily stopped the operation to suppress the zombies in this area?"

Lena nodded.

"Yes. As long as they don't know the reason for the disappearance of those three Awakaners, they are afraid that someone might be added to the list of the missing Awakeners. Each of the Awakeners is an important force against zombies, especially Mutant Zombies. So if this continues, the manpower we have will weaken even more."

He can see the point.

At that moment, the driver called their attention.

"Some zombies in the middle of the road. Please brace yourself for the impact!" She warned them.

But Lena calmly said. "No, that's not necessary." After saying that, she extended her right hand forward. Then bright magical energy appeared in that hand.

Before their car collided with the group of zombies, suddenly an invisible force threw them. The zombies look like bowling pins hit by an invisible ball.

The driver as well as Dante were relieved because they passed safely.

"Thank you very much, Miss Lena," said the female driver.

"Thank you very much, Wyte-san," Dante also said.

"No problem," Lena replied.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at their destination. It was Dante's first time to come here. He immediately noticed the barbed wires that surrounded the entire camp. There was not just one fence of barbed wires to be seen as there were three layers of fences he noticed. Even if the zombies make it through the first fence, two more fences are waiting for them. The soldiers has enough time to subdue them.

The two noticed a few zombies approaching the first fence and they struggled to enter, but several sniper shots rang out at that moment, and the zombies' heads were directly blown apart. The organs of their heads hit the ground first before their bodies followed.


Dante finally lost it. He vomited.

"So-sorry… Wyte-san," he felt very embarrassed.

"It's fine. Make yourself comfortable."

He heard Lena say that.

Ah~ she's truly a goddess. Unfortunately, she likes someone else.

A group of soldiers welcomed them.

"You're the SGS guys, right? We're expecting your visit. The chief is waiting inside. Please follow us."

Lena glanced at Dante who was still not feeling well. "How about you, Kimetsu-kun?"

"Just a bit. You go first, Wyte-san."
