
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


In a dimly lit room, Violet was sitting on a sofa while crossing her ample white legs. Her face was twitching and her purple eyes were sharp and icy cold.

In front of her, there were some people. Some of them were groaning while lying and crawling on the floor with their eyes hollowed as though someone forcibly took their eyes out. It could also be seen that there were traces of dry blood on their eye sockets and faces. Their cries were painful to hear, and that could be seen in the expression on Violet's face.

After blowing smoke in the air, she opened her mouth, "Fuhh. So? Who are these people?" She asked the people who were standing around in a voice that carried a suppressed anger.

Everyone trembled inwardly when they heard her question.

"M-Miss Violet, they are the ones who were sent to capture the roaming vehicle," one of the people stepped forward and said in a high-pitched trembling voice.

"And then… What happened to them?"

"Uh… err, t-they seemed to have lost their eyes."

Violet's brow twitched, and then a cross-shaped veins appeared on her face.

"I'm asking how they became like that?!" She yelled.

"Hyiie!" The person shrieked in fright. "S-sorry, they were already like that when we found them. It seems they have no idea as well!"

Violet furrowed. "Is there no one here who could tell me what happened to these idiots?"


Her question received a long silence. And after a long silence, someone opened his mouth.

"M-maybe someone attacked them…"

Hearing that, it was as if Violet received a throbbing headache. Is there no sane person in this organization? She thought.

"Of course, someone had attacked them! They would not be like that if no one attacked them! No?!"


The people around trembled when they heard her angry rebuke. Violet thought she would age faster with these idiots. Nonetheless, she wondered what kind of person would do this. No ordinary person would attack like this.

Maybe a psychopath?

These people were armed with high-caliber guns. There was no way they could end up like this in a normal way. No matter how she thought about it, she could not find the right explanation for how these men ended up in this condition. Except… if the person who did this was not normal as well.

In that case, "Ancestral Power…" she muttered with squinted eyes.

"Alright, get rid of them. There's no use for these idiots now," Violet said coldly while waving her hand.

Hearing that, the writhing people pleaded, "No! Please don't kill us! We can still—-!"

However, "What are you waiting for? Finish them!" Violet shouted. Then,




Gunshots echoed and fire came out from the muzzles as bullets rained down to their blind comrades. Blood sprayed out immediately all over along with an agonizing scream. Some blood sprayed on Violet's face but she didn't give any mind to it. She wiped it without any change in her expression. It only took a few seconds for silence to return to the room again.

"Now, clean up the mess," Violet commanded coldly without any sign of empathy.

"""Yes, Ma'am!"""

Her men quickly moved to work.

"And you?" Violet looked to her right. Someone was kneeling there in silence. "How did you come back defeated?"

Clenching his fists, "I have nothing to say. It's my fault. I didn't gauge their power properly before facing them. I didn't expect that the black suit would be a high-level awakener. I tried, but she easily killed my Mutant Zombies. Please give me another chance to redeem myself. I'll make sure to win next time," Necromancer begged for another chance.

"You know what failure means in this organization, right?"

Cold sweat was visible on Necromancer's forehead.

"I-I'm well aware…" his voice stuttered.

"So what made you think I'd give you another chance?" There was a dangerous pressure emitting from her words.

Necromancer couldn't help but gulp nervously. He didn't want to die yet, but that was what Violet's words were implying.

Necromancer closed his eyes for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes again, he spoke. "True, I lost to that person. However, my initial plan was proceeding smoothly," he said with determination.

Violet's eyes turned slightly wider. "Oh, what do you mean?" She looked interested.

"The rats I sent successfully infiltrated the shelter.

So, please, give me another chance to prove my worth."

Violet smirked.

"Alright. But if you fail this time, you know what will happen, is that clear?"

Necromancer sighed inwardly. He looked at Violet and nodded, "Yes." There was a glint in his eyes. He would make sure to get his revenge soon.


After sending messages to the manager through the coordinates panel, Dante and the others finally received a reply.

When he entered the room prepared for them, he saw Lena resting on the sofa. Looking at her attire, it seems she just finished taking off the Stealth Suit.

"Oh, Kimetsu-kun, did the manager reply?" She asked upon seeing him.

From her question, he nodded. "Yes. By the way, where is Miss Kendra?"

"She's with Bridgett."

"I see."

"What does she say?"

"Uh, the manager says that it's fine to come back. But she also advised us to stay here for a night as it is already darkening outside."

"I see. Alright, thank you very much, Kimetsu-kun. By the way, how's your eye?"

"No problem with the wound. But it's totally blind now… I mean my left eye."

Suddenly, there was a frown on Lena's face. "Sorry. If only I didn't insist on that mission."

Hearing that, surprised him. Lena sounded like she was blaming herself.

Dante quickly raised his hands. "No no, it's not your fault, Wyte-san. In the first place, I was the one who insisted on coming with you, so no one is at fault but myself. Also, I didn't regret my decision, so please don't feel bad about it. See, I still have my other eye. Hehe…" Dante forced a grin.

Despite doing that, Lena's mood didn't seem to improve.

"I thought it's only a little wound, but to think that it's actually a serious wound… I can't forgive myself…"

He heard Lena muttering. Dante felt mixed feelings at her words. He wondered why Lena said that. He was just a random worthless fellow. It would be understandable if he was an indispensable member like Kyzer, but Dante himself knew that he wasn't.

He's just an Ordinary. A powerless person who was forced to join the SGS organization because of the experiment. More than that, is he someone special to her? How nice that is, but the truth is always too harsh. Apart from being members of the same organization, nothing special connects them.

"It's my fault… hic! Hic!"


Dante was more surprised when he saw Lena started tearing and sobbing while saying those words.

"Eh? M-Miss Wyte?!"

"Whaaa!" For some reason, she screamed louder.

Dante was in a panic. "Uh? Eh?" He looked confused.

'Is she so affected by what happened to me?' He thought.

"Now you're calling me Miss Wyte!"


Dante was at a loss for words.

"Uh! Sorry, sorry, Wyte-san."

"No, call me by my given name."

'Ehh!! How did it come to that?!' He was amazed.

Originally, Filipinos didn't have that kind of culture regarding calling someone by their given name. Indeed, calling someone by their given name might be a symbol of close relationship, but it wasn't regarded much unlike Japanese people. However, since New Ph was under the Japanese administration for many years. Many of their cultures and values were inherited to this day. And one of them was the important meaning of calling someone by their given name. That's why he knew exactly the meaning of calling someone by their given name. Only someone close to them had the right to call them with their given names. And Lena was permitting him to call her with her given name?! Dante was shocked.

That means she wanted their relationship to get closer, or more specifically, she was fine to become his friend. Dante's chest started pounding faster.

"Waaah! Why won't you do it? It is because it's my fault that you're hurt, I knew it!"

'What? Now she's using that against me?' She's like a kid throwing tantrums at him.

Dante thought it couldn't be helped. He needed to do it to stop her from thinking he was blaming her.

"Uhm… L-L-Lena…san…" Dante's face felt hot. He was probably redder than a tomato at this moment. It was a dream come true to call his crush by her given name if only Lena knows.

Unexpectedly, Lena's face blushing.

Is she shy as well? No, probably, it was due to her cry.

After hearing him calling her by her given name, Lena suddenly stopped crying and she smiled attractively.

"Hehe," she giggled.

Dante felt like he was tricked by her.

In the evening, Dante finally found a private time for himself. He walked outside and saw a lying tree trunk. He went towards it and sat on it upon arriving. In front of him was a bonfire. The night was chilly, so having a bonfire in front of him was so comforting.

Dante remembered the other notifications that he forgot to check at that time. Due to his situation at that time, he decided to postpone checking them. Now that he has free time, he could finally check them all.

He immediately summoned his ADM and the translucent window appeared before him.