
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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New trouble and The beginning of the investigation with a new heat.

Chapter 8: New trouble and the beginning of the investigation with a new heat.

After finishing the investigation or more likely going through the house's like I am their teacher and went to their house for checking parents guidance.

After I woke up and did my regular routine but I didn't go out. I am going to stay here and look at all the information I got from yesterday.

The answers I got from others was indeed something. The only one who's answer was a bit accurate is indeed Lucy James. The suspect's are her and James curtur due to having his girlfriend cheating on Javi.

Now others were normal. Should I ask her? Even though she isn't related to this case in anyway but I think I should ask her.

While I was thinking this I heard the door bell ring.

Thinking who it might be,I got up from bed and went towards the door to see a man in hotel staff uniform.

"yes?" I decided to ask the staff about the reason why he is here.

"sir,today is a special offer where we are serving drinks to everyone in the hotel. So please accept this." He told me in a strange way....

"sure" But who am I to say no to free stuff.

I took the drink,which was a bottle of apple juice but it seemed much more fancy than the ones you can find in the stores near by.

After giving me the drink he took the tray and started walking away. And I closed the door cuz I didn't have any intention to look at what he is doing.


After talking the drink inside he sat on his bed and called Rina.

'Hm.... something will happen tonight and it will be bad. So let prepare for it.' he thought to himself. His institution was telling him,a type of guy feeling. So he did as he thought and started to prepare for it.

After he finished,his phone started to ring. He looked at it and saw written on it, learning that it was from Rina. He picked it up and sat on his bed and answer it.

"What are you doing?" he asked Rina talking the first approach to start the conversation.

"i am doing fine. What about you!? You finally got time to call. Most of the time i have to call you. But that goes to the dustbin.But first let me ask you:Are you okey? Are you hurt somewhere? Are you too tired? Does your head hurt because of doing so much hard work? Does your mouth hurt because of talking too much? Are you still nervous?what did you eat? Did you have water? Any soft drink? Evening snacks? Are you healthy?"

"calm down Rina and yes is the answer of most of the questions. And all of the questions are having positive answer." he calmed her down.

"How are you?" he asked her with a small smile. she asked all of them in such a fast paced that he was thinking if she was reaping of not. He chuckles hearing her say everything at once.

"I am fine by the way. Sorry for not calling you and making you call all the time." he said.

But he wasn't fine,not at all. He had several questions in his head. He questioned whether what he was doing was right or wrong, he felt a sense of uncertainty and doubt. He wondered if there would be consequences for his actions, and if they would affect Rina. He was filled with uneasiness and trepidation, and he considered if he should continue with his decisions or if he should take a different path. The thought of Rina getting hurt or suffering because of his decisions was a constant worry, and it made him conflicted about his decision. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to go wrong, and a sense of fear lingered within him.

"uhm..... something wrong?" Rina sked him,not hearing anything from him for a span of 1 minute.

"Nothing wrong. So what did you do today?" Jin asked.

Jin and Rina,both of them spoke casually with one another, this made Jin and Rina let down their guard and relaxed a bit. Both chatted freely and openly, sharing details about their day to day lives. It was a nice change of pace for them, as they usually carried themselves with a certain level of tension and apprehension. Their conversation was full of jokes, laughter, and lighthearted stories, and they enjoyed the company of the other person. There was less worry and concern, and they were able to enjoy each other's company and let their guard down. It was a comfortable and relaxing time for them, and they appreciated the simple and happy moments spent together.

"ok then it's time to sleep. Talk with you tomorrow " Jin said as he tried finishing the conversation.

"Jin let me say something and don't say anything." she commanded Jin who raised an eyebrow, wondering why she said this all of a sudden but he didn't have objections with this and decided to hear what she had to say.

" I hope you heal from the things you don't want to

talk from anyone, feeling empty lil bit empty rn huh? Don't worry, our future self, god and me, everyone i mentioned are cheering for you, you can do everything if you believe in yourself, don't expect to much from them okay? you only have yourself so be strong you've got it from here i hope you're winning your silent fight rn take care." she said and made Jin speechless.

"And one more thing. I love you Kiyora Jin. Good night. Hope you enjoy the next day and tonight's sleep. Bye. Talk with you soon" she finished and cut the phone. Jin didn't have anything to say. He was seen through and it was obvious that she noticed how he was in a constant pressure about finding the killer and get approval from her father.

He dropped all of his thought and looked at the drink and put it in a glass and gulped it.

After doing so,he felt sleepy. Thinking that this was from all the walking and everything he decided that he should take a break and sleep with a second thought. Any thoughts about this case and fell asleep.


A man in full black, wearing black shoe,jacket,pants entered the graveyard, the atmosphere became even darker and heavier. The air was still and quiet, except for the occasional soft breeze that blew through the area. The fog was even denser in the graveyard, hanging thick in the air and making it seem like there was a mysterious presence all around the place. The moonlight was blocked by thick clouds, and that person could barely see anything beyond the few feet in front of them. The grave yard felt like a place of dread and sorrow, and it was hard to shake off the sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

He took out a shovel and started digging.The sound of subtle digging was the only thing that broke the silence in the dark and dreary graveyard. It was a faint noise, but it was enough to send a chill down anyone's spine who might be near by and make their ears prick up. The sound of dirt and stones hitting the ground was enough to bring an atmosphere of fear and suspicion to the graveyard. It was a subtle but ominous sound, and it made it hard to shake off the feeling that something was not quite right in the graveyard. The digging was quiet and subtle, but it filled the area with uncertainty and unease.

"And done" that person finished digging an grave and looked behind him.

"ok! Being the body here" the person said to the people who had a casket lying on the ground. They picked it up and placed it on the ground.

"Lets finish this quickly and get the fuck out of here" the person said and other's started to cover the grave with dirt.

"Lets go and take our case before police sees us" the person said and walked away with other men.


[Inside the casket]

'Where am I?' I looked around, finding my self in a place unfamiliar with. I rub my hand around and felt a hard layer on my hand. And like I thought I was right. This is because of that waiter and apple juice. But all is fine.

I took out the knife and small shovel which I bought as a gift for dad . Since he has a hobby of digging and trying to test if the soil is okey for construction or farming related stuff. He is an architect also owns a big amount of land in our village home. so he might need a small shovel to test if the soil is right for being used in constructio or farming.

I started to use the knife to break the harding wall and after some tries it finally broke but what came down was nothing but dirt. I closed my eyes instinctively. And started to dig without looking.

After an whole long hour of digging I finally got out. It was an graveyard where I was. I was very tired,so I walked towards a near by tomb stone and sat there. And started thinking about how I am here.

This all started when I started asking about Javi Leonard. Because of that,only this day I was attacked. The apple juice. The waiter will try erasing all the profe I can have against him or his master.

it's natural that he will do so. So I have used 2 Glass and pured the drink in them. Since I didn't feel sick after drinking water from the glass,I can easily say that there wasn't any poison in the glass before hand.

In some places of the room I had set up few mini hand made CCTV camera,so that I can capture someone,if there was a robbery in there, even though it was less likely to happen. So those might would have recorded something about how I was taken from hotel room here

And there is a CCTV in my clothes as well.

I also need to take a piece of casket so that I can search which company made this. And finally why? Why was I targeted today of all day? Shouldn't there be some other day?

It only means one thing..






I was close to the mastermind and he/she might have felt threatened. I grinned as a thought came to my head.

'Well then let's see how much time can you hide form me mastermind-chan~. ' I thought to myself.

I know that this was idiotic of me thinking like this but I can't help but be excited for some odd reason. I don't know why? But my blood is pumping and my heart is beating really fast. Maybe I am a masochistic guy,a trait that was unknown to my own self. Well no time to think about it. I have to go to the hotel ,take shower or else I will become like those discord admins who rarely take a shower a day. They should get a life for real.

I went towards the casket and broke a piece of it which had a name plate on it. Probably the company's name. I took it in my pocket and walked towards the road and started to walk.

"I can't wait to see who gave me such a beautiful present" I said to myself with a grin on my face.

'And I will make sure to pay you back with extra effort and far bigger present Mr/Misses mastermind.' I thought to myself.

Well then let's being this investigation with a new heat.

[A/N: If you are bored because I am not uploading like other author's then let me fill you in. First of all I didn't write down hundred chapter in advance and second I need to study as well. All this chapter's are freshly written. So if you are frustrated,then there is nothing I can do.]