
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

Not everything goes according to the plan

Chapter 2: Not everything goes according to the plan.

After doing my morning quota Iran towards the train station. Today is the day I will meet her. Though I might come across those 2 if there I were to say.

After 10 minutes of running I arrived at the train station.

The train station was a bustling and dynamic place. It was filled with people of various ages and backgrounds. Some were standing in line waiting for their train, while others were rushing through the station to meet their connecting trains. The station was replete with various shops and restaurants, and it was always filled with various sights and sounds. It was a place where people came together to travel to different parts of the country or the world. The station was a true melting pot of different cultures and religions, and it always had a sense of excitement and anticipation.Getting the tickets for the next stop I entered the train. The train itself wasn't any different.

I was in the crowded train looking at the people around me. I couldn't help but notice the diverse range of personalities. Some were quiet and reserved, keeping to themselves and trying to blend into the crowd. Others were talkative and loud, dominating the conversations with their opinions and stories. Some people seemed anxious and nervous, fretting about their own problems. There were also those who were exhausted and weary, ready to end the day and head back home.probably from nightshift. Meanwhile, there were also those who were full of energy and enthusiasm, chatting away with their friends or family.

Time was flying by as I was lost in thought about what to do next. It felt like the days and hours were passing by at a rapid pace, and I was struggling to keep up with everything happening in my life. It was as if I was constantly playing catch-up, always trying to get to the next thing without taking the time to breathe and enjoy the present moment for what it was. It made me realize the importance of being mindful and present in the moment, living life to the fullest and not taking it for granted.

I stepped out of the train station and looked outside. The sun was shining brightly and casting warm golden rays upon the world. The city streets were bustling with people going about their day; some were heading to work, others were out shopping or meeting friends for breakfast since it was like 9:30.

The air was filled with a sense of excitement and energy, with people eager to experience the day and see what it had in store for them. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the moment, feeling grateful to be alive and here in this bustling city.

I walked down the streets of Tokyo, and there were so many people walking by. Each person was unique and had their own personality. Some were chatty and talkative, while others were quiet and reserved. Some had a sense of purpose and destination, while others were simply passing the time. Some walked slowly, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, while others walked quickly, focused on getting to their destination. As I walked, I observed the personalities of the people around me, soaking in the rich tapestry of Tokyo. Though.....

I felt the eyes of people staring at me, judging me and sizing me up. It was as if they could see right through me, seeing my faults and flaws and making quick and harsh judgements about me. I felt self-conscious and anxious as I walked down the street, hoping that the people would look away and leave me be. Their stares felt intrusive and uncomfortable, as if they were trying to see what was beneath the surface. I just wanted to be left alone to my own thoughts and feelings, away from the prying eyes of strangers.

Ignoring those eyes I kept on with thought. looking around the places I arrived at the front of the place where it started. Tokyo university. The nostalgia hit me like a bitch. It felt so nice and all.

I was going to step at the collage but I was stopped.

"Wait a second!" I turned around and looked at the person Infront of me.

She was a vision of beauty, a breathtaking masterpiece crafted by the gods. Her vibrant blue hair and eyes were like a masterpiece of art, every shade and hue perfectly balanced and blended together. She was pure and flawless in every way, a sight to behold and take my breath away. But it was not just her physical beauty that made me fall in love with her, it was everything about her, her laugh, her smile, her way of carrying herself, and her passion and enthusiasm for life. This was the girl I fall in love. Nonohara Rina.

"Kiyora Jin! It's you right!?" she asked me shaking me to the core.

The thought crossed my mind and shocked me. How does she know? Is she also thinking about me? Could she feel the same way I do?No this was not supposed to be love at first sight. I had to work my ass of to have her in the past. I wasn't sure what she felt or thought, but something in my heart told me that she felt something for me. I tried to shake it off and not think too much into it, but the thought kept lingering in my mind. Perhaps, just maybe, we felt the same way for each other. But I was still uncertain, and this uncertainty both excited and scared me. There is also the possibility of her regressing in time like me. That though didn't came to my mind. Till now the people I have met didn't seemed to be regressing in time. So I thought it was only me but it's seems not. But let's ask her.

"Yes how do you know?"I asked her while looking at her.

There I noticed that all eyes were on me. I could feel the stares of the people around me, judging and analyzing every little detail of my appearance and demeanor. I felt self-conscious, and it made me slightly nervous. I didn't want to let any of my insecurities or imperfections show, so I tried my best to maintain my composure and keep a calm expression.

"Now now how about we talk about it somewhere else?" I suggested her. Now I need to confirm this theory of mine of her regressing back in time like me.

We walked towards a dark corner. There was no one around. I looked at her who had tear drops at the corner of her eyes. Smiling sweetly I started to stroke her head. Brought her closed to me and embraced her.

I felt Rina's warmth as we were pressed together. Her body was soft and tender, and her warmth penetrated deep into my body. I could feel her breathing as she was close to me, and it felt as if we were one body, breathing in and out together. Her warmth surrounded me, like a soft and cozy blanket, and it felt like I was embraced by her love and affection. I didn't want to let go of her warmth, and I wanted to stay in Rina's embrace forever.

I felt my shirt being wet. I looked at her and saw that she was crying.

"I searched for you for so long, waiting for the day that I would finally be able to see you again! Every day, I hoped and prayed that we would find each other, and every day, I was met with disappointment and loneliness! It was painful and difficult to be without you, and my heart longed for you like a thirsty flower without water! But now, here we are, together, and I'm so happy that I could cry. You have no idea how much I've missed you." She said as I kept of petting her head. He hair is softer than before. She was visibly shaking. I also shed some tears.

"Me too. I missed you so much that I couldn't describe it into words. I truly missed you" I kept on hugging her feeling her warm and soft body.

After 10 minutes of crying she let go of me and smilled at me looking determined to say something but was quite shy.

And this idiot me found Rinas shyness to be incredibly cute and adorable. She would always look another way from my face when I looked at her or try to avoid my gaze. She seemed like a timid little animal, and her modesty and humility only made her more endearing to me. Whenever she was around, I could feel my heart beat faster and butterflies in my stomach. There was just something about her that made me feel drawn to her, and I couldn't help but find her shyness and gentleness to be absolutely adorable. This is the Rina that I adore.

"So let me ask a obvious question? Did you regress in time like me or what?" I asked her smiling at her who glared at me.

"If I didn't then why would be here being able to hug me. Well yes I did. And to be honest our memories together always came in my head when I am alone or when I close my eyes" she said as I nodded my head in affirmative agreeing with her.

"So what do you want to say?" I asekd her while smiling at her.

She took a deep breath and sighed. What does she wants to tell anyway? To go somewhere as a couple. Well I don't mind that. Though there are something I need to think about. First since I learned that there might be other from the past who regressed back in time. But now all of those things aside. Let's see what this little bunny of mine wants to say. I felt my zygomaticus major moving or more specifically I was smiling. I smiled before but now this is different.

" so listen up this is important as fuck. So don't space out got it?" she instructed me and I nodded my head.

She took a deep breath and released it.

"Lets get married." I felt like the sky feel on my head. I was shocked, astonished and dumbfounded.

"you can't be serious!?" I asked while looking at her.

I was stunned, speechless at the news I just heard. I felt as if time had stopped and my mind couldn't process what was happening. I was dumbstruck and baffled by the sheer magnitude of the news. My heart was racing and my mind was racing even faster, trying to make sense of it all. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts and respond, and even then, I felt like I had no words to express the depth of my feelings.

"you sure? I mean there is no going back..." I said to her who had a joyful smile on her face.

"Yes!" Her one worded reply was enough for me.

Well we were married in the past or the future....I guess. And we are already more than 18 years old so there is no problem.

"Ok but after class finished. Got it? We should get out of here. Someone might see us. Its hard to believe that no one had seen us till now." I said to her and started to walk out of the dark alley.

She suddenly grabbed my hand.

"!!" I looked at her as she smiled teasingly.

"Well then let's go darling~" she said as we walked out of the alley.

This day will be lot tiring than I want it to be. Not everything goes according to the plan.