
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Let's play boys" Dahlia said and got into stance for a fight

" You think a little bitch like you can beat the both of us" Luca asked

" I won't say beat, more like kill", Dahlia replied

"Let's see about that ", Matteo said and attacked immediately, he used his vampire powers to get into the shadows

"Shadow vampire, interesting ", she said and went in for Luca, she gave him a blow which he dodged effortlessly, he in turn went to for her with his Claws and she dodged that

"Is that all you got princess, is that all your papa taught you", Luca taunted

Dahlia tried to remain calm, she knew that they were trying to get her angry so that she would fight with rage. While werewolves are creatures filled with burning rage, Vampires are cunning creatures who would trick their opponent into defeat and she needed to be careful, she had under estimated the power of these two feral creatures

While she was being distracted by Luca, Matteo came through the shadows to stab her neck with an injection but luckily to her werewolf senses she was able to find out on time and rather stabbed him with it

"Ahhhh", Matteo screamed as he metamorphosed from the shadows

"What the fuck did you do him" Luca asked with rage

"The same thing he wanted to do to me", Dahlia replied with a smile

"You know you are a proud little thing" Luca said with a smile

"A proud bitch that would be your death", she smirked

Matteo was still trying to fight the wolfsbane in his system although, wolfsbane is more toxic to werewolves but the silver in it makes it dangerous to Vampires too though the nitrate in it serves as a counter effect but it is actually going to take days for the effect of it to leave his system

" Are you all tired of fighting ", she asked with a laugh," but too bad I am not, no night creatures come to my land alive and goes out alive ", with that she went in for the kill but before she could claw out Luca's heart as he was distracted , she was short a dart which rendered her unconscious

"Oops, that was close", Luca sighed with relief

"You two idiots came into Alpha Lauren's land without a back up" said Roselie scolded

"But we are fine, aren't we? ", Luca asked to which Roselie glared at him.

"What's wrong with him?", she asked about Matteo who was lying on the floor unconscious

"Well-l", Luca began while scratching his head "we kind of underestimated the little brat, didn't know she was going to be that powerful "

Roselie stared down on the unconscious she wolf " She could have at least had the decency of covering her body" she said with so much disgust

"Well I don't mind, it is a nice view though", Luca said while Licking his lips like a sex deprived man who hasn't been witha woman for ages

"You disgust me Luca"

"Nahh, you love me", he said while giving her a wink and walking over place his hands over her shoulders to which she threatened " touch me and you will regret the day you were ever born" and that stopped him

"Pull off your shirt", she ordered

"and why should I ?" he asked but did as he was told when she gave him a death stare

"finee" he grumbled "but anyways I am going to attract every lady at the headquarters, maybe now they will see how handsome I am"


The door to the meeting room was opened as two men and a lady walked in though one of the men was carrying an unconscious lady . From her scent, one could know that she is a she wolf. Inside the room were twelve staunch looking men

"you asked, we delivered ", Luca said with his over exaggerated gesture of bowing his head

"Luca, Luca", Diana fanned over him ," charming as always"

"Oh my lady, who am I to be worthy of such a Compliment ", Luca replied with a slight smile

"Oh Luca!", she exclaimed smiling

"Alright enough of these nonsense ", Antonio said with an irritated expression, " Your job here is done now take your leave", he commanded

The three visitors left while the she wolf remained on the floor.


"Why does Diana keep fanning over you" Roselie asked almost irritated

"I don't know but at least she is one among women that actually notices how handsome I am", he said while puffing his chest

"Keep fooling yourself", Roselie replied

"Hey Matteo, what's up", Luca called

Matteo turned around with a bored expression, he had recovered from the wolfsbane effect on his system

Luca ran forward to meet him, " Hey Man how are you doing ",Luca asked smiling

Matteo simply stared at him for a few seconds before he just sighed and continued on his way. They were all going to their rooms, as the headquarters for Vampires were built underground. It had so many rooms, one could call it an underground city because that was what exactly it was.

When Luca saw that it useless trying to keep up with Matteo, he went back to Roselie he left behind earlier

"Why did you come back?" , she asked whole raising an eyebrow at him

"Well let's just say I don't want to walk alone ,and you just happen to be a good company so, here I am "

"Or because Matteo is not in the mood for your foolish talks and you decided that the next convenient is me", she asked boredly, which Luca smiled too

"You know Roselie", Luca started when placing a hand over shoulder, knowing fully well that Roselie hates physical contact

"If you love your hand, you will probably get that off my shoulders "

He paid no heed to her words until he felt great pains on his hand and he immediately removed them while breathing heavily like he was about to die. That was Roselie's ability, pain , she had the ability to cause people great pain just by thinking about it and imagining it being transferred to the other person

"Roseee", he yelled, Roselie simply smiled and walked away leaving Luca behind


"What do you plan to do with the she wolf Alan", Antonio started

"Soon you will find out", Alan simply replied

"Alan you can't keep doing this ", Lorenzo interjected which made Alan turn towards him

"You were saying ", Alan asked with authority

Though afraid, Lorenzo still spoke up, " We are 10 members of this council but every time you keep taking decisions without informing any of us of what you do", turning to the other Seven members of the council he said , " I am not right my fellow council members ", towhich the all said "You are right" in Unison

Which gave Lorenzo more courage to challenge Alan the more

When Alan saw that the majority was in support of Lorenzo he decided to spill a bit of the tea

"I heard that the she wolf has been visited by the moon herself and that she has been blessed by her"

"How is that possible ? ", Antonio asked

"Well, there is only one way to find out ", He replied while looking at Dahlia who lay on the floor unconscious

"I guess you are right", Lorenzo said as he stared at Alan with spite to which Alan smirked. They both had some unfinished business to settle. Which could lead to problems in the council but then everyone had one sneaky game or the other playing up


"Alpha, we couldn't find her", one of the warrior reported to the Alpha who stood under the rain, he had searching for his daughter since morning

"What about her scent or any form of trail", he asked

"Nothing Alpha , the rain has washed everything away"

"Find herrrrrrrrr", he yelled in anger as he was half transforming because of the anger

"Yes, Alpha", the warrior replied in fear as he rushed away from the angry Father who cod easily slay anyone especially in this mood

"Bring me those fools", he commanded his Beta

"Yes Alpha", the beta replied as he went to bring the people the Alpha requested


"Please Beta Riccardo, help us", one of the warrior pleaded with the Beta , he was all bloodied and had lost so much blood even for a werewolf.

The Beta was conflicted as he didn't know what to do, the one who had pleaded with him had once saved his life and also had a pregnant mate. On one hand he had to obey the rules of the Alpha, on the other hand this was someone who had saved him once , he decided that he was going to talk to the Alpha, he couldn't let a hood deed go like that. There was no way he was going to let someone who saved his life die like that.

Ricardo gathered up courage to go face Alpha Claudia, this was the first he was ever going to go against his Alpha's words.

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