
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs



I stood at a mirror in my shrine as I stared at my reflection, 'Monster', that was the only word that could describe me. Yes that it is what I am and I smiled at the man in front me, he was no longer the little boy who cried helplessly for his parents, he wasn't the boy who was tortured day and night for who he was. I picked up a golden box with inscription on it 'Deomante suitn' , an ancient language which meant 'Dear Son', the box was made personally by his father, he was good in in the act of casting which included the manipulation of different metals. There was a carving of a wolf with dragon wings and something that seems like smoke coming from its mouth.

Opening the box, he brought out a beautiful necklace, it had another inscription which read 'Mighteous unee', Mighty one that was his father's nickname for him, his parents had always believed that he was going to be the greatest supernatural being that has ever existed and unite all race of the realm. That was ironical because now, all he wants is vengeance to make them paid for what the did to him, his parents and his unborn siblings, vengeance is all he wants. He will make the pay everyone of them and bring them to ruins. He picked up another one just fom the dresser table, it was his mother hair pin now a family heirloom which held stories behind it and memories, good and bad.



It was a beautiful morning as the golden rays of the sun passes through the glass windows and rest on the beauty sleeping on the bed, she was

Dahlia the Alpha's only daughter

"Caleb-b", she groaned and pulled up the sheets to protect herself from the sun rays. One could tell that she wasn't a morning personing , there were giggles coming from a naughty six years old as he bounced on the bed and started dragging his big sister up,"Wake up its your birthday today"

Sighing Dahlia said, "Okay, okay I am awake now, get off me", as she tried to pull herself away from the giggling toddler.

Sitting up on the bed, she asked" Where is mom and dad?"

"Hmm", Caleb said putting his finger close to his lips like his thinking

"You won't tell will you ?"

"Nah", he replied shaking his head

She smile, pushing herself off the bed, she said" I am gonna take a shower now, bye-bye", though she knew that he wasn't gonna go anywhere, since staying with her was his favourite hobby

" I am not going anywhere ", he said and pouted while proceeding to lie on the bed.

She shaked her head and went into the bathroom.

After bathing, she dressed up only to find the little brother Caleb bouncing up and down her bed.

Shaking her head in annoyance, she walked towards the bed and grabbed him "What the heck are you doing little man"

"let me go-o, you ugly salamander ", he said while struggling to get out of her grip

"Me-e, ugly salamander! Fine I will show you what an ugly salamander can do", she said and started tickling him.

His giggles filled the room as he finally was able to free himself from his sister's vice-like grip. Caleb ran around the room, while sticking out his tongue, "Catch me if you can", he said to his sister as she kept chasing him around the room

"come here, you sly monkey"

Finally, she was able to catch up with him , catching her breath, she asked," Now who is the ugly salamander ", but the little guy only stood there smiling

"What's with the wicked smile? ", she asked

But there was no response as Caleb broaden his smile, Dahlia knew that something was up, so she asked again

"What going on in that silly mind of yours?"

Caleb didn't want to answer that question, his job here was done and all he need to do was distract her enough to get out of the room and complete the plan

"Hey Dahlia, there is a spider on your bed"

"You have got to be kidding ", she yelled and let go of him immediately, only for her to turn to find no spider on her bed and her annoying brother gone.

She sighed, Caleb had played a prank on her again, he made use of spiders to get away from her knowing how much she hated those creatures.

Paying a closer look on the bed, she noticed that there was a dress on the bed. "Has it always been here?" she asked .

It was a beautiful maroon colored dress, with patterns of red roses. It was cut to lay at the shoulder as its length reached the floor. 'It was a beautiful dress', she thought.

She decided to try it on and totally forgot her frustration towards her brother.

After trying on the dress, she went to the mirror to look at herself she looked very beautiful in it. Dahlia took off the dress and decided to go outside and thank her parents for the lovely gift they bestowed unto her. She couldn't open the door when she tried. She tried again but couldn't, she thought she was stuck in her room , then remembered that her little brat of a brother was there a few minutes ago.

"Hmm", she sighed , there was really nothing she could do about it unless she was to break the door but that she couldn't do, she sighed again and lay on the bed.

"Lady Dahlia, Lady Dahlia, said the maiden as she tried waking the lady up. She has been asleep for hours now and there has been no signs of her waking up, even the Alpha and Luna have become worried as Lady Dahlia has refused to wake up. Meanwhile, the lady was in dream which would make the biggest change in history.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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