
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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The start of investigation.

Chapter 7: The start of investigation.

After my daily routine I am now currently heading towards the Leonard household. There are several things I need to think now or else I might be fucked up real bad and might get a ass beating. I was also told later in night that I need to fake a identity. So I thought about void. It sounds cool so why not?

So 1st things first I need to buy a souvenir. So that I will be seen as polite. I don't know how detective 's handle this type of people. I am not experienced even in my previous life I wasn't into this sort of situation nor I had the chance to be in one in the first place.

But first thing I need to do is to talk with the police department so that I won't get in any trouble.

So I did what I thought. Talked with police and now am currently Walking towards a sweet shop, I bought a chocolate flavored cake. I think everyone can agree that chocolate cake is the goat. Ahem! I need to think about more important things.

So after giving them this cake and introducing myself to them, I need to ask things such as ‹whom do they suspect?› or ‹what was he doing the last time they talked with him or with whom he was last seen with› and maybe ‹Was there any problem between him and someone else,like an enemy or some sort› etc. I also need to make sure my voice is as polite as it can be. Or else i might make them uncomfortable.

While i was thinking such things I came in front of a store. The store wasn't what peaked my interest. It was my own reflection which did.

I was wearing a black shirt and brown colored pants. A tuxedo on top of the black shirt and a tie. My hair was done in a stylish manner. I also applied some gel to make my hair more appealing. I am also wearing a black mask and glasses.Why was I looking at myself like this? Because I was reminded how much of a shit I was in my previous life.

Lets get over it and get out of here or people will think that I am an idiot.


Now I am Infront of the Leonard household. I took a deep breath in and knocked the door 2 times. After few minutes I heard some sounds of someone walking.

After the door opened I was met with a woman in her late 40s with gray hair,which is I am not sure if they are natural or artificial. She had blue eyes. But her eyes are currently red maybe due to crying.well her son died so it's natural. Ok now introduce yourself Jin.

"Hello,miss how are you?" I asked her which probably crippled her out.

"....Fine and who are you supposed to be...?"

"I am void. Sent by Nonohara ryoma. An junior detective." I introduced myself with a fake name which is needed here. Now she is looking at me confused.

"Hm?" she looked confused.

"I came here to talk with you about your...sons...um...murder" I said and hesitated a bit or more or less tried acting like I was hesitating since this was a sensitive topic.

"Oh. Please come in. I was informed before hand. Nice to meet you." The woman let me come inside the house.

"Nice to meet you as well" I replied.

Let's run the information. Name Charlotte Leonard. Works as a fashion designer. No black mark in her history. An loyal wife. So far so good. This information was given to me from that old hag. I don't want to respect someone who might be a predator. Ok now let's not insult her because she is the reason I got all the information.

Looking around the house was clean. The flower base, picture's ,table and everything else were on spot.

She let me sat on the sofa and sat Infront of me.

"what is your name,mam?" I asked her because it might seems like I am a stalker or some sort.

"My name is Charlotte Leonard."

"The name of your husband?"

"...James Leonard"

What's with the uncertainty in her voice. Let's keep it in mind.

"so you want....to ask questions correct....…" she said with a tired voice where it felt as if she is trying her best speak. Ok time for the Q&A.

"So can you tell me with whom your son was last seen with?" I asked the most obvious question.

"i don't know " was a answer that I wasn't expecting but ok will do.

"But..." hm. A but!


"If I am not wrong probably his girlfriend. Lucy James is the name if I am not wrong" she said with a finger on her chin. You aren't sure who is your boys girlfriend is? Well now a days people like to hire stuff. So no surprise.

"Oh. I see" it seems he was with his gf before he died. Ok then I wonder if he sucked some titty's before dying. Stop!!! Don't think about it.

"Next question. Is there anyone who had a conflict or an argument with Mr.javi recently?" I asked her.

"Well yes...."

"with whom can you tell me?"

"If I am not wrong..." again the uncertainty. Try to give a straight answer for once.

"With his friend James curtur" hm. I see.

"Did anyone threaten Mr.javi's life or harm them in any way? With letters,email or anything like that?"


"i see.Did mr.javi have any enemies or rivals?"

"well he obviously had. As you might know he was in the entertainment industry. So it's normal to have rivals but I am not sure about enemies though" she answered. It's time to finish the investigation.

"Is there anything else you would like to add or any other information you can provide?"

"i suppose no. " time to go to the girlfriend's house.

"ok then I will take my leave. Thank you for your time and I apologize for coming in a time like this" I said.

"its no problem. Please make sure to capture the murderer who killed my child" what a thing to say. Well that's my work.

"ok . And well that's my work. " I smirked and walked towards the house of girlfriend. But there is this question,where is the dad? I don't think I saw any pictures or anything related to James Leonard.

Also I must say her acting is top notch. Anyone without experience with this type of people might get fooled by her.


Now I am Infront of the James household. Man talk about coincidence. The guy who got killed ,his girlfriend's last name is literally his dad's name. Man.....talk about ironic.

I unconsciously let a laugh out. Ok let's get inside enough laugh for me.

I knock on the door and a girl with white hair came. She looks young like 25 to 30 years old. Probably the girlfriend.

"Hello,how are you?"

"I....am fine. And you are....?"

"My name is void an junior detective sent by Nonohara from Japan to investigate about Mr.javi's death. May I come in?" I again introduced myself asked if I am allowed to come in.

"Ok come in. My name is Lucy james."


"Are you okey with answering few questions?" Jin asked Lucy who slightly nodded her head.

"Great! Can you tell me when was the last time you last talked with mr.javi?" Jin asked.

"Midnight 12:30,7 days ago" she answered.

"Wow you sure are good at memorizing. Then let me ask you another question is there any other information that might help me in solving this case?" Jin asked her.

"No sorry" she answered and Jin nodded his head.

"ok then thanks for giving me your precious time. I will take my leave" Jin said as he walked out of the house


"Oh! BTW. Can I have your number?" Lucy asked and Jin turned around with a confused look.


"Well....no reason" She said as she took her phone out.

"so can I?" she asked.

"sure" he took his phone out and gave her his number and took hers.

" we'll see you soon handsome" she said. As Jin got out of house with a dumbfounded look.


Now he was Infront of a college. He walked in and felt many gazes on him but he has one goal to talk with Javi Leonard's teacher.

He walked inside the office room. He noticed a man who walked to him.

"Detective?" the man simply said. And Jin nodded his head.

"Follow me" he said and Jin started to walk behind him.

The man had decent build. His had blue hair and green eyes.

'Did he got informed before hand?' he thought.

"If you are thinking if I got informed before hand, then yes. The police informed me before hand." he answered.

"Oh. I see" he said.

After walking some time he was Infront of a room. Upon entering he saw that a girl was also sitting there on of the brench. She had brown hair and blue eyes. White skin and long eyelashes.

"This is Sarah miller and I am Ruby Robert. And yes I am a guy and my name is ruby ignore it" The man said.

"Hello I am void. I will be asking few questions if you don't mind about me doing so?" Jin asked and got a nod of confirmation from both.

"Ok then miss Miller I will ask you first. Can you tell me if there was any conflicts between the victim and someone?" Jin asked.

"Yes. With James. There was few argument between them from time to time. "

"Can you tell any particular word that had been used in the argument?"

"Yes. It was something like betrayal or something like that." she said.

"Betrayal?...Hm can you tell me if there is something you know about this even though you are their teacher, Mr. Robert?" He asked ruby.

"Unfortunately I can't" ruby replied.

"I see. Now onto the next question. Did Mr. Leonard any worries about his safety or such ?" Jin asked Sarah.

"No." Sarah answered.

"I see" he said.

"ok. Then you can go Ms. Miller."

"ok. Thank you" she said and got up.

"so Mr. Robert can you tell me something about Mr. Leonard?" Jin asked ruby.

"well...all I can say that he is quite talented. But has too much ego. Being a great student ad well as a popular person in the entertainment industry. It's admirable. " he said. And Jin nodded his head.

"i see thank you. I will take my leave. " Jin said as he got up.

"Yes. See you soon and good luck." Ruby gave wished Jin good luck.

" Thank you." he said as he walked away.


Now he was walking towards Olivia's house. He is the only one left. After coming Infront of the sias house. He knocked on the door and saw someone unexpected. James Infront of the door.

"Oh. Who are you?" James asked.

Jin was taken back. But changed his voice from calm to monotone voice.

"is Olivia Jones inside?" Jin asked keeping his composure .

"Yes." he answered.

"i am void an detective. Pleased to meet you. I am currently investigating about Javi Leonard's death. May I come in?" Jin said.

Due to the monotonous voice James stepped back being scared.

"s-sure" James let Jin get inside the house.

'shit he is scary. I should be careful. Is he from here? His skin color doesn't say that. But his voice felt like he is from here' James thought.

Jin looked at James face and smirked slightly.

'Perfect. He is now thinking about being weary of me. There is no chance of the me from the previous day and the me being same person. And my voice perfectly make anyone think that I am from here but due to my skin color he will be confused. ' Jin thought to himself.

"who came man!?" a voice came from inside shouting.

"Lets go" Jin said as he started to walk towards the voice.

He was now Infront of a room.

"Hello Olivia Jones. " he called Olivia from behind which made him jump back.

Olivia had a thin body,white hair and purple eyes.

"Ok now let me ask some questions about your neighbor and ...." he looked at James "friend" he finished and sat down.

The 2 of them were slightly scared. They are sweating.

'As the detective named Void stepped into the room, his presence was immediately felt. His tall and imposing figure seemed to dominate the space, and his piercing eyes were cold and watchful. There was a sense of danger and tension in his presence, and it was clear that he possessed a great ability to uncover secrets and get people to reveal what they wanted to keep hidden. Whether he was on one's side or not, the fear his presence instilled was difficult to shake off.' Both Olivia and James thought.

"ok one question. How did Javi Leonard betrayed you James? I want a straight cut answer." Jin asked James.

"W-well...…he tried hooking up with my girl. He has good looks and also has a girlfriend but he doesn't stop there. He in secret goes and hooks up with another girl. He hooked up with my girl and got caught when they were in the middle of it. So from then I got angry at him. We got our fights but I swear I didn't kill him. " James finished.

'I am here for no reason' Olivia thought ot himself.

'I see. He is indeed one of the suspect's but I suppose I shouldn't pinpoint him as the main suspect.' Jin thought to himself.

"well I will see you two soon. Bye." Jin said and got up from where he was sitting.


Being a human being is a strange and complex experience. On one hand, there is a sense of autonomy and freedom to make choices and shape one's own destiny. On the other hand, we are also connected to and dependent upon others - whether it be our families, friends, communities, or even the planet we call home. Human beings have the power to create and destroy, to love and hate, to build or to destroy. There is a beauty and a tragedy to life as a human being, and it is our capacity for choice that defines our experience and gives meaning to our existence.

Being a human being means constantly grappling with the concepts of good and evil. Life is not simply black and white, and the lines between what is right and wrong are often blurry and complex. As humans, we must make choices and take actions that reflect our values and beliefs, and we must try to live in a way that is kind and compassionate. But at the same time, we must also recognize our own selfishness, anger, and ego, and strive to overcome them. In the end, as a human being, finding the balance between good and evil is perhaps the greatest challenge of all.

So if I were to find who the culprit is and this person might have done for good. But it's also wrong. So I need to act in my own selfish desire.

I sighed with this thought in my head. This is the end of the 3rd day and the beginning of the investigation.