
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Keep the momentum

I spent the rest of the day trying to bury the bodies. At this point I wasn't getting anymore stats from it. But the smell was getting very bad. So I worked till sun down again.I only had seven more left to bury.

I could of keeped going but I was missing my bed. So I went back into town and slept till morning. When I woke up I fished, ate breakfast, then went to the bodies.

What I saw when I arrived frightened me. The unburied bodies were mutilated. The bodies was thrown around having parts missing . Two of the bodies were also missing.

Looking at this I puked. Once my stomache was empty I ran back. As I ran I kept a look out for anything in the area. Once behind the wall I ran to where I had moved the weapons.

I grabbed a spear and walked back out slowly. I went back to the village entrance hole. I searched the area looking for any kind of movement.

[Perception +1]

Soon I saw movement on the side of a large out cropping of rocks a fair distances away. It was to far away to get a good look at it, but it seemed to stare back at me. Soon though it climb around the side disappearing from site.

I couldn't see it clearly, but it reminded me of a gaint lizard. Not godzilla sized but definitely horse sized. Also seeing it scurry across the side of a cliff didn't help me.

Staring at the wall surrounding the deserted village I felt less confident then before. Now I needed to focus on combat. I also figured that I should max everything quicker.

With this a I start with my fire bending. Opening my hand I willed the fire to form there. Instead of a quick puff of flame I continued to pour chi into my hand.

[Chi +1

Control +1]

With this I began part two. I slowly tried to move the fire around me. Then I ranaround the town.

[Agility +1]

With my fire still burning I ran stopping every so often to readjust the flames. I also was on high alert so the beast wouldn't. Due to my endurance skill I didn't need to rest.

As I ran I could feel my speed getting faster, the tiny flame growing stronger. Soon my flame was extinguished. I couldn't seem to will anymore into existence either.

I stoped for a minute to see if I could fix it. So I sat on a chair in front of a broken house. I concentrated trying to feel the chi.

[Skill learned

Chi recovery- the ability to restore chi while resting

Rank depends on Chi

Rank- B]

Looking at it it remined me of stamina recovery a bit. So it should do something similiar when it maxes out to. So I ignored it my chi till I got it back.

So I started running again while keeping a lookout for anything. It wasn't till the next morning when the stat maxed out.

[Agility maxed

New skills earned

Fast as lightning- you have the ability to move as quick as lightning

Rank- Divine]

Of course I wanted to test it. So with this in mind I started running... again. I started very fast but soon I started to quickly gain speed. Soon I found myself about to crash into a fence.

I ended up ramming into the wooden fence before I could stop. I was fine but the fence was destroyed.

While this skill was usefull it seemed to only help going in a straight line. I needed to find a way to fix that.

I feel as soon as I fix one thing I need to fix something else. With this in mind I go to fix one of the original problems, my chi and control.

So I started forming balls of flames and making them float around. As I was doing this I rember watching something once. It was a person who would shoot out fire in the shape of spears.

With this in mind I focused on one ball of fire. I tried shaping it to be longer, slowly it took shape. It looked like just a large stick.

Not detered I shot it forward. It struck a nearby house. It shattered against the wall then showered the area with flames.

Seeing the house on fire I began to panic. Everything in this town was made pretty much of wood. The dry terrian had baked all of it to.

Thinking quickly I tried using fire bending on it. Luckily it did seem to work. I pulled all the flames from the house and brought it towards me.

Due to my panic I didn't notice that I brought the flames to close. Soon the fire engulfed my hands in itself.

Due to certain skills I didn't feel much from it other then a tingling like when a leg falls asleep. My skin though was burnt. My regeneration was slowly healing it but the fire still causing some damage.

[New skill learned

Fire projectile

Creates a projectile made of fire and shoots it at target


Rod- The flame takes on the form of a rod. It deals blunt damage to target then upon impact it shatters splashing fire in the area.

Rank depends on Chi + Control + Fire strength

Rank- C+

Fire resistance

You are able to resist fire causing it to deal less damage

Rank depends on Endurance

Rank- Divine

New effect added

You are immune to damage from flames and your body will absorb the flames making your flames stronger for a period of time]

The burnt flesh was no longer spreading and istead began to heal. With thst done I focused on the flames. I willed them out of existance.

Looking at the scorched house I figured I should do my fire bending somewhere. The only place I can think of is out into the rocky plains.

Honestly with the skills I should be strong enough. With this I walked to the village entrance. Looking out to the out cropping I had seen it on.

My perception had leved up so I could see the rock much clearer then before. Clinging on the side basking in the sun was the lizard. Now with a clear look I could now see what it was.

It was the size of a horse with green scales it face looked like that of a lion but from its mouth flicked a large tounge between large fangs. Its feet were flat with long toes at the end of the toes were sharp claws. It also seemed to have a long thick lizard tail.

As I observed it I saw something that made me more worried. It seemed to be in a pack of them.

On top of the pilliar sat the leader. It was twice as big as the others with what looked frills around its head.