
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

Political condition of current Japan.

Chapter 19:The political condition in Japan.

"So today the two of you have a date huh. Well then get going."

"Yeah yeah. I will. Bye and thanks for the help with giving the love advice by the way."

"No problem. Get going!"

Today Alex and a girl named Rumi decided that it would be good for them to go on a date.

Our exam ended few days ago and which is the reason why everyone now have plenty of free time. Although I think this Rumi didn't have much time because she needs to study and I have already finished my studies at the first 3 months of our college. As for Alex that dude already finished this stuff way before.

How I can tell? It's because he for most of the time stay at my place and I kind of am training with him both physically and mentally.

It had been a habit of finishing my syllabus in a span of three months. It helps me keep my head cool and I can review it all I want.

Though I did notice some butterfly effect in this life of mine.

The butterfly effect is a phenomenon wherein a small change in one aspect of a system has the potential to cause significant and wide-reaching consequences, like a butterfly's flaps of wing eventually leading to a maelstrom of chaos and disaster. It embodies the idea that even the smallest and seemingly insignificant actions can have a potentially huge ripple effect that can affect the future in unexpected and unforeseen ways. The butterfly effect demonstrates how tiny actions can have far-reaching and often unpredictable consequences, and highlights the complexity of interconnected systems and how seemingly unrelated events can interact and influence each other.

First being one of my friend , yae Miko wasn't in Japan rather in Malaysia. Also my uncle is married. It just happened few days ago.

He is a old bone who just got married with a fellow old bone itself. When I met uncle and his wife , I just had this bad feeling in me so I did something i shouldn't have done.

I set up a voice recorder behind the TV which is situated in the living room. He wasn't that much of human so I suppose I am being cautious here about him which i don't think is bad and I don't listen to any of them. It's just there recording stuff.

So I don't think it is technically stalking is it? Even if it is then I don't care about it either way.

We are in the last semester of our last year. There is only one exam and then it's over. We will then need to run into the world of Job-hunting.

Job hunting is a process of searching for and applying for jobs, which can be frustrating and overwhelming. The process involves many steps such as creating a resume, researching companies, identifying and applying to potential jobs, preparing for interviews, and follow-up. During job hunting, people often feel stressed, anxious, frustrated, and discouraged, especially when faced with rejection or when the process seems to take longer than expected. However, it is important to remain positive and determined, as perseverance and dedication most of the time lead's to success.

Though it would be hard to do so because of the current state of the japanese government.

There are seen some major crack inside the government where the opposition party and republic's are in a constant fight on each other's tail.

As I quote this 'Politics is like a battle ground filled with killer dogs where each and every one of them are ready to tear down the others.'

But to understand this first we need to understand the basics of it.

In this world there are three types of government systems. Those are presidential, parliamentary and semi-presidential. The systems are divided based on how their power is divided between the executive and legislative branch.

There are three branches in any government structure such as legislative , executive and judicial. The legislative branches creates laws , the executive branches enforces laws and the Judicial branches interprets laws.

Japan is no exception to these rules.

And although Japan has gone quite high in the sky due to its [Royal system] where only the lineage of the previous Ministry can take the power which was the spark of many death due to the hunger for power.

But from what I can tell the leader of republic is going to lose this time because if met with perfect condition democratically the Prime minister could be chosen.

The condition's being. 1. The next person who will be PM needs to be under the age of 34.

2. He mustn't have any practical experience in politics.

Thses are the conditions that are needed. After the previous PM dies the eldest son needs to step up. If there are no eldest son then the daughter will step up. And if the PM didn't have anyone blood related in his lineage then his brother or cousin will be stepping up and if anyone of them were to meet the conditions then Democratic system will step the game because no one wants an young and inexperienced person as their leader.

But the democratic system is actually hated by the old folk who thinks that it's not good and they shouldn't do something like this.

But young people like us are not against it at all but we actually want it.

Staying at home was boring so I decided to take a walk outside.

While I was at it I saw the leader of republic , Tokomi kajima was giving his speech. But that didn't caught my attention what caught my attention was the boy with long silky blood red hair who was staring at the news with eyes filled with curiosity. His leaf green eyes were looking at the Tv inside the cafe with a glint.

The boy looked like a girl in my opinion. But if it wasn't for his clothing I would have thought that he was a girl. And that dress looks like he a student at Roward advance nurturing high school. His standing posture tells me that he is from a middle class family. His sleepy eyes tell the stories of many non slept night. His clothes felt like as if they are ironed regularly. All in one he seemed to be a guy who is currently at the top of the hierarchy of his school.

And seeing his phycal structure and his bag it's seemed he just started 2nd year in his highschool.

Though I might seem as weird I decided that it would be good to not look at him that long and just go on with my life and thought.

But while I walked past the boy I felt as if his eyes were scanning me. It kind of felt awkward but I guess I was also doing the same so it doesn't matters anyway.

Ignoring the feeling of being completely seeing through I decided that it would be good to just walk off.

While I was doing so I got a phone call from a unknown number and picked it up.


‹Is this Kiyora Jin speaking?›

"Yes it's Kiyora Jin. How may I help you?"

‹We are sadden to tell you that you father and mother got into an accident and are now inside ICU so we would like to request you to come to Tokyo metropolitan hiroo hospital. At 2 Chome-34-10 Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0013.Please make sure to be quick.And sir please keep yourself together.›

There is no way.....

"I will be there..!"

Hanging up the call I ran towards the nearest train station.

I need to go fast...I can't lose them! Not now.....I won't....I tried my best! So there is no way I am going to lose them..! That's my promise!

This is fiction so don't get offended. (why did I even started with Japan?!) Also apologies for not uploading due to board exam. Thank you for your patience.Like it ? Add to library!

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