
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Cozy cover

While Dante was so absorbed in exploring his new system, Lena suddenly arrived.

"Dan-kun, it's about to get cold here. Here, take this," she said.

Dante was taken aback by her sudden appearance. "Eh? Lena-san? What is this?" He asked, confused.

"It's a blanket, silly. You didn't bring one and I could see you shivering. I thought you might need it," Lena replied with a smile.

He was so engrossed in his new system that he didn't notice it was getting colder. It seems the bonfire in front of him is also dying.

Dante could not believe her thoughtfulness. He had never expected her to go out of her way to hand him a cozy cover.

To do that to someone like him… uh! He felt like he had no rights to receive her kindness.

Lena smiled and sat beside him. "What are you doing?" She asked.

Dante was very surprised by Lena's action. He did not expect Lena to suddenly sit beside him as though it was a common thing to do. He was still trying to process Lena's unexpected gesture but he managed to compose himself and respond, "Just checking my ADM."


Dante noticed her silence. When he glanced at her, his eye widened at the sad expression written all over her face.

"Lena-san? Is there a problem?" He asked.

Lena suddenly closed her eyes and looked down. "I am very sorry!"

"Eh?" Dante looked confused. He stopped with what he was doing and thought, 'Why did Lena suddenly say sorry?'

"Sorry for what?"

"Actually, I am also at fault for what happened to you."

"For what happened to me…? What do you mean?" He was very confused.

"The defective system," she said in a low voice. "It's because of my mistake."

Dante blinked his eyes twice. He remembered that Lena and the Manager, who was the culprit for installing the System into him, were probably siblings. But why did Lena say that she was also at fault for the defective system that was installed on him? She wasn't even there when the manager forced him to join the experiment.

"What do you mean because of your mistake?"

He noticed Lena frowned. "Actually...." She bit her lips.

Lena wanted to explain everything to Dante. It was because of her mistake that she thought that Kyzer was the great Warrior she met in her previous life. The supercomputer technology that was meant for the great warrior, was given to Kyzer because of an error in judgement. It was too late when Lena found out that Kyzer was not that warrior, but was Dante.

In her previous life, she only met the great warrior when they were already adults, so she had no idea what he looked like when he was younger. Her only clue was his school, strong character, and high mental aptitude, all of which he saw at Kyzer as well.

Also, unlike Kyzer, Dante didn't give off an aura of someone who would become someone awesome in the future. He looked like a carefree person. Someone who would blend into the crowd of people without anyone realizing his presence.

But after she saw his reaction and the expression on his face when he walked out at that time at the back of the school building, she felt a familiar feeling in him. And thus, Lena saw the semblance of the great warrior in Dante at that moment.

From thereon, she was secretly observing him. And now Lena was certain that it was Dante the great warrior on her previous life.

Before Lena could say what she had discovered, the System had been already installed on Kyzer. And unbeknownst to her, the SGS team installed the sample of that technology in Dante.

Lena got angry with his sister but it was already too late and they could not turn back the time.

Lena wanted to tell him about this matter, but if she told him the truth, Dante might also learn that she was a reincarnation of her other self. If possible, she wanted to hide this from others. So far, only her sister knew about this secret.

He saw Lena's hesitation. Although he was curious about what she had to say, Dante thought that it would not be good for her to force herself to say something that she was having trouble saying. Also, it pained him to see his crush in that state.

If you're unsure whether to say it, then don't say it! Geez!

He wanted to shout that, but as if he could do that.

Dante exhaled and showed a wry smile. "I have already accepted what happened to me though. Even though I dislike it, somehow this system has done something good for me as well."

Lena looked at him with a confused expression on her face. "Done good? How?" She asked with a frown.

Dante showed a bitter smile. "Although I hate to admit it, those aggravating daily tasks did improve my physical condition. If not due to it, I might have already died by now. Those zombies that came chasing me at the train station, I would not have managed to escape their pursuit if my body hadn't improved from those daily exercise tasks. I also wouldn't have been able to save Mai Mai and myself at that time, so I'm also thankful that I was installed by that system because you know, there's no way I would force myself to exercise daily if not because of it. Hehe," Dante grinned.

While listening to him, a surprised expression was on her face. "Oh, I see. I didn't expect it to bear good results. Since it was the case, then I'd be glad. Hah."

Dante smiled when he saw her sigh in relief.

In his mind, what was important was that he had a new system now. And this system was the real thing. Not a man-made system but a god-gift system.

Suddenly, Lena stood up and stared down while looking at him with fierce eyes and a slightly red face. Her hands that were holding the blanket to cover her body from the cold were slightly quivering.

"??!" Question marks floating around Dante's head.

Surprisingly, "Just to be clear. There's nothing between me and Kyzer-kun, okay?!" After shouting that, she ran away into the house and Dante was left alone with a dumbfounded face and a loss for words.


Later that night, the camp was attacked by zombies. But with the joint efforts of all the military, they managed to defeat all the zombies.

The next morning, the group finally went back to the shelter.