
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Rewards and joining a gang

[Defeated Divine beast

Aisi the Ice Phoenix



Moons kiss- twin daggers made out of the ice phoenix's feathers. They contain the chill of the Ice phoenix freezing whatever it slashes. Icreases water bending by 150%

Rank- Divine

Skill earned

Frozen world- freezes the air and land surrounding the user. It causes the people in it to freeze unless they are water benders It strengthens water bending and weakens other bending.

Rank- Divine

Aisi respawn 3 years]

After killing Aisi her body became a ice sculpture. It quickly cracked and where the statue sat were the daggers. I grabbed them feeling the cold that radiated of them.

"What?" Came Katara.

"Its a reward for killing Aisi." I say still marveling at the blades.

"Is that the reason for killing her?" Aang accused.

"No, but its a nice bonus." I replay now looking for a place to put them.

"Then why!" He yelled.

"They were made to give people a challenge. The ones who pass it are rewarded with equipment and a skill." I say in a matter of fact.

"What do you mean?" Katara asks intrested.

Without a word I tossed a dagger to her. Seeing this she yelped and backed away. The dagger landed in the ice the blade stuck into it.

"You could of just handed to me." She told me with a glare.

Kneeling down she grabbed the handle. Now holding it she felt the power of it.

"It feels like my water bending is twice as strong!" She said in amazement.

"Two and half times stronger." I corrected. "Also I know how to preform frozen world too."

"You mean that big ice field thing?" Sokka chimed in. "You can't water bend so both thoose thing are useless to you."

"Correct." I say with a smile. "I'm just here for a fight."

"So you killed it for fun?" Aang asked.

"Technically yes, but no." I say.

"What does that mean!" He yells eyes starting to glow.

"It means it will reform in a few years." I say slowly readying myself.

"What?" He says in confusion the other two looking bewildered to.

"There a force of nature you can't destroy them. After a while they reform." I lie. The respawn was new so I just guessed.

"So its like a spirit?" Aang tryed to rationalize.

"I guess?" I replied unsure. "Any way do you think you can give me a ride to the si wong desert?"

I felt like I was pushing it with this request.

"I guess we could." Yhe air bender said unsure.

"Whats there?" Sokka asked

"A giant sand worm!" I say in excitement. "It's like Aisi."

"Why would yo fight them if you don't get anything?" Sokka yelled in disbelief.

"The challange!" With that said I went to retrive the dagger.

Seeing me approach Katara clutched the dagger tightly. Holding my hand out she reluctantly gave my dagger back. With a nod I tucked it into my belt.

"Well we are going to the northern water tribe." Aang said in some discomfort.

'Guess he still can't get over the fight.' I thought. "You could just drop me off then."

"What if you guard us till the north pole!" Yelled sokka. "Your super strong so if you come with us well be safe!"

"Sokka!" Katara said shocked.

"I can guard you till the desert, I guess." I say in some thought. "Beyond that your on your own."

"Alright." Sokka said pleased.

"So when do we start going?" I ask getting into the saddle.

As I get in I make my armour and spear into take their compact forms. Looking back I could see Katara and Sokka arguring. They turned to Aang who seemed to agree with Sokka.

With a defeated sigh Katara finally seemed to agree. They seemed to now finish their discussion. They walked up to sky bison Aang going onto the head to drive.

The other two joined me in the saddle. They did try to make as much distance as possible between us. Soon we went back to the village.

As we went no one said a word between anyone. Soon we land and the siblings got off. Me and Aang stayed on appa and waited.

Soon they came back with a large sac. Getting back on we set off. As we flew over the ocean Sokka dug through there bag.

Soon he seemed to find what he was looking for. Bring it out he showed a map. He quickly unfurled it and began pointing.

"So were here." He pointed to the white portion on bottom. He then brought his finger to tge top of the map. "We need to go to the north pole."

"And where am I going?" I ask looking at the map.

"Here." He said dismissively pointing to a large open area in the sothern main land in green.

"Oh the southern air temple is close will by." Aang said letting go of the reins and coming over. "We can go there for some help."

"Aang the air temples were attacked." Katara said in concern. "Theres was no survivors."

"Come on theres no way that true." He said in optimism.

"Aang I just want you to be prepared." She muttered sadly.

"So we never got yoyr name." Aang said looking at me.

"Trying to change the subject?" I say calling him out.

Hearing this a sheepish looked crossed his face.

"My name's David." I say after a moment.

"So David.... how did you know about the rewards from killing the beasts?" Sokka took over.

"I already killed three before coming to Aisi." I said plainly. "I plan to fight and kill all twelve. I've only killed four of them."

"Twelve?" Katara interjected. "I've only heard about four."

"Oh which four?" I said hoping for a lead.

"I think they were Enjiro, Aisi, Zephyr, and Acatama." She said while in thought.

"Oh" I say in disappoint.

"Well they was rumors about one hiding in a swamp in the earth kingdom." Sokka added.

"Where did you hear that?" Katara asked accusingly.

"Dad mentioned it once!" He said defensively.

"Well its a lead." I said with excitement. "Oh by the way you should probably be steering appa."

"What?" They said confused.

Soon a large fire ball shot next to appa making him jerk to the side throwing Sokka. He began hurtling down to the ocean.

In the ocean was a large metal warship.