
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

preparation for date.

Chapter 14: preparation for date.

Jin and Alex walked out of the plane and walked towards the airport.

" Man the girl was something. She looked so cute , hot and.... I don't know how to say it. I am enchanted by her looks and voice." Alex said with a smirk.

' wow if it was someone else then they would have been fooled. Like seriously....' he thought.

" Ok ok....." Jin said with a sigh. " We will talk about this girl later but before we need to go and check yourself and confirm your visa." Jin finished and Alex nodded his head.

From a different point of view they seemed like a pair of sibling from different mother's and nationality. Jin seemed like a responsible elder brother and Alex seemed like the a younger brother. Though both of them were the same age.

" so which department are you going to study in?" Jin asked.

" I am going for the engineering department." He said.

"I see.....can I ask something else?" he requested to ask him something.

" Why so alerts all of a sudden? You can ask me anything...." He asked.

"Well from 'that' place is there any other people who got out safely?" he asked.

"oh that's the reason why you are acting so alert. Then there is also another person beside Javi. I really don't give much fuck about it but I kind of remembered her name is yuki. I don't know where she is but I can tell that she is alive and is also taken from there but before all of us. Before aurora made her move and finished the organization....she was taken by a man named ayase Hakuri. Other than that I don't know anything. " He said to Jin who nodded his head, taking the information in his head.

"I see so I night ask you something else so please go with the flow with me..." Jin requested Alex who nodded his head.

He saw something that caught his attention. It was a small shop that sold fried shrimp.

" I will go and get something to eat and untill then take care of the luggage. I will keep it as a payment for the information I will give you." he said and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Jin just sighed. His experience from his previous life was really helping him here in this type of situation.

" Well if that what he wants then sure..." he walked towards the baggage claim area. After he finished taking both his and Alex's luggage he looked at the airport.

The airport terminal was bustling with activity, as people from all walks of life came and went. From young families carrying their children and luggage, to business travelers with suitcases and briefcases.

Those said business travelers walking through the airport terminal were dressed in crisp, tailored suits. Each outfit was carefully chosen and coordinated to a tee, with shirts and ties of high quality fabric and stylish cuts. Some were wearing expensive accessories, such as designer watches, and others had their laptop bags slung over their shoulders. Their expressions were ones of confidence and determination, as they headed towards the check-in counters and immigration lines with purpose. Each one was keen to reach their destination on time, and to make the most of their trip, be it for business or leisure.

Also some older individuals with their canes and wheelchairs walked towards the plane or were seen to be going outside of the airport terminal. The scene was one of constant motion and flow.People were going in all directions, some heading towards security checkpoints, and others heading towards the boarding gates, where a sea of passengers were waiting and preparing to board their flights. It was a vibrant and chaotic atmosphere, filled with the sounds of people, wheels, announcements, and the buzz of conversation.

He started walking towards the exit. He really wanted to go home ,call Rina and get some rest afterwards. But before that he had a guy to take care of. He takes his phone out and calls Alex.

"Oi! Where are you?" he asked Alex from his side of phone.

‹ I will be at the exit in a minutes see you there› he said and Jin heard the sound of eating from the other side of the phone.

" Ok then hurry up." he told Alex and puts the phone down.

He walked towards the exit and started ot wait. After 10 minutes Jin saw Alex with his hand full with 2 bags .

' Tamago bento box is 700 yen ,Onigiri rice balls are 150 yen ,Donburi rice bowl is from 500 yen, Ramen is atlest 850 yen , Yakitori 350 yen for a single skewer and it seems he bought 3 skewer , Tempura is 600 yen , TSUKEMONO is atlest 150 yen. And that makes 4000 yen . That's a LOT!' Jin thought while looking at Alex's hand.

" You are going to wat all that..." Jin asked dumbfounded seeing Alex's hand and what is in his hand.

"Yup. I want to see what they had and thought ' Damn they look delicious so might as well buy some' and bought all of them. " Alex told Jin who sighed.

" Let's....just go. You, from a different person's pov seemed as if you didn't eat for FUCKING YEARS!!!!! Though I don't blame you cuz that what I did when the first time i arrived at your country." Jin said.

" well then shall we? I mean I need to check my room and clean it up , eat the things I bought , go and finish checking my self in the collage." Alex said and Jin took both of their bag's and walked towards the exit.

" TAXI!!!" Jin called a taxi over . The taxi stopped and the 2 of them walked in and sat down.

" To Bunkyō. " Jin said to the driver who nodded his head and headed to the said location. Alex took out some food from the bag that he used to carry all the stuff and silently started to eat it.

Jin was looking out of the taxi window, taking in the streets and scenery with a sense of joy and wonder. He was surrounded by people and noise, but it did not faze him, instead, he was filled with a sense of excitement. The day was warm and bright, and he could see the sky and sunshine, the clouds and the sunlight through the window. In that moment, Jin was truly present and in the moment, filled with a sense of peace and happiness.

"Home." he whispered to himself and no one other than him could hear him say that.

As he looked out of the taxi window, Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and reminiscence as he recognized the familiar streets. The sights, sounds, and scents around him seemed to transport him back in time, taking him on a journey down memory lane. As he was filled with a mix of pleasant and bittersweet emotions, Jin reflected on his past and how much things had changed since then. In that moment, he truly felt alive and connected to the world around him.


After dropping Alex and himself off at their respective house's he walked inside the place he is currently calling his 'home'. He went in his room.


After entering the room I let my body fall on the bed. The bed, despite not being softer than the one at the hotel but it had a type of feeling in it. Now I don't need to lie in my thought cuz there is no one who can hear my thoughts.

I took my phone out. I suppose I took less time than I originally needed to. I decided to call mom to know what she is doing.





‹ Dear how have you been!? › I heard mom besically scream from the other side of the phone.

"yes yes I am fine. How are you?" I asked her.

‹your voice sounds anything but normal.Are you really ok....? You can talk with mom about whatever you are bothering you....› damn...I made her worry huh.....

" Nothing mom just wanted to talk with you. It's been a while since I got some break so I thought it would be nice to talk with you..." I told her. It wasn't a lie or anything. It was my honest feeling.

‹Ok but dear can I ask If you bagged some girl? Because I know it all too well that you are good for nothing when it comes to girls.› damn it that hurts. I know if someone else's mom said something like this ,they would have died.

" Mom I did.." I told her.

‹....› fuck it with this silence....

‹...Are you for real.....?›

" Mom!! Have some trust in your son ok!?" I told her. Damn it she doesn't even have a little faith on her son.


‹Are you seriously saying that my son who didn't had any luck when comes to girls and the only thing that can save him is a arrange marriage,got himself a girlfriend????›

Ok I think calling them was a bad idea....

" ok mom see-"

‹ ok Jin answer me something. Did you and the girl did the «deed» ›

"...." the fuck.....

" Dad you do realize that I am your son....? Right...?" I asked him.

‹ Let me clarify my self. "Did you or didn'tyou? You know

what I'm talking about, penetration of the sacred cave,drowning the goose, letting thẹ dragon drink the divine nectar, double cultivation, etc. Theere are several ways to say that- ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch! That hurts!!!› my guess is that mom is pulling his ear well I will ltake my leave.

" Bye mo-"

‹ Make sure to invite daughter-in-law at the house!!!› she cuts the call after saying that.

Well....let's text Rina. I think that I will be seen through and she will ask what happened then I have say the truth and shit will happen so text it is.

‹ Hello Rina. What are you doing?› I texted her.

‹ Nothing much. What about you?› Ho. An instant replay..

‹ I was thinking do you have any plan for the weekend?› I asked her over the text.

‹ No why? Are you going to ask me for a date? [The smirk emoji] › well girl...

‹ You aren't wrong.[The 100% emoji] ›

‹ Then convince me to. Let's see what you got.› ok then here goes.

‹I would really like to meet up with you so that I can spend more time with you even going out to eat together and going shopping letting you buy anything you want as long as we will be together for the whole day. Im so lonely please? › and sent! I hope that hits the place.








‹ ok› and she went offline. Well it did hit the spot.

Good job me.


WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!???? Since when did he is able to text something like that. Is he embarrassed? He really meant it right? Gosh I just feel for him more and more.

I looked at the ceiling.

" I..... already gave you my heart so please... don't give it back...." I said to myself and hoped that we won't be separated ever again.

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