
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

New ally and unexpected last piece of information.

Chapter 6: New ally and unknown peace of information.

The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, gently illuminating the sky with a warm, orange hue. The chirping of birds and the melodies of nature filled the air, and a gentle breeze blowing through the trees rustling the leaves and making them dance. The sunlit dew-covered grass cast sparkling glints into the air, and the calming scent of wildflowers and freshly-cut grass wafted in on the breeze. The beauty of the morning made the world seem tranquil, and it might be the perfect setting to reflect on your life and contemplate the possibilities of the new day ahead.

We go to a hotel room. The sunlight was illuminating the room through the window, sending streaks of golden rays across the walls and filling the space with warmth. The rays of light danced across the walls and sparkled against the dust motes in the air, and the glimmers cast on the surfaces added to the beautiful morning scene. The warmth of the sunlight made the room feel even more soothing and comfortable, and the bright light illuminated any subtle details or decorations in the space.

This sunlight fell on Jin's face waking him up. He looked around the room and got up from bed. He wore a light hoodie and black pants.

He starts to look around and started to stretch his arm on the bed, rolling them around.

Then he started to exercise,like 30 push up,some sit up. Then he took of his current cloths and wore a red jersey and went outside to jog.

He was currently jogging in a park where many morning bird's were exercises and were preparing for starting a day.

He was looking at the park with curiosity.

"Hello,are you new here?" a man in his early 20s walked up to Jin who looked at him.

The man had a tall build and was over-shadowing Jin. He was 6 feet tall. He was tanned skinned and had blue hair. His hair was cut in short pixie style. He was Intimidating but Jin just nodded his head in affirmative.

"Yes,I am." he spoke in a local accent. He learned it because he needed the local people here to feel comfortable.

"Oh! You speak like you are living here. You are from Japan right?" the man said while looking at him. Jin nodded his head.

"yes. I am kiyora Jin. And you?" he asked while looking at the man Infront of him.

"i am James curtur. Nice to meet you." The man replied in enthusiasm.

'It seems like he got over his friends death but there is a hint of sadness in his voice. I suppose he is hiding his sadness behind his mask. ' Jin thought to himself.

"Its nice to meet you." Jin said with the same enthusiasm.

"well I should get going. See you soon curtur. " Jin said.

"yes" James replied.

'I might see you soon.who knows luck or fate might bring us together. Though I wanted to ask you why you are here ? That will be for another time' he thought to himself.


Jin after jogging and taking bath, he walked out of the hotel. Now he was walking towards a certain place. Jin learnt about a person after getting a notification from Rina where with assignment,she told him about this person who retired just a few days ago. This person used to be a great detective. Though this person took their retirement, this person still helps the younger generation. But for now he will again see the whole city and eat delicious food. Cuz who knows when he might get this chance again.


After the tour, he looked at the watch which said that it was 5:10 pm. He started to walk fast to meet this person whom Rina told him about.








Now he is Infront of the house. The house isn't too wealthy nor too poorly. It was what people called humble house.This house sits on the edge of a small, its simple structure blending in with its picturesque surroundings. Its modest design reflects a simple and unassuming nature, with a limited yard and minimal decorations. Its unassuming exterior is a stark contrast to the welcoming and cozy interior, however, which is made up of simple and comfortable furnishings. Despite its humble appearance, it offers a sense of warmth and comfort that speaks to its quiet but friendly character.

He took a deep breath and started knocking on the door.

After 10 minutes he could hear some walking noises. After the door was opened he saw a woman in her late 50s. With gray hair and slight shade of black. Her eyes were blue colored. She wore a cardigan and sweat pants.

"kiyora Jin, correct?" the asked for Jin's identity.

"yes" Jin answered.

"For Javi Leonard's murder case?" she asked again.

He nodded his head again. She stepped aside and gestured him to walk inside.

"sit" she told him more or less ordered him.

He did as he was told. He sat on the sofa and ran his hand on the sofa.

It was a sectional sofa from DFS, which is from UK.

She came back with tea set. She poured tea in 2 cups of tea.

"How many cubes of suger?" she asked.

"2" he answered.

She nodded her head and placed 2 cubes of suger.

"Here" she gave him the cup.

"Now tell me what ryoma told you about this case. Each and every single details of it. " she asked him about the details of the case.

So Jin started to tell her about this case. Who he was, what is his job,who he is related, his parents. How his body was found and even showed her the photo which was given by ryoma. And everything that he knew about the case.

The old woman sighed while scratching her forehead.

"it seems he didn't give you every information about this case. I suppose he is what you japanese call «daughter-con» or doting and overprotective father. Let me give you the whole info" she said.

Jin was about to ask how she knew about this case. She spoke.

"If you are going to ask how I know about this case,then the answer is simple I still have a big amount of connection." she said.

"My name is Jonathan aurora.I am a formal detective who will be your teacher" she introduced herself.

'hm aurora. Same as her' Jin thought to himself.

"Let me put some point's of information which was missed or was not given to you that is. Fufufu." she laughed to herself.But soon regained her composer.

"Ahem! First Javi Leonard's character. He is egoistic, uncaring, was hated by many which is normal . Second the picture you were given was updated version of the dead body. And third no one investigated this case nor anyone filled any complained. Cuz he was hated. That's it. All the info. And you can ask around saying you are a detective." she finished as her tea was finished as well.

'so I was not given the whole info. Also I was in a loophole the whole time. Thinking that I can just contact the police station and get info. Now I need to connect all the information. Start from the scratch. Need to ask the people whose name was given to me. And I think I will some hateful comment. They might be nasty as well' he thought to himself and also finished his coffee.

"And here is my number" she gave him a phone number.

"you can call me anytime. " she said with a smile.

He nodded his head. And looked at the clock which was hanged on the wall which indicated that it was 6:13 pm.

'wow time passes' he thought to himself.

"well I wl get going. Thank you for having me. " Jin said with a show.

The older woman just chuckle at the sight of a young man bowing Infront of her with such modesty.

"No need to bow your head dear. Now now raise your head or if too much blood goes to your head then some problem might show themselves" she said in casual way and with a warm smile.

He raised his head as he was told. Aurora looked at Jin from head to toe and from toe to head.

"And I must say you are quite handsome. If I was only 20 or 30 years older I might have dated you. " she said and Jin just looked at her shocked.

"Huh!" he unconsciously said that. And aurora smiled at him.

"gosh don't be so serious. I was just joking." she said.

"I will be taking my leave" without saying anything Jin took his leave.

"welp I messed up and it's big time" she thought to herself.


As the sun sets over the bustling city, a crowded road is filled with people returning from their daily commutes. Long shadows and dim lights fill the street, while the din of traffic and nearby conversations create a lively atmosphere. The sound of car horns and the occasional passerby's shout pierce the air, adding to the sense of activity and commotion. Along the sidewalk, groups of friends and families walk together, chatting and chatting over a warm cup of coffee or tea. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the scene, bringing a peaceful and relaxing end to the day.

Jin sighed while looking at all the people around him. He missed his country. Even though there were time when he wanted to get out of his country but now he doesn't wants to.

Smiling he knew that he didn't had much time and needed to start as well.

He walked in the hotel ,went in his room and fell on the bed, falling as sleep immediately.

This day was exhausting. This ends the 2nd day out of 14 days. He only has 12 days. So how will he start the investigation. Stay tuned to know what will happen next in Dragon ball z. .




Shit! Wrong reference.see you soon. Bye. Moms calling.